Triple Candlestick Patterns (2025)

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TRIPLE candlestick patterns!

To identify triple Japanese candlestick patterns, you need to look for specific formations that consist of three candlesticks in total.

These candlestick formations help traders determine how the price is likely to behave next.

Some three candlestick patterns are reversal patterns, whichsignal the end of the current trend and the start of a new trend in the opposite direction.

And other three candlestick patterns are continuation patterns, whichsignala pause and then thecontinuation of the current trend.

Let’s take a look at the popular triple Japanese candlestick patterns.

Evening and Morning Stars

The Morning Star and the Evening Star are triple candlestick patterns that you can usually find at the end of a trend.

They are reversal patterns that can be recognized through three characteristics.

Triple Candlestick Patterns (1)

We’ll use the Evening Star Pattern on the right as an example of what you may see:

  1. The first candlestick is a bullish candle, which is part of a recent uptrend.
  2. The second candle has a small body, indicating that there could be some indecision in the market. This candle can be either bullish or bearish.
  3. The third candlestick acts as a confirmation that a reversal is in place, as the candle closes beyond the midpoint of the first candle.

Three White Soldiers and Black Crows

The Three White Soldiers pattern is formed when three long bullish candles follow a DOWNTREND, signaling a reversal has occurred.

Triple Candlestick Patterns (2)

This type of triple candlestick pattern is considered as one of the most potent in-yo-face bullish signals, especially when it occurs after an extended downtrend and a short period of consolidation.

The first of the “three soldiers” is called the reversal candle. It either ends the downtrend or implies that the period of consolidation that followed the downtrend is over.

For the Three White Soldiers pattern to be considered valid, the second candlestick should be bigger than the previous candle’s body.

Also, the second candlestick should close near its high, leaving a small or non-existent upper wick.

For the Three White Soldiers pattern to be completed, the last candlestick should be at least the same size as the second candle and have a small or no shadow.

The Three Black Crows candlestick pattern is just the opposite of the Three White Soldiers.

It is formed when three bearish candles follow a strong UPTREND, indicating that a reversal is in the works.

The second candle’s body should be bigger than the first candle and should close at or very near its low.

Finally, the third candle should be the same size or larger than the second candle’s body with a very short or no lower shadow.

For the Three Black Crows pattern to be completed, the last candlestick should be at least the same size as the second candle and have a small or no shadow.

Three Inside Up and Down

Triple Candlestick Patterns (3)
The Three Inside Up candlestick formation is a trend-reversal pattern that is found at the bottom of a DOWNTREND.

This triple candlestick patternindicates that the downtrend is possibly over and that a new uptrend has started.

For a valid three inside up candlestick formation, look for these properties:

  1. The first candle should be found at the bottom of a downtrend and is characterized by a long bearish candlestick.
  2. The second candle should at least make it up all the way up to the midpoint of the first candle.
  3. The third candlestick needs to close above the first candle’s high to confirm that buyers have overpowered the strength of the downtrend.

Conversely, the Three Inside Down candlestick formation is found at the top of an UPTREND.

It means that the uptrend is possibly over and that a new downtrend has started.

A Three Inside Down candlestick formation needs to have the following characteristics:

  1. The first candle should be found at the top of an uptrend and is characterized by a long bullish candlestick.
  2. The second candle should make it up all the way down the midpoint of the first candle.
  3. The third candlestick needs to close below the first candle’s low to confirm that sellers have overpowered the strength of the uptrend.
Triple Candlestick Patterns (2025)


What are the triple candlestick patterns? ›

Triple candlestick patterns can be bullish or bearish. Triple candlestick patterns such as the morning star, morning star doji, bullish abandoned baby, three white soldiers, three inside up, and three outside up signal bullish trend reversals.

What is the 3 candlestick rule? ›

This triple candlestick pattern indicates that the downtrend is possibly over and that a new uptrend has started. For a valid three inside up candlestick formation, look for these properties: The first candle should be found at the bottom of a downtrend and is characterized by a long bearish candlestick.

What is the 3 candle strategy? ›

The pattern consists of three consecutive long-bodied candlesticks that open within the previous candle's real body and a close that exceeds the previous candle's high. These candlesticks should not have very long shadows and ideally open within the real body of the preceding candle in the pattern.

What are triple candles called? ›

A triple candlestick, also known as reed, tricereo, arundo, triangulum, or lumen Christi, was a liturgical object prescribed until 1955 in the Roman Rite Easter Vigil service, held on Holy Saturday morning.

What is the rarest candlestick pattern? ›

The rarest candlestick pattern is often considered the "Abandoned Baby." This pattern is a reversal indicator characterized by a gap followed by a Doji, which is a candle with a small body, and then another gap in the opposite direction.

What is the best candlestick pattern to trade? ›

In fact, we have distilled the Japanese candlestick patterns down to the top 7 that are easy to spot and offer excellent signals.
  • The Hammer Candlestick Pattern. One of the most popular candlestick patterns is the Hammer. ...
  • Bullish and Bearish Engulfing. ...
  • Shooting Star. ...
  • The Doji. ...
  • Inside Bar. ...
  • Key Reversal. ...
  • Morning/Evening Star.

What is a 3 top candlestick? ›

A triple top is formed by three peaks moving into the same area, with pullbacks in between, while a triple bottom consists of three troughs with rallies in the middle. While not often observed in everyday market trading, triple tops and bottoms provide compelling signal to technical traders for trend reversals.

What is the downside candle pattern? ›

The downside gap filled candlestick pattern is a rare, three candlestick formation that occurs during a bearish trend. It begins with two days of what appears to be a continuation of the downtrend, long black candlesticks. There is a sizeable down gap between the two candlesticks.

What do you call a candlestick with three candles? ›

Trikirion, a triple candlestick used in Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic liturgy. Paschal trikirion, a trikirion only used for Easter.

What is the bullish 3 method? ›

The bullish 3-Method formation is a signal to buy or hold long positions, as the pattern suggests that the bullish trend will continue. The bearish 3-Method formation, on the other hand, is a signal to sell or hold short positions, as the pattern indicates the continuation of the bearish trend.

What is a 3 candle reversal? ›

The three outside up and three outside down are three-candle reversal patterns that appear on candlestick charts. The pattern requires three candles to form in a specific sequence, showing that the current trend has lost momentum and might signal a reversal of an existing trend.

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