What does it mean when something has high volume? (2024)

What does it mean when something has high volume?

Meaning of high volume in English

When something has a lot of volume?

Something that is voluminous is very large or contains a lot of things.

What is the meaning of huge volume?

extremely large in size ... See more at huge. volume. noun.

What does great volume mean?

of great volume, size, or extent: voluminous flow of lava. Synonyms: ample, copious, extensive. of ample size, extent, or fullness: voluminous petticoats.

What is the word for high volume?

What is another word for high-volume?
a dime a dozenvoluminous
a gogoflowing
90 more rows

What does high volume mean in business?

High Volume Business: A high volume business typically deals with a large quantity of goods or services. It focuses on producing or delivering products or services on a massive scale to meet high customer demand. These businesses often have streamlined and efficient processes to handle large volumes effectively.

What does high volume mean in working out?

High Volume Training is split into several weekly training sessions designed to focus on specific muscle groups. This type of training involves several repetitions and exercises for each targeted muscle group. Trainees calculate a percentage of their one-rep maximum and use that as their appropriate training weight.

Is high volume a good thing?

An uptrend paired with increasing and/or above average volume implies investor enthusiasm for that stock or asset is strong, which could lead to more buying and even higher prices.

What is a simple definition of volume?

Definition. A volume is simply defined as the amount of space occupied by any three-dimensional solid. These solids can be a cube, a cuboid, a cone, a cylinder or a sphere. Different shapes have different volumes.

Does high volume mean buying or selling?

Think of volume as a thermometer, gauging the temperature of investor interest in a particular stock. High trading volume indicates significant investor interest and liquidity, meaning you can buy or sell shares with minimal price impact. Low volume, on the other hand, might suggest investor apathy.

Is high volume bad for a stock?

If you see a stock that's appreciating on high volume, it's more likely to be a sustainable move. If you see a stock that's appreciating on low volume, it could be a dead cat bounce. Logically, when more money is moving a stock price, it means there is more demand for that stock.

What is high volume and low volume?

Low volume manufacturers service smaller projects, while high volume manufacturers service larger projects that offer cost savings with economies of scale. However, not all businesses are the same, and many may be debating low volume vs. high volume manufacturing.

What is the other meaning of volume?

The words bulk and mass are common synonyms of volume. While all three words mean "the aggregate that forms a body or unit," volume applies to an aggregate without shape or outline and capable of flowing or fluctuating. a tremendous volume of water.

Why is high volume important?

By providing a range of benefits, including increased muscle endurance and strength, improved flexibility and range of motion, reduced risk of injury, and improved recovery time, high-volume training is a crucial component of any athlete's training regimen.

What is high volume in marketing?

The high volume strategy allows you to sell a large volume quickly, relying on the smaller profit per item to add up due to volume. This strategy works if you paid well below the market price for each item and you have a large inventory to sell.

What does a high volume of sales mean?

the sale of large quantities of a product: The firm specializes in volume sales to major businesses.

How much volume is high volume?

High volume is usually considered to be 2 or more times the average daily volume over the last 50 days for that stock, however some traders might set the crireia to be 3x or 4x the ADV for confirmation of a particular pattern or event.

Is low volume or high volume better?

So far there is no consensus about the best way to train, what is known is that the results depend on several factors. Saying that doing a high volume workout is better than doing a low volume workout is not correct.

Does high volume mean more reps?

If you do five reps with a 100-pound barbell and increase to 10 reps with the same barbell, you have increased the volume. If you do five reps but increase the barbell weight to 150 pounds, you have increased the intensity.

Does high volume mean high pressure?

Decreasing the volume of a contained gas will increase its pressure, and increasing its volume will decrease its pressure. In fact, if the volume increases by a certain factor, the pressure decreases by the same factor, and vice versa.

Is high volume bad for strength?

It isn't ideal for strength/peaking phases where the goal is to lift the heaviest. This is due to the fact that you won't be able to lift as much as you're capable of due to high volume adding fatigue that masks strength.

How do you explain volume in science?

Volume is the amount of space occupied by a sample of matter. The volume of a regular object can be calculated by multiplying its length by its width and height. Since each of those is a linear measurement, we say that units of volume are derived from units of length.

What is a real life example of volume?

In the real world volume calculations are used for many purposes. For example, knowing the shape of a gasoline tank (including length, width, height, or even circumference, depending on the tank's shape) can allow automobile manufacturers to calculate exactly how much gasoline a car's tank will hold.

What is volume sound?

The volume of a sound is how loud or quiet the sound is. Sounds are vibrations that travel through the air. A nail hit hard with a hammer will make a strong vibration, which means it will make a loud sound. A nail hit gently with a hammer will make a weak vibration, which means it will make a quiet sound.

What does high volume tell you about a stock?

Volume is often viewed as an indicator of liquidity, as stocks or markets with the most volume are the most liquid and considered the best for short-term trading; there are many buyers and sellers ready to trade at various prices.


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Author: Tish Haag

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