Top Posts Tagged with #head grandmother of everything the director | Tumlook (2024)


Apr 30, 2022

Episode 8 marks the halfway point of the drama and a lot of things happened. Primarily, a deeper dive into Joong Gil’s story and I am here for it. Also, you understand how his serious threatening aura is actually advantageous for more than one type of soul.

I AM OVER THE MOON WITH HOW MUCH SCREEN TIME JOONG GIL GOT THIS EPISODE. Could it have been more? Definitely. However, it was longer than the 60 seconds he has gotten in the past and I am thrilled. Hopefully, he has more of a main character presence in the future because it is about time.

We open the episode with Joong Gil and Ryeon 10 years ago. 10 years is interesting to me because I wonder if we can use this same year as the year she took over the Risk Management Team or if she was with him for a little bit longer before she switched. You also get the tidbit that they worked together for TWO HUNDRED years. What blew my mind is that he smiled at her and he gave honest and personal details. When she asked him why he doesn’t sleep he could have been succinct with it and simply say its hard or it is difficult for me. But he goes into detail! Which means he trusts her enough to tell her things he probably hasn’t told to anyone else. Before getting into the details of what he said, this alone makes his attitude towards her make more sense. He probably has never gotten close to anyone in the entirety of the time he was a Grim Reaper and he finds someone that he gets close to over the period of two hundred years (unbeknownst to him that is his wife) and finally gets comfortable enough to confide in her and then she leaves him to join another team that he doesn’t agree should exist. Less than a decade compared to two centuries is but a blip-- the hurt is still raw and he has not attempted to mend the bridges.

Why he can’t sleep is itself eye opening. He is haunted by nightmares. The fact that he can be haunted already breaks his self-imposed icicle facade. I’m afraid of falling asleep. When I sleep, that horrible moment keeps repeating itself. Sadness and rage. Distrust and despair. And lethargy. That person looks exactly like me but that’s not me. So I hate seeing that nightmare every time I fall asleep. The way she stood still and looked at him as he walked away speaks volumes. I have a strong inkling that his recollection of that memory varies with her recollection of that memory.

You get a little bit more detail about the single scene that replays over and over in his mind. The fact that this is the only scene is in itself interesting considering how long he has lived (because he looks to at least be in his mid 20s in the memory) and how long he has been a Grim Reaper. It seems like the people he killed knew him. He was not their enemy and it surprised them the calculatedness with which he killed them. This means that up until this point he was not this type of person and something drove him to do this. His words are also very telling because he says that he will take down anyone who dares to utter such insults no matter how many of them there are. I think the insults were not directed at him but someone who is important to him...he is acting out of protectiveness and defensiveness. Considering at this point, he was married, my gut says that it was Ryeon who he is protecting. You also learn that he runs into Ryeon after killing those men and she says is that how you were taught to wield a sword. Through those words, it seems like she does not think that he should be killing people. I am not sure if she knows what provoked him, that the reason he drew his sword was because of insults. Furthermore, he implied that there were many people who insulted them so even if she knew of the insults I don’t think he let her know the scope of how far it stretched. What she does know, I think she just lets it roll off of her shoulders but in contrast, he takes great issue with. I also have a feeling that the insultswere more than merely surface level and probably included jeopardizing their safety.

This memory does not warrant becoming a nightmare for someone who has lived for over four hundred years. The memory also cuts off right when she confronted him. Possibly this timing is what lead it to become a nightmare because there was no resolution. She clearly does not hate him for what happened that night. You know this because she retained her memories even in death and choseto work with him. I am sure because of the little deal that she had with the Director she could have chosen anywhere else to put in her hours. At the point of the flashback they had been working together for two hundred years... you do not work two centuries with someone you hate and resent and hold a grudge against. I think only in getting her memory of these events and completing this sequence will he be free of this nightmare. My theory is that since he is currently a emotionally stunted statue, he probably became emotionally awkward after becoming a soldier and being sent to the border. He lost the ability to read basic cues and effectively communicate. I don’t think he explainedto her why he did what he did (which is probably all she needed to not be upset at him), instead chosing to clam up. He probably died soon after and his regret was tackling the problem solo instead of letting her in and doing it together and as a result leaving her with such a bad impression of him. Letting his crueler tendencies get the best of him and letting her down. Sort of the same vibes of I didn’t want my last words to you to be an argument. I do not think his recollection is 100% accurate to what happened in reality since dreams take a form different to realitybut there is something about that moment, a wrong choice that he made, that he regrets and has been haunted by ever since. I hope that he can sleep peacefully by the end of the drama (if this happens with his head on Ryeon’s shoulder I will not complainnn).

Even after the red thread between them was cut, I think there is still a pull between Joong Gil and Ryeon. His nightmare does not feature her when he suddenly becomes worried and goes to the Risk Management Office to find her. I don’t think a Grim Reaper’s powers extend to target location transportation which means before we see him join the Risk Management Team, he had to find them. Which speaks to his perserverance and his worry.

