How to Avoid a Bear Trap  (2024)

Table of Contents
  1. What Is a Bear Trap?
  2. How Does a Bear Trap Work?
  3. Example of a Bear Trap Stock in Action
  4. 5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Bear Trap Trading
  5. What to Do If You’re Already Trapped in Your Trades
Key Takeaways
  • Bear traps result from incorrectly predicting a downward trend in a stock’s value.
  • Bear traps are dangerous because they can lead to indefinitely high losses.
  • Avoid short sales to ensure you’ll never end up in a bear trap, and invest in put options instead.
  • Don’t predict market trends during periods of low trading volume.
  • Manage investment risk by making data-informed predictions and using a stop-loss order when opening a short position on a stock.

What Is a Bear Trap?

A bear trap is the result of an incorrect prediction from an investor. When a downturn in a stock’s value appears to be imminent, bearish investors open a short position on the stock, hoping to profit from the downturn.

If the stock trends upwards instead of downwards, those in a short position are trapped in the trade. They must either cover their short positions and accept their losses or hope the trend will reverse. However, waiting for a trend reversal is dangerous because you leave yourself at risk of ever-increasing losses.

How Does a Bear Trap Work?

Bear traps are the result of investors participating in short sales of stock. A short position occurs when an investor borrows a certain stock and agrees to pay at a later date. The investor sells the borrowed stock for the current market price. If the stock price goes down, the investor pays the lender the lower price and makes a profit.

Unfortunately, if the price of the stock increases while the investor is in a short position, they can get stuck having to pay a much higher price to the lender than anticipated, potentially losing huge sums of money.

How to Avoid a Bear Trap (1)

Example of a Bear Trap Stock in Action

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, energy company stocks were volatile and difficult to predict. In 2021, many investors found themselves caught in a bear trap after opening a short position on SM Energy. Barron’s reported short sales of SM stock led to roughly -$248 million in losses for investors that year.

SM Energy’s valuation had been low throughout 2020 but began to climb in early 2021. When the value started dropping again between June and August 2021, bearish investors predicted the value would continue declining and return to 2020 levels. In late August 2021, the stock was valued at $15.26, and many investors had opened short positions, believing the value would continue to drop.

Unfortunately for investors in a short position, SM Energy’s value began rising in the fall of 2021, reaching $37.04 by November. Following November, the stock experienced some volatility but never dropped below $30 and, as of October 2022, is valued above $40.

Investors who entered a short position on the stock in 2021 were never able to regain the value lost.

5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Bear Trap Trading

1. Avoid Short Positions Altogether

The only way to guarantee you’ll never end up in a bear trap is to avoid opening a short position. Investment educator Christopher Gray explains, “Short selling is risky, especially during bear traps, because our losses can continue indefinitely.”

While there is risk in all stock trading, shorting a stock has additional risks that make it dangerous for inexperienced investors. When entering a long position on a stock, you will only ever lose the original value of the trade. But entering a short position puts you at risk of infinite loss because the value of the stock could continue to rise without limit. That’s why investor, strategic advisor, and YouTube host Brandon Beavis has never shorted a stock.

Beavis explains why he believes investors are safer and can achieve significant profits without short-selling stock, saying, “I tend to believe that over time if you look at the markets, they do push up more than they go down, especially if we’re looking at quality companies here . . . I’d rather just play the odds knowing that good companies over time should increase in value.”

Profit From Stock Market Downturns by Investing in Put Options Instead

A put option is a contract that gives you the right to sell or short a stock at a predetermined price. Put options offer a less risky alternative to investors hoping to profit from a market downturn.

Venture capitalist and award-winning MBA professor Chris Harron recommends purchasing put options rather than shorting stock commodities. “Buying puts is safer than shorting a stock as the most you can lose is the amount you paid for the put,” he advises.


In early October 2022, Apple stock was valued at $145. A trader who believed the price of Apple stock would drop below $100 before mid-December could purchase a put option with a December expiration date for $0.71 per share. This would give the trader the right to sell shares at $100.

If the stock does not drop in value before the expiration date, the trader has no obligation to buy stock and resell it at the agreed-upon value. This is because, with the current market price, doing so would result in a loss for the trader.

However, if the stock’s value drops to $95 before the put option expires, the trader could purchase the stock for that lower price and resell it for $100, making $5 per share. If the trader chooses not to exercise the put option, the only value lost is the price the trader paid for the put option. In this case, it would be $0.71 per share.

2. Use the Relative Strength Index to Make Data-Informed Decisions

If you choose to short a stock, never simply go with your gut. Decrease your risk of making an incorrect decision by using data analysis to track price action. The relative strength index (RSI) is one of the most common tools for technical analysis. It allows investors to view price movements as part of a larger context. This makes it easier to predict if a change in value points to a pattern or if it’s an isolated event.

A financial analyst can help you perform the analysis needed to make decisions, but it’s always a good idea to understand the basics behind the tools your financial analyst is using.Calculate RSI with the following two-part formula:

Step 1:

100 − [100 / 1+ Average Loss / Average Gain]

*Typically, the average loss and average gain are calculated over a period of 14 days.

Step 2:

Step 2 can be calculated once you have 14 periods of data available.

100 − [100 / 1+ ((Previous Average Loss × 13) + Current Loss)) / (Previous Average Gain × 13) + Current Gain]

Traditionally, an RSI reading of 70 or above indicates an overbought situation, meaning the price is artificially high and should soon decrease to correct itself. A reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold condition, meaning the price will rise when the market corrects itself.

3. Don’t Trust Trends During Periods of Low Trading Volume

If you notice a trend reversal in the price of a stock, check to make sure the trading volume is high. Opening a short position on a stock during low trading volume could land you in a bear trap. This is because periods of low trading volume can cause false trends to appear. Wait for periods of high trading volume to make predictions about trends in the market.

During periods of low trading volume, the decisions of a few investors can stand out, appearing to be a trend. But these “trends” don’t give traders the full picture of average investors’ sentiments.


Always check the daily trading volume and compare it with the Average Daily Trading Volume (ADTV). ADTV is the average number of shares traded per day over a period of six months.

4. Put a Stop-Loss Order in Place

Implementing a stop-loss order allows investors to minimize losses in the event that an investment does not pan out as expected. American billionaire and hedge fund manager Bruce Kovner says, “Whenever I enter a position I have a predetermined stop. I know where I’m getting out before I get in.”

Putting a stop-loss order in place while in a short position on a stock means you have instructed your broker to exit the investment and cover the losses when the value reaches a specific amount you have chosen.


An investor might enter a short position while a stock is valued at $50 per share, and the greatest loss the investor is willing to accept would occur when the stock hits $60. With a stop-loss order in place, when the stock reaches $60, the investor’s broker will automatically exit the investment so the losses don’t continue to climb.

With a stop-loss order in place, you’ll never be in the dark about the level of risk you’re taking on. You can plan for the worst-case scenario while pursuing the best-case scenario.

5. Frequently Reevaluate Your Trades and Scale Appropriately

Never make a trade, especially a short sale, and let it go unmonitored. Watch as the market moves and scale your investment to control your level of risk.

Founder of Investors Underground Nathan Michaud encourages investors to watch their investments. This helps them take action as they see their investments move in either direction.

“Have I added too much? Then size back down. Is it doing what I thought? Great, then scale up a little bit,” Michaud says. “Reevaluate every step of the way.”

If you are heavily invested in a short sale, and the value of the stock has not dropped as rapidly as you anticipated, consider closing a portion of the trade to decrease your risk. You don’t have to entirely exit the trade if you still believe you’re in a good position, but scale back to control your level of risk.

What to Do If You’re Already Trapped in Your Trades

All investors find themselves in a bad trade at some point. If you get caught in a bear trap, it’s too late to practice risk management. Instead, it’s time to quickly take action. Follow these two steps:

1. Cut Your Losses

If you realize you’re invested in a bear trap stock, don’t hold onto the trade hoping the trend will reverse. This will only cause you to lose an ever-increasing amount of money. As soon as you know the stock is trending upward, cover your short position and cut your losses.


If you wouldn’t open a short position based on the way the stock is currently trending, close the short positions you already have.

2. Learn From Your Mistakes

Co-founder of trading firm SMB Capital Mike Bellafiore gives advice to investors who find themselves in a losing position.

“Use this energy, this frustration—this energy of frustration—to map out solutions so you don’t feel frustrated again and execute on implementing solutions into your daily routine,” Bellafiore says. “Turn trading distress into trading progress.” In other words, once you’ve experienced a bear trap, follow sound risk management strategies to avoid finding yourself in that position again.

To learn more about investing, check out How to Invest $1,000 Right Now.”


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How to Avoid a Bear Trap  (2024)


How to Avoid a Bear Trap ? ›

The simplest way to avoid getting caught in a bear trap is to avoid shorting a stock in a primary uptrend before it has confirmed a reversal.

How to escape a bear trap? ›

With as much force as possible, press down hard on the springs to compress them. As the springs com- press, they will lower and relieve pressure on the jaws. Once the jaws are loose, slip your foot out of the trap. Release the springs.

What triggers a bear trap? ›

A bear trap occurs when the price of a financial asset appears to be on a steady decline. This leads investors to expect a further drop, and they short-sell to profit from the continuing downtrend. The trap is now set: instead of continuing to fall, the price suddenly reverses and goes back up.

How do you disarm a bear trap in real life? ›

Bear traps have two springs, one on each side. They push up, and that upward motion pushes the clamps together and simultaneously locks the jaws closed, preventing the bear (or you) from pulling them apart. To set the trap or release it, all you need to do is push both of those springs down at the same time.

What happens if you stand in a bear trap? ›

You'd get trapped, you'd be in a lot of pain, and you'd have a very serious leg wound, possibly including broken bones. This is one reason not to attempt to trap bears—the trapper doesn't really know who or what will step in the trap.

How painful is getting caught in a bear trap? ›

It can happen to anyone, even the most experienced and skilled outdoorsmen. Bear traps are designed to immobilize and cause pain to the animal it traps. Unfortunately, if you get caught in one, the same will happen to you. You will experience extreme pain and your mobility will be limited.

What happens if a human gets caught in a bear trap? ›

The older, traditional ones have triangular metal “teeth” that touch point-to-point when the jaws of the trap are closed. This type is likely to do the most damage- a large trap could easily cause a fracture or partial amputation in a human arm or leg assuming the trap was large enough to create that level of force.

How to avoid bear traps? ›

Bear traps result from incorrectly predicting a downward trend in a stock's value. Bear traps are dangerous because they can lead to indefinitely high losses. Avoid short sales to ensure you'll never end up in a bear trap, and invest in put options instead.

How do you spot a bear trap? ›

If a strong bullish trend suddenly gets disrupted by a suspicious downtrend, instead of jumping to it, you must check other market parameters to understand why it happened. If there is no meaningful change in market sentiment to cause a reversal, then it probably is a bear trap.

Why are bear traps illegal? ›

Some animals, especially mothers desperate to return to their young, will even attempt to chew or twist off their trapped limbs. When they can't escape, their babies are left alone, unable to fend for themselves. Because of the cruelty inherent in the use of steel-jaw traps, they've been banned in many countries.

What is a bear trap reversal? ›

A bear trap is a reversal against a bearish price trend. It forces traders who are short to cover their position to prevent further losses. Learn more about bear traps, including how to identify them and how to escape them. Written by: Russell Burns | Financial Writer, London.

How do you escape a bear chase? ›

Slowly wave your arms above your head and tell the bear to back off. Do NOT run or make any sudden movements. Do not make any loud noises or screams—the bear may think it's the sound of a prey animal. Hike and travel in groups.

What is anti bear trap safety? ›

An airgun mechanism designed to prevent the premature closing of the breech during loading to protect the fingers while a pellet is being inserted into the breech of a gun.

Is a bear trap good or bad? ›

A bear trap is a reversal against a bearish move that may force traders to abandon their short positions in the face of rising losses. It's called a trap because it often catches traders off-guard, and it comes on the back of a decline in the market that looks likely to continue.

How long does a bear trap work for? ›

When a creature gets trapped, durability slowly depletes at a rate of one unit per eight seconds. With a total durability of one hundred this takes some time (800 seconds or 13.33 minutes) to let go, unit can also be repaired with a captive in its jaws.

Can you leave with bear trap? ›

You cannot escape with a reverse bear trap on your head at all. It will immediately activate and sacrifice the survivor, including hatch/exit gates.

How do you escape a bear encounter? ›

If the bear is stationary, move away slowly and sideways; this allows you to keep an eye on the bear and avoid tripping. Moving sideways is also non-threatening to bears. Do NOT run, but if the bear follows, stop and hold your ground. Bears can run as fast as a racehorse both uphill and down.

How do you free an animal from a bear trap? ›

Regardless of the style of foothold trap, opening the jaws is accomplished basically the same for all. You must compress the levers or springs on either side of the trap jaws with your hands or feet to open the trap. to the levers or springs as closely to the jaws as possible for the most leverage.

Can you escape with a bear trap on your head in DBD? ›

There are 5 Jigsaw boxes, meaning you have a 20% chance of getting the right key. You cannot escape with a reverse bear trap on your head at all.

How to get out of your own bear trap in Ark? ›

Use caution - if you are caught in your own trap you cannot demolish it. If this happens then killing yourself by consuming Feces or Spoiled Meat and then retrieving your corpse may be a better option in order to save time. Note that the trap's durability will continue going down and cannot be reused.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.