Why patients are waiting so long in emergency rooms across Canada - Macleans.ca (2024)

Why patients are waiting so long in emergency rooms across Canada - Macleans.ca (1)

As Canada’s emergency rooms grapple with persistent staffing and bed shortages, hospital admission wait times are getting longer. This past December in Ontario,patients waited in ERs for an average of nearly 22 hours before getting admitted to the hospital—almost three times longer than the provincial target time of eight hours.

According to Michael Howlett, president of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, or CAEP, decades of underfunding fuelled systemic problems, which are now hitting a breaking point. Ontario wait times will likely only get worse, he says, particularly during respiratory virus seasons.

Howlett—who works as an emergency physician in Durham region, just east of Toronto—is concerned that these extended wait times are causing preventable deaths: inNovember, a patient died in a Winnipeg ER hallway after waiting for a bed for 33 hours. The following month, two patients died over two days while waiting for treatment in a Quebec ER that was operating at nearly 200 per cent capacity for weeks.This is the worst year Howlett has seen in his three-decade career as an emergency physician. Here, he explains how we ended up in such a dire situation and what needs to change to save patients’ lives.

You started off as an emergency physician in Nova Scotia back in 1987. How does what’s going on now compare to back then?

In 1987, there was no such thing as a person waiting in an ER to be admitted. It just didn’t happen. If a physician or nurse called in sick, we had enough replacements—full-timers and part-timers—to cover for them.

Things started to change around 1990, when provincial governments cut back on staffing in the name of improving efficiency, which has long been used as an excuse for fiscal restraint in health care. Now, all the redundancies and fail-safes we had in place have been removed. I started to notice the impact of those losses in the early 2000s. And now, 20 years later, we have overburdened physicians and nurses in ERs that routinely operate far above capacity.

How did these cutbacks ripple out beyond the ER?

The efficiency-focused reforms have also led to inadequate investments in acute care, long-term care and primary care. In Ontario, there were more than 35,000 acute-care hospital beds in 1990. Despite the province’s growing and aging population, Ontario’s government had cut that number down to 20,000 beds by the start of the pandemic.

As early as 1992, emergency physicians like myself worried that cutting back on clinical care beds would result in more people being housed in ERs. And that’s exactly what’s happened. An ER has become the collection point for patients who can’t get treatment elsewhere in the health-care system.

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For example, some seniors face mobility difficulties, as well as functionality challenges caused by conditions like dementia. These individuals require specialized long-term care from geriatric nurses and other professionals in a hospital setting. But because we don’t have enough long-term care beds to keep up with our aging population, many of these seniors find themselves at home without adequate assistance for their complex needs.Inevitably, they develop serious problems and seek help in ERs. And since we don’t have enough acute-care beds, hospitals will try to find a way to discharge patients and send them home. This cycle then repeats, resulting in progressively worse health outcomes for the patients each time.

How else are these cutbacks and extended wait times affecting ER patients?

I’ve heard stories from emergency physicians around the country about patients who don’t get to a bed before they have a crisis. Patients have had heart attacks while sitting in the waiting room. Others, brought in by ambulance, are being resuscitated on the floor or on the ambulance offload stretcher. Elderly people are developing bed sores and ulcers because they’ve been lying on a stretcher for two or three days, and they aren’t moved because staff are too overwhelmed with all their other tasks.

There have been some shifts where every single patient I treated was on a stretcher in the hallway or in a chair somewhere in the ER, simply because there were no beds to put them in. Some of my patients have waited 100 hours to get admitted.

What about preventable deaths? There are reports across the country of patients dying in ERs while waiting to get adequate treatment.

It’s important to note that the wait times aren’t equally bad for everyone. Emergency professionals are pretty good at identifying the worst cases and treating them as quickly as possible. For example, my last heart attack patient was triaged, examined and tested within 10 minutes of entering the ER.

The real problem is patients with less immediately serious issues, who face long wait times that can potentially kill them. Patients might first enter the ER with mild chest pains that are precursors to a heart attack, or they could have internal bleeding that isn’t detectable when we initially assess them. They’re waiting 20, 40, 60 hours or more for a bed to open up. As those wait times go up, death rates also inevitably go up.

Are people with potentially serious issues getting discouraged from going to an ER because of long wait times?

Definitely. Often someone dies or has a major problem because they stayed away when they shouldn’t have. Even though I may send some of my patients home because they aren’t really sick, I never tell them it was wrong to come to the ER. I’ve seen many people who looked exactly like them and they ended up having a serious issue. So people shouldn’t stay away, because they don’t have the expertise to know how serious their issues are.

How are emergency staffers coping with this crisis?

It’s impossible for emergency staff to keep up with the current care load. Five years ago—right before the pandemic—one of the hospitals I work at had 70 beds and about 25 nurses seeing 250 people in the ER in a given day, with 15 admitted patients waiting for an acute-care bed. Today, that same ER is dealing with upward of 70 admissions.

When emergency staff can’t perform in the ways they’ve been taught, they feel like they’re failing. Sometimes, a sick patient might need to be on a monitor, and the emergency staff know that, but there aren’t any available monitors. And then the patient’s condition might suddenly worsen without staff catching the issue as fast as they should. That’s not their fault, they’re doing the best they can, and yet it’s still upsetting because their hands are tied. It’s demoralizing to know what you should be doing and not have the time or resources to do it. It causes tremendous moral angst and moral injury, and that’s driving them away.

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Some of them are transitioning to walk-in clinic and family medicine work, while others take on administrative or leadership roles and only do emergency work part-time. The same phenomenon is happening with nurses: they often move from the emergency room to operating rooms, long-term care or public health, where the work is more predictable and less demanding.

To make things worse, we don’t have adequate numbers of medical professionals graduating to fill in those gaps, especially at the specialist level in emergency and critical care. So, when we find ourselves with a shortage, we’re forced to hire people with less specialized experience. This risks lowering the quality of care, because there’s a steep learning curve for non-specialized staffers.

If this status quo holds, how bad will things get over the next decade as our population ages?

Without alternative options, patients who don’t know what to do about their health issues will continue going to ERs. This will increase stress on the acute-care system. Wait times will get longer, especially for those middle-of-the-road sick people, more of whom might get sicker and die right there in the waiting area.

We will also have more makeshift care: improvised treatment locations, like hospital corridors, will become the norm. We might also resort to alternatives like virtual care online, particularly in smaller communities that struggle to find medical staff. There’s only so much a doctor can do virtually without physically examining a patient.

MORE: State of Emergency: Inside Canada’s ER Crisis

What tangible steps can we take to solve these problems?

We need a new system-wide, top-down approach that prioritizes a culture of patient care and safety. For example, we must see seniors as people with problems that need addressing, rather than thinking of them as the problem.That new approach means targeted investments from all levels of government to tackle critical pinch points in the system where we’ve neglected seniors’ needs: acute care and long-term community care have significant capacity problems, so we must boost investments in beds and staff in those areas.

We also need targeted investment in emergency care professionals: more trained emergency physicians, emergency nurses, critical care nurses and support staff. CAEP predicts that we’re going to have a shortfall of 1,500 emergency physicians in Canada by 2025. That number is going to keep growing. We’ll also need to devote resources to increasing the number of family doctors and social supports, like community health workers.

By employing a proactive approach with all these investments, we’ll address patients’ needs and pull them out of the cycle of inadequate care and worsening health outcomes that they’re trapped in right now. This will reduce the pressure on our ERs and could very well pull us out of this crisis.

What about privatization? Could that help improve things for Canadian health care?

Spending money on the private system takes the focus off the essential improvements we need in the public system. Privatization is an option for those seeking quicker and more efficient treatment than what the public system provides. However, it’s crucial to maintain emergency medicine as an accessible option for everyone. With an already insufficient number of emergency physicians and nurses, we can’t afford to lose staff to nine-to-five private care positions.

How confident do you feel about your proposed solutions actually happening?

Well, CAEP called for a national forum with all the provincial health ministers back in October, but we didn’t hear a thing from them. All we can do is continue to advocate for what the system needs.

I keep at it because I like talking to people, and there’s a certain joy in using your abilities to help individuals. But the energy it takes to stay positive is hard to muster when it often feels like I’m losing the battle. There are always trade-offs when it comes to where we invest our resources, and we as a society have to decide whether or not letting people die for preventable reasons in hospital corridors is a price we’re willing to pay.

What does the future hold for you as an emergency physician?

I don’t like how difficult it’s become to work within the system. I hate seeing patients lying in the hallways. Even little things like finding supplies are now a struggle. Advocating to improve those things is an even bigger struggle. It’s just been so difficult to get any traction on bringing attention to these problems.

I’m 63 and close to retirement, but what really sustains me is the joy I still get from seeing patients and doing what I can for them, despite all the difficulties. Sometimes, my efforts pay off and a patient who could have died lives instead. And for me, making that positive difference is what it’s all about.

Why patients are waiting so long in emergency rooms across Canada - Macleans.ca (2024)


Why are Canadian ER wait times so long? ›

Patients have nowhere else to go.

An estimated 6.5 million Canadians don't have a family doctor. One-third of people who do find it difficult to book an appointment. Without access to primary care, seeking treatment may be delayed, leading to sicker patients and emergency room overcrowding.

Why are ERS under intense pressure across Canada? ›

Staff shortages and hospital overcrowding combined with poor access to high-quality team-based primary care are leaving hospital emergency departments woefully under-resourced for the avalanche of patients with influenza, COVID-19 or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) at this time of year.”

What is the wait time in Canada hospitals? ›

In addition, the median waiting time from a specialist appointment to treatment was 13.1 weeks. In other words, the median wait from a referral by GP to treatment in Canada reached an average of 27.7 weeks in 2023. However, the median waiting times in Canada ranged from 22 weeks in Ontario to 57 weeks in Nova Scotia.

Why do people wait so long in the emergency room? ›

Most emergencies happen after work hours, at night and on the weekends. When there aren't enough emergency staff present during these busy times, it leads to overcrowded waiting rooms and extreme delays.

Why are emergency rooms closing in Canada? ›

More than 1,000 times this year, an Ontario hospital emergency department or urgent care centre closed its doors because there weren't enough nurses to fill shifts. “Our hospital emergency rooms are the safety net of our healthcare system, and 1,199 times in Ontario in the last year, they were closed.

How long do Canadians wait in the emergency room compared to the US? ›

Studies by the Commonwealth Fund found that 42% of Canadians waited 2 hours or more in the emergency room, vs. 29% in the U.S.; 57% waited 4 weeks or more to see a specialist, vs.

What happens if an American has a medical emergency in Canada? ›

If I get sick or have an accident while visiting Canada, will the Government of Canada pay for my medical treatment? Canada does not pay for hospital or medical services for visitors. You should get health insurance to cover any medical costs before you come to Canada.

Why is there a healthcare crisis in Canada? ›

Emergency departments across the country are overwhelmed with patients waiting many hours to receive care due to a mix of factors including staffing shortages, overcrowding and a surge of viruses at this time of year.

Should I go to the ER Canada? ›

Always go to the ER if you have been in a major accident or for potentially life-threatening symptoms like: Trouble breathing, or catching your breath. Severe abdominal or chest pain/pressure. Weakness or tingling on one side of your body.

What country has the longest wait time for healthcare? ›

As if any more confirmation was needed, a new study suggests patients in Canada now face the longest wait times on record. The study, which surveys physicians across 12 medical specialities, found that the median wait time between referral from a family doctor to treatment now stands at 27.7 weeks.

Why does it take so long to get healthcare in Canada? ›

Several factors have been identified as contributing to the excessive wait times for access to specialists in Canada, including limited specialty care resources, inconsistency in family physicians' abilities to order advanced diagnostic tests, and higher demands on the health care system at large.

What province has the best healthcare in Canada? ›

British Columbia, the top-ranked province, places third behind Switzerland and Sweden, with “A”s on 4 of the 11 indicators. At 82.2 years, life expectancy in B.C. is among the highest in the world. B.C. also gets “A”s for premature mortality, mortality due to cancer, and self-reported health status.

What to say in ER to get in faster? ›

Be specific: Describe your symptoms in detail. Instead of saying “I feel sick,” explain the specific symptoms you are experiencing, such as nausea, dizziness, or chest pain. This will help the medical staff understand the urgency of your situation. Use descriptive language: Paint a vivid picture of your symptoms.

Why are emergency rooms so crowded? ›

Seemingly, the explanation for this crowding phenomenon revolves around finances. Common thinking reasons that elective admissions reimburse better than poorly funded ER admissions and elective surgeries pay better than trauma in addition to being more predictable.

Why are there no windows in emergency rooms? ›

In America hospitals need to control their environment so it's not surprising that the windows don't open. liability for the hospital, keeping strange pathogens from floating in, and being able to control the temperature and humidity of the room are all good reasons for them to not open.

Why does it take so long to see a specialist in Canada? ›

Wait times for medical procedures across Canada are some of the longest in the developed world and are far longer than they used to be. A shortage of doctors is often cited as a primary factor behind this problem.

What state has the longest ER wait times? ›

Washington, D.C. and Maryland have the longest emergency room wait times by state at over four hours. ER wait times in Delaware and Rhode Island are 3.5 hours.

How long is the average wait to see a doctor in Canada? ›

The study, an annual survey of physicians across Canada, reports a median wait time of 27.7 weeks—the longest ever recorded, longer than the wait of 27.4 weeks reported in 2022—and 198 per cent higher than the 9.3 weeks Canadians waited in 1993, when the Fraser Institute began tracking wait times.

How can I reduce my hospital waiting time in Canada? ›

Reduce Physical Paperwork

Intake paperwork also backs up the waiting room and delays patients from being treated. If they need to complete forms on paper after arriving, this requires more time spent without seeing a medical professional.

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