I am moreso surprised by the subtle Joong Gil and Jun Woong interaction we got this episode. I betthat he intimidated the creepy psycho by promised him that death will be extremely torturous for him and showing him the fires of Hell to aidand reassureJun Woong. That he will pay the price of his actions in death. So that, even in Jun Woong does not kill him, it does not mean that he won’t suffer the way he deserves. He helpedhim in making his final decision in an implicit way. All I can say is give me more. By the end of this drama I want everyone melting in the face of the giant sunshine puppy.

Joong Gil and the Director meeting in her garden definitely makes me feel like she is everyone’s grandmother. When she compliments Jun Woong and says that he is an interesting fellow, sprightly like a budding leaf possibly because he is so young and not set in his ways (like they were with so many years behind them). When she told him that she thought Jun Woong would let the creep die but he has good instincts, Joong Gil did not disagree with the characteristic coldness he had in the beginning but was just softer and almost awkardly agreeing with her by saying that he didn’t know. I am herefor Joong Gil seeing the value in Jun Woong! Can’t wait for Joong Gil to be more open-minded and generous because I think that is the core of his character development. The grandmother aura came back in full force when she worried about how he was sleeping. It definitely feels like she is trying to gently nudge him in a given direction and that she only wants what is best for him. I am glad that he has this grandmother figure in Jumadeung because he really needs it.

The case itself I have very mixed feelings about. It was my least favorite part of the episode. Learning that the psycho who was profitting off of so many people who desired to take their own lives was not in fact the big burly man but the shrimp in a coat was a surprise and was not a surprise at the same time. He was the only one who never offered up his story and he radiated this aura of malice. Jun Woong definitely shines through even in this dark environment. It was with his encouragement and his words of support that he was able to save the two other people there and got them to escape before they would lose their lives. His story that he offered up was not a lie and it would make complete sense that anyone with his backstory would be on the fence and pushed to the brink to consider this group s**cide scam as a viable option. However, he immediately was offering words of support to everyone else and never gave up trying to escape even when the situation looked dire. While the capture scene was one of the most unhinged things I have watched in recent memory, Rowoon delivered that scene immaculately. You really felt the despiration and the panic that Jun Woong was experiencing in that moment. It truly did feel like a kick to the face when after all the suffering Jun Woong experienced at the hands of this creep that he would be the life they had to save. I am glad that the creep’s life is not easy in the aftermath since he cannot hear nor talk and will be confined to a bed for the rest of his life. However, part of me feels like that still can’t compare to what he put so many people through. Would have loved to see a second epilogue featuring all of the ways he will be tortured and miserable in Hell.

I think the case caused something in Jun Woong to break. Like there is an innocence and an energy that is now forever lost. Not only the case itself but Ryung Gu and Ryeon’s reactions. When they told him that the situation only existed because of him and to stop doing“reckless” things, it really felt like a dagger to the chest because he intervened because he cared, because he thought that what was happening was wrong, because he wanted to save lives. There was never really any recognition that his motives were valid. His intentions were good and his heart was in the right place and it felt like they were putting him down. He is the missing piece of Jumadeung and the heart of the Risk Management Team because he cares. He cares about people leading up to that choice and in the aftermath. Ryeon and Ryung Gu still mainly care about the people in the moment they are making the choice and still not at an honest and emotionally warm level like Jun Woong does. You remove that and you remove the light in the lightbulb. It is a fundamental part of who he is and the value he brings to the team. I really feel like they could have handled that better.

I do appreciate that at least Ryung Gu and Ryeon went after him and saved him. They are slightly redeemed by the aftermath of the case. How Ryeon followed through on getting justice while in the Land of the Living with the thumbdrive of footage. Saving them so that they can receive the punishment they deserve in the Land of the Living. This is one of the powers the Director has authorized to the team manager of the Risk Management Team. YESSSS.Ryung Gu shared a beer with Jun Woong and smiledat him. He spent time with him when he was not required to. He shared with Jun Woong that Ryeon was also very impulsive and hot headed when she was starting out as a Grim Reaper. Ryung Gu put his hand on his shoulder on his way out. Ryeon put her hand on Jun Woong’s shoulder in Episode 6 and now we get another hand on the shoulder. I feel like the way that the Grim Reapers show affection is through the shoulder pat of support and I love it. Cannot wait for Joong Gil’s shoulder pat of support to complete the trifecta of shoulder pats. I hope that the barriers between the three members of the Risk Management Team have relaxed and they become a stronger team from here on out. The Epilogue really highlights the growing playful energy that exists between the three of them and I love it so much.

It did feel like everything was a giant test for Jun Woong and I am not sure what the overall goal and outcome will be but I am praying for a happy ending.

The confrontation between Joong Gil and Ryeon was perfection. You could almost see the lightning coming out of each other’s eyes. I laughed when she called him out on the fact that he should not have been there because there was no soul. I do wonder, if he is this bad at lying, how she has not noticed this entire time that he cares for her in his own way? I don’t think she was prepared for him to start remembering their past. Ohhh it is likely to get angsty but I also want more fluff. I would love to see more happy moments between them while they were alive (and for him to remember that he loved (loves) her and he was happily married to her). I also want him to see her life in the aftermath of his death because I think that will be the most important element in being more open-minded and finally understanding her stance on s**cide. I really do hope for their reconcilliation.

There is a theory that Jun Woong could be a reincarnation of Joong Gil and Ryeon’s child. It has not been revealed that they had a family together but it would make sense chronologically. They married quite young and in the flashbacks (especially for ancient times) were old enough to have children. Possibly, their child passed away before Ryeon passed away because she entered into Hell with no regret or resentment. There would be regrets if you died and left you child all alone in the world without their parents, if you left behind someone you loved. However, if they were taken from her and it was not a natural death and she got justice and revenge for this, she would not have any regret or resentment because she avenged her loved ones. You can also see that Jun Woong shares similar traits to both of them: with his passionate hot-headedness at times (which comes from Ryeon) and his protectiveness of his loved ones (from the both of them). Both Joong Gil and Jun Woong got duped by the shaman in one of the earlier episodes. They both also have the same dynamic with the Director (caring but also testing her patience). Ryeon also sees something in Jun Woong and is relatively soft towards him to the point where she bends rules that she has never done before. She perhaps feels that subconscious pull and affection towards him. Joong Gil is softening towards Jun Woong and he is only really soft towards two other people- the Director and Ryeon. However, if he is truly their son, I don’t think she knows yet. I think that could be a big reveal later (possibly made by the Director) at a pivotal moment. If this is the direction we are heading in, I want to see more signs of how they are similar! Like mother like son, like father like son, like parents like child--- give it all to me!

On the other hand, I am nervous if they all are tied together in the past. The Director’s assignment for Ryeon is that she will need to save someone’s life and she will not know who that person is. Her entire team’s mission is to save someone’s life when they are considering s**cide. So, whoever this person is to be in the scope of the Risk Management Team will need to be considering s**cide. With the amount of observation that is being made towards Jun Woong, Jun Woong could be that person and Ryeon just does not know it yet. I do not want Jun Woong to be seriously considering taking his own life. I cannot imagine him being on this precipice because he would have to be significantly pushedto the brink and I also do not want to imagine what would entail. Please do not destroy me emotionally like that.

The next episode relates to animals and I am sure is going to tug on all of my heartstrings like all of the episodes that preceeded it. That being said, I hope that the show balance the cases well and each of them serves a purpose that warrants not focusing on the individual stories of the Grim Reapers. I get increasingly worried that the main characters (of which there are four.. not three.. four) will be pushed to the sidelines until the very end of the drama. Please focus more on the Grim Reapers instead of leaving their arcs to be a footnote at the end of each episode. I am interested in seeing and learning more about them as soon as possible.

#tomorrow#mbc tomorrow#tomorrow kdrama#ep 8#rowoon#kim hee sun#lee soo hyuk#ryeon#ryung gu#jun woong#joong gil#head grandmother of everything the Director#joong gil gets more screen time!!!#it has been 84 years but we are here now#i want to see much more of him going forward#there are four main characters#may he no longer be haunted by his regrets and get a peaceful night of sleep eventually#recollections may vary#ryeon needs to show her side of the story because I think it is very different#there is no way joong gil would harm his loved ones#give me fluffy moments as he remembers his past#give me more joong gil and jun woong interactions#stoic tree and sunshine puppy#finally a situation in which i am glad for joong gil's intimindating threatending badass grim reaper aura#the creep deserved it#shoulder pats of support!!#i will make this a thing#so happy to see the trio getting closer#joong gil trusted ryeon with his vulnerability#may the ancient parents reconcile please and thank you


Oct 1, 2023

ೀ⋆OCT 1ST PRINCESS DIARIES ━━ satoru gojo + breeding !

୨୧ — caution, you are now watching. satoru gojo + breeding. thirty days until you become queen, thirty days to get married and thirty days to stop sneaking around with the man trying to steal your crown… (5.2K)

୨୧ — rated r. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact ! nsfw, heavy smut, royalty!au, enemies to lovers (?), forbidden romance, infidelity and cheating, spit kink, breeding kink, daddy kink, pregnancy kink, breast play, agoraphilia, baby trapping, oral sex (f!recieving), unprotected sex, princess + fem!reader, lord!satoru gojo.

୨୧ — director’s note. woo happy spooky season my loves. welcome back to another tteokdoroki kinktober! im excited for you to see whats in store this year, hope you enjoy this fic to start off mwah! - m.list ⋆ kinktober m.list ⋆ taglist ✧

you have thirty days to get married.

being from a small town, somewhere that’s not even on the map — you never expected your family name to carry much meaning aside from the one you carved out for yourself. let alone expect your name to come from royalty.

if you thought discovering how to be a teenager at sixteen was hard, then try discovering how to be a princess at sixteen on for size. everything you’ve ever done since finding out you were royalty has been for your family. you’ve kept your head down, out of the spotlight aside for the occasional appearance and charitable events. you’ve studied hard, double-majoring in international relations alongside political science and diplomacy.

you’ve prepared yourself thoroughly enough to feel ready to take the mantle of queen — especially with your grandmother planning to step down. all of your accomplishments have been leading up to this very moment — it’s so close that you can practically feel the weight of the crown on your head.

except there’s one itty, bitty, little problem.

you still have to get married in thirty days. otherwise, your family title will be poached from right beneath your nose.

satoru gojo (aka public enemy number one) is the nephew of a member of parliament who just so conveniently knows genovian law better than your grandmother does. since satoru came of age before you did, and he’s lived in genovia for longer than you have, and has some random distant relative in connection to the first king — the men of parliament have decided that he too is in line for the throne.

especially if you, the princess, do not marry before your coronation.

how ridiculous is that?

and not only is this satoru gojo an evil, conniving, crown-stealing bastard. but he’s charming, a silver tongue wrapped around each and every one of his words. charming, like a prince (blegh) he’s also stupidly attractive. with deep sapphire blue eyes that are gorgeous enough to make the crown jewellers weak in the knees and a smile so sweet it feels like a sugar rush whenever he looks at you. there’s something so unique about the frostiness to his soft white hair, matching his unfairly long lashes — the ones you know girls back home would kill for.

it angers you to know that you’d been dancing with your rival at your welcome ball, pains you to know that you’ll never forget his slender fingers splayed out against the small of your back to guide your every movement. if you had been back in college (and had a few litres of hard liquor in your system), perhaps gojo would have been the type of guy you’d have snuck into the dorms for a night of fun and an NDA in the morning — your secret signed away from the paparazzi’s keen eyes.

alas, these are very different circ*mstances and there’s a lot riding on you being sensible about the situation. yet, satoru proves himself to be a problem every chance that he gets — cornering you in closets with his breath hot against your ear, trapping you against the walls while the ghost of his touch feels like heaven against your skin… on the staircase too, insistent on reminding you of the passionate dance you once shared.

all while you’re set to marry the duke of another country so you can keep your f*cking crown (pardon the language, your highness).

suguru geto would be the perfect king consort if you managed not to mess this up. he is warm, where satoru is a flip between disastrously hot and frustratingly cold. he balances you out, a mellowness to your clumsiness whilst understanding your need for a rushed proposal and wedding. raised a gentleman, suguru is mindful of you in every action he takes. he doesn’t stare too long but smiles when you think he’s not looking and he’s a wonder with your grandmother — the parents, too. his family gem (a serpentine, making you feel much like a snake) sits heavy on your ring finger, dazzling under camera flashes at your engagement dinner…. and he recognises duty and honour above anything else too.

if satoru is your enemy, then guilt is your friend. no matter what either of the men in your life do, you find yourself comparing their every move. when you’re with suguru your mind is away chasing the fairies, imagining the touch of another man who sets your heart alight in a cool blaze — like gasoline trickling through your veins waiting for its candle match. when you’re with satoru, all you can think about is how wrong this is. how geto doesn’t deserve this. but you’re an addict without a cure, and your drug is satoru gojo and you don’t see yourself ever quitting him.

you're in desperate need of a wake up call and a nicotine patch, the co*cky yet lecherous air about him almost acting like a smog in your healthy and capable lungs. sometimes through the fog, you wonder if satoru knows how much he weighs heavy on your mind— though if he did, you’d never hear the end of it.

the current queen tells you not to worry about the white haired man that’s slowly freezing over the four chambers of your heart. you tell yourself that suguru geto is the only man that you need, one that could help you rule and create a beautiful and better kingdom for many years to come. geto tells you that he loves you, that he can’t wait to marry you in two or three weeks time and you respond with equal (yet, faux) excitement.

perhaps that’s why you find yourself sneaking away from this respectful, loving man to be with the one trying to ruin your life?

why are you following satoru gojo deep into the royal gardens, where the rose bushes are the only witness to your sick and twisted sins?

your back hits the jagged pattern of tree bark before your brain can catch up — causing a little wet whimper to bubble up on your pinky-peach tainted lips. the flutter of pain just beneath your skin only lasts for a second before it’s replaced by the sensation of satoru’s fingers traversing up the dips and curves of your body. he soothes you where it hurts the most, rough fingertips leaving bruising marks made with affection along your thighs and small of your back while he swallows your sweet gasps — licking into the wet cavern of your mouth to taste you.

“you’re not even…” his words spill into you, adding fuel to the spark of lust beginning to form a pit in your stomach. “you’re not even attracted to him,” he spews, surging forward like a storm knocking on your door to press his greedy spit slicked lips to yours. his tongue, syrupy and wet, intertwined with your own, filling you up and giving you something to suck on.

before you can even think of kissing your rival back, he retreats and takes his swollen lips with him — latching onto your neck and weaponizing his teeth against it. you gasp, your angel’s song tipping out into the rose garden while your fingers tangle in silver-moon locks and let him work against you, claiming you just below the neckline of your dress where no one will be able to see.

except for maybe your fiancé and only god knows how you’ll be able to explain the marks to him tonight. ‘oh you know me, suguru. i’m way too clumsy for my own good.’ you’ll say, all while thinking about how the man after your crown blew your back out at your engagement party.

you know why satoru’s acting such a fool — taking risks that he wouldn’t normally. the dress you’re wearing, the colour of his eyes, drives him f*cking insane. you can’t say that you didn’t ask for this, like it wasn’t on purpose.

“can’t f*cking stand you,” gojo groans against your skin, nose pressed to your collarbone as he inhales the candied notes of your perfume. “been giving me those angel eyes all day. knowing that i can’t take my f*cking eyes off of you when you wear that colour, princess.”

he’s insufferable, but here you find yourself at the mercy of his touch — offering up your body to satoru gojo like a sacrificial lamb as your back arches away from the tree and presses your chest into his eager strawberry tongue. it leaves a slimy track over your neck and dips between the cleavage of your dress while gojo makes his descent down to hell — tasting the shimmering crystals of salt on your skin.

satoru gojo belongs on his knees.

kneeling before you with the royal blue tule of your dress between his shaking hands. you can tell he’s trying not to rip it off of you. born to worship you. mirth weighs down his lashes and desire dances between the navy blue flecks in his sapphire eyes — he needs you so bad it might kill him. from this position he can practically smell how turned on you are, he’d recognise the mouth-watering aroma of your drooling c*nt anywhere, slick gathering in the crotch of your barely there panties.

there’s a depraved, royal treasure hidden between the string of fabric that runs between your juicy puss* lips — swollen and waiting to be devoured by your enemy. not that you’d ever admit that to him. “i think you should be referring to me as your queen.” you manage between ragged breaths, satoru eyeing the way your chest heaves from beneath the bust of your dress.

instead of responding, his head unceremoniously dips beneath your skirts and he drags a thigh over the width of his broad shoulders. “watch your mouth,” the lord purrs salaciously as he licks up your inner thigh, the vibrations shooting straight to your swollen cl*t. “let’s remind you of who’s really in charge.” the both of you feel it, the aching throb of your puss* against gojo’s lips as he wedges his face right between your thighs. you can’t help but grind against him in wanton, desperate to be filled up with fingers, tongue whatever your sworn enemy has to offer up to the crown.

but your warmth and wetness does nothing to coax satoru into tongue f*cking his way past your clenching, creaming entrance. rather, he draws his head back just a touch and rubs at your c*nt like he loves you, dips his fingers just into your quivering hole and then — smack !

juices run down satoru’s arms as if he’s taken a bite into the fruit that tempted eve while he laughs in awe of just how f*cking sloppy you are between your thighs. the spank to your puffy folds makes you jolt in surprise, causing you to scratch your back against the jagged tree bark.

“gojo!” you squeak in warning as your thighs close around his veiny hand.

he sticks his tongue into his cheek, smirking in amusem*nt before prying your shaky legs apart. “that’s not quite right, try again for me, princess...” gojo repeats the process, running between your slick folds and spanking you against them when you fail to respond. “you know my name, baby. c’mon it’s easy, i’ll even say it with you. d…d…”

you refuse to stoop so low, to let demeaning words escape from underneath your tongue but not having satoru’s mouth on you is like torture — just his breath against your c*nt is akin to dangling a carrot in front of a starving horse. you know what that pleasure is like, you crave it and you’re not above begging no matter how royal you may be.

“f-f*ck, daddy!” you whinge defiantly, screwing your eyes shut and letting your head fall back against the tree. satoru wastes no more time then, slotting his hot mouth against the entire length of your silken slit. the first thing he does is moan, the vibrations shooting twinges of ecstasy from your cl*t through the rest of your body and even reaching your head — making the world around you spin.

the tip of his tongue teases its way past your entrance, squirming around to brush up against pleasure spots your little fingers can’t even reach. “that’s right princess, knew you could do it. you’re not just some stuck up little girl.” the white haired lord praises, drawing back from your quivering hole — connected to you by a string of your glistening slick.

“shut up, just… put your mouth to good use.” you grunt, your hips canterint down onto gojo’s face to keep him quiet. your fingers take root in his silvery moon locks, dragging the man and his pink tongue onto your sex once more. gojo takes the hint, making your cute little cl*t his next victim as he rolls it between perfect rows of pearly whites and sends your eyes into the dark depths of your skull.

the sinful and salacious sensation provides a welcomed distraction from your responsibilities as the crown princess. if your grandmother could see you now, you know that all she’d feel is disappointment— especially if she knew her granddaughter was f*cking the biggest threat to the crown. and suguru, your poor fiancé — he was probably stuck mingling with guests he didn’t even know, looking for your eyes in the crowd like he always did.

shame should be burning through your veins, not the white hot trickle of desire that you’re filled with as satoru slurps your juices from between your fat puss* lips. the needy groans he lets out against you inch down your spine, drown you in stormy waves of lust and you find yourself addicted to the bob of gojo’s head from underneath your tule skirts. you’re just so wet, pouring the royal family’s riches, liquid gold straight into the man’s greedy mouth as he drinks you in.

your nectar glazes his cheeks and chin in a devilish shine, brighter than the crown set to sit atop your head — his mouth barely parts from your ravaged and swollen romping as if he’s married to eating you out, tongue licking you up and down before your juices even have a chance to drip to the ground. you can only imagine what would happen if the press found out, your life would be over and so would satoru’s. but you don’t care, because every second that gojo spends between your thighs dragging you to org*sm is worth it. every single time.

he grips at your ass, pulling you back onto his tongue as it flickers in and out of you. the whole ordeal is disgusting and delightful and you never want it to end. pleasure mounts high within you, evident in the shakiness of your gripes and grouses, lust laden in its tune.

“s-satoru…satoru. i’m gonna… g’na f*ckin’ cum!” a high pitch squeal tears in your throat like music to gojo’s ears — now working relentlessly to get you off just like you need. he doesn’t care if he’s suffocating, at least he’ll die a happy man between the thighs of a princess.

he chuckles against your sex. “such a dirty mouth for such a proper lady.” the lord says as if he’s a scolding you.

but you can barely hear him, for static rings in your ears as your body loses the war to your org*sm. your release bubbles up on his tongue like the fresh pop of champagne, while your brain fizzles and clears itself of all logical thought. guilt is replaced by bouts of lust, making you realise that this cycle of avoiding and f*cking gojo will never end. you’re too addicted to him and he’s too obsessed with you, as long as things remain that way — sex with him will always be on the agenda.

you can’t promise yourself, your grandmother or suguru that this will be the last time.

dopamine dances across gojo’s brain as he drinks in the tangy-honey flavour of your release, letting it splatter against his puffy lips as they encircle your cl*t to prolong your org*sm. you gush as if you’re a rushing erotic river, spilling into satoru’s earnest mouth while he licks you clean with wanton.

“look at that… oh look at you. cumming for me already.”

“f-f*ck you.”

“f*ck me?” he smirks, making your gut lurch with wanton. “f*ck you. i’m the one that’s working on it, princess.” satoru slowly rises to his feet, licking a nasty spit-slicked trail from your hole to the cleavage peeking out from underneath your dress. he doesn’t even stand to his full height, his large frame towering over you as he yanks down the front of your dress to lick and suck and play with your breasts until you can’t tell what’s up or down anymore.

his perfect teeth graze a pert nipple which makes you gasp and cry, loosely looping your arms around satoru’s neck while his ravaging mouth works your sensitive breasts, even going as far to swipe his tongue over the spot where each one meets your ribcage. he doesn’t leave any marks, you’re not his to keep. large and rough hands replace the warmth of his mouth on you to toy with your mounds of flesh — pinching and pulling as satoru kisses you senseless. you groan at the taste of your slick on his tongue and salt of your skin as well, tugging him closer so that there’s no space between your heated bodies.

“don’t cry,” satoru comments softly against your swollen, cherry-bitten lips — cupping your face between his fingers. blinking slowly, you allow your frenzied brain the chance to catch up to reality and you don’t realise the tears that wet your cheeks until he points them out. why are you even crying? “you’re too pretty for that.” his compliments do nothing to clear the lustful, confused fog settling over your mind like a dark cloud so you follow your body’s instincts and reach for the metal clasp on his belt.

nimble fingers make their way down the front of gojo’s dress pants and he hisses at the quick pumps of his perfectly hard co*ck before you’re dragging up your skirts and guiding him towards your entrance. “baby, wait—“

you push his pants down enough to let his erection spring free, pulsing with need and standing at full mast against the cotton blouse covering his tummy. “i need you.” you sniff, dropping your panties to your ankles. “please.”

the thing about sex with satoru is that it never feels like just sex. he tenderly hikes the meat of your thigh over his slender hips, lets his dribbly, sticky co*ckhead twitch forward and ease past the salaciously slick barriers of your empty hole, and presses your bodies so close together that you think you might forget how to breathe. satoru makes love to you each and every time — and it’s terrible.

like eating too much sugar or indulging in a bad smoking habit. you’re not supposed to be in love with him and the way he f*cks up into you, chest to chest, pelvis to pelvis even with all of the fabric in the way. “don’t cry for him, f-f*ck,” the both of you look down, your pupils dilating at the sight of your puss* swallowing his lengthy shaft whole — catching on the ridges of each blue vein spiralling around him. “cry for me, princess. i’m the one that’s ruining you.”

with his forehead pressed to yours, silver hair matted down by the line of perspiration against it — satoru braces a hand against the tree above your head and sets stream to his passionate thrusts, fluid like water under a bridge. it’s not fair, how wrong this is and how good it feels to have gojo lick over the parts of you he would bite down on if you were his. your pulse point, your neck, the spot just under your ear that’s way too sensitive for your own good. it should be suguru f*cking you like this, your fiancé.

yet, there’s no room for self-loathing and despair between the rough tree and satoru gojo above you. nothing aside for the thick curtain of lust that protects you from prying eyes in the rose garden, floral scents twisting with the raw, aphrodisiac-like smell of sex and sweat while he pounds away at your swollen puss*, grinding his co*ck wetly against the sweet spots dotted along your ribbed walls.

“i should put a baby in you,” he says suddenly, just barely audible over the wet pap, pap, pap of your sexes working together. embarrassment burns bright under the surface of your cheeks because you’re that wet and it’s that loud, the remainders of your previous org*sm making it easier for satoru’s co*ck to glide in and out of you. “leave you with a little gift. a present — reminder of our time together, yeah?” he knows that he’s not making any sense, leaving his confession behind sex and sultry words. he would never admit to how much he loves you, he’s already ruined you enough. he’s already taken more than enough from you too. “i’ll get to the crown either f*ckin’ way.”

satoru talks with his dick and you f*cking like it, squeezing the damn daylights out of him. he can barely pull back with you locked down on like that, his seedy tip snug between your ruined folds — clinging into him by viscous ropes of your last org*sm and freshly formed globs of his white hot precum. “you like that, don’t you princess?” he coos down to you condescendingly, picking up the pace of his hips as he rams into you mercilessly. the tree shakes from the force, sprinkling pretty and innocent petals over you both. “you wanna make me a daddy? my queen? give me a little prince or princess.”

“f*ck yes, satoru!” nodding your head with wanton, you press yourself into his neck and squeeze him close by the ass cheeks so the only place your lover can go is deeper. you want to be able to feel him in your guts, hot in your womb like an iron rod — anything to forget the trickle of betrayal filling you up like a glass of wine. “i want it, i want it…i want—“

you cut yourself of with an abrasive sob, as you moan your agreements. i want you. you feel the words on the tip of your tongue, drowned out by the slippery sounds of sex and creaking tree trunk. you’ve never wanted anyone as much as you’ve wanted satoru gojo.

but he’s the wrong person, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

“i know you do, i know,” you can feel gojo move to slobber over your chest, pacifying his whistle tone whimpers with your nipples bouncing in his mouth. he looks up at you with vacant cerulean eyes that shimmer like the skies above, the crude mix of your arousals slinging at the point at which your bodies join. “tell me how much you love daddy’s co*ck, princess.”

he goads because he craves your attention. satoru can feel you slipping from between his fingers, the guilt that rolls off of you in waves as he languidly rams into your c*nt. he’s asking a lot of someone who’s too stimulated, too f*cked out to speak — your tongue barely staying in your mouth.


“c’mon… answer me, f*ck, there we go.”

that’s when he hikes you up in his arms, lifting you a little to feverishly thrust up into you — dragging you closer to another high. your nails dig deep into his taut ass, nudging his dick against your g-spot. suguru would never be this rough with you, would never want to f*ck you so good that the pleasure hurts.

shaking your head, your eyes glisten but the denial doesn’t stop small streams of arousal from squirting out and webbing against gojo’s soft pubes. “i-i can’t! i don’t—“ satoru bites down on your nipple, hard, cutting through your train of blurry thought. “i love…h-him!”

you love your fiancé, but you both know that’s a lie.

“yeah, sure you do. that’s why your puss*’s huggin’ my co*ck so tight. you don’t wanna let me go, baby.” even while he’s a mess for you, your rival still finds it in him to be such an egotistical prick. you can’t even tell him that he’s wrong, because you never ever want to be without satoru, without this immensely overwhelming feeling of ecstasy fluttering through your entire body. it’s all too much, he’s too much, stretching you wide and filling you with the love (and cum) you should be getting from suguru.

thunder cracks above your head, lightning flashes through the trees as if the higher power up above is bearing witness — growing distraught at your sins. it’s not long before the heavens open up on you both and your sweaty, sex slicked bodies are doused in rain. but it doesn’t stop you, doesn’t stop satoru from dragging down your bottom lip to lovingly spit into your mouth.

he kisses you as if it’s not enough, rocking his hips into you so he can bully your insides and mark them with his pre. “bet he’s lookin’ for you right now, hm? his precious wife to be…drenched in my cum ‘n drenched in the rain.” satoru heaves, letting the patter of the rain drown out the sound of his tightening balls slapping against your ass. “bet he wishes he could f*ck you like i do.”

you can’t tell if it’s the tears of guilt and longing or the rain that blurs your vision. “h-he doesn’t get to!” you cry like a dirty p*rn-star, hardly becoming of a soon to be queen. “o-only you!”

“only me, hm? i’m flattered.” he seems elated, hiding his flushed face and happy smile in the junction between your neck and shoulder. his wet hair tickles your skin. “too bad he doesn’t know his princess comes used and abused between her pretty legs, huh?”

the rain is cold against your skin, seeping through your clothes, ruining your makeup — but the way satoru licks up your hot streaky tears and the droplets of water against your skin as if to sooth you… the way he does it fills you with warmth.

your limbs become heavy from your water-logged clothes and exhaustion, your whole body slumped against satoru’s strength but you still manage to rake your nails down his back as if you can’t be any closer. gojo doesn’t let your hips run from his either. his mind races, stuck on the idea of asking you to run away with him because he can’t just let you go back to geto. not again.

he can’t let you marry someone you’re not in love with.

it would be selfish of him to ask you to stay, even when you wrap your legs around him and have him plug up your tiny little hole with sticky white. he sees it in your eyes how much you care for him, even through the rain. he’s ruining you, from the inside out, knocking the crown from your head and he hates it.

“daddy loves this puss*,” he wishes for the moment to last forever, but you’re already so close — crying from every hole, suffocating his throbbing co*ck. neither of you can hold back. “he loves you. i love you.”

the confession nearly tears your world in two — but it’s all you need to hear before everything comes crashing down on you. “i-i love you!” you tell him, wailing the words loud and proud as you release on him for a second time, gushing obscene amounts against gojo’s tummy smooshed up on your cl*t. “sato—! satoru! cum with me, cum inside me!” scratching down his back and screwing your eyes shut, you tilt your head up to capture his lips in a passionate kiss.

the taste of salt on your cupid’s bow throws gojo over the edge too — his co*ckhead pours viscous white directly into your womb. “fuuuck, you’re so good princess…” and even though you know you should tell him to pull out, you don’t want him too. you want his baby, want his cum, want him always. even if that’s greedy of you.“f*ckin’ take it…take all of me. all of that cum’s for you.” he slurs, beyond brainless.

lewd clapping noises echo between your bodies like the thunder up above as satoru f*cks you through the rest of your highs, nose nudging your cheeks tenderly to soothe your tears. moaning, and crying against one another’s swollen lip. when his slow grinds come to a stop and your breathing recovers, the white haired lord gently sets you back in the ground — tenderly helping you to fix your drenched clothes back into place.

your thighs are completely bruised and his back is completely torn up. the last marks you’ll ever leave with each other.

“so about—“

“we… we can’t do this anymore, satoru.” you say almost immediately, shaky as if you’re in the verge of panic.

for the first time since you started doing this, sneaking off with one another, gojo notices the glint on your ring finger. and you feel the very same weight of that ring.

he shrugs you off, pulling up his pants and smirking. “that’s what you said last time—

“no satoru, i mean it now. we can’t.” it’s like you’ve come to your senses, realised the gravity of it all and what’s at stake. thirty days to get married, thirty days to become queen. “i’m going to become queen, your queen, in a matter of weeks and to do that i need to be married to him. i can’t mess this up. we have to stop.”

“but you don’t even want him,” he growls like a petulant child, roaring above the rain that cascades down on you both. “you want me. i want you. who gives a f*ck about anything else?”

“duty gives a f*ck! i have to marry him!”

throwing his hands up in defeat, satoru steps towards you, loud and intimidating, and you step back towards the tree. “you can’t even say his f*cking name.”

“his name is suguru geto and i will marry him because you forced me to.” you spit, going toe to toe with him — chest heaving but tight from your heart break. “if you and your stupid higher ups had just stayed out my way. maybe there could have been a chance for us. but they didn’t and here we are and duty freaking calls, gojo.”

you storm off shortly after, be before he can see you cry again (for real this time). from his place hidden in the royal gardens, gojo watches sullenly as you approach your grandmother and fiancé — the elder queen disappointed in your current state and suguru clearly worried that the rain might make you catch a cold.

the perfect alibi to cover up the fact that you’d just f*cked satoru gojo.

but the entire time, you never look back.

you don’t even look at gojo — and that’s how he knows you meant it. you always look back, always look for him in the crowd.

the knowledge hits him like a strike of lightning. he’s royally f*cked up — you’re marrying for the crown, all because of him. and there’s no room for loving when you’ve got the weight of the nation on your shoulders.

꒰ end. — all rights reserved ©tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.

#୨୧ KINKTOBER 23’#gojo x reader#gojo smut#gojo x you#gojo satoru smut#gojo satoru x reader#jjk smut#satoru gojo x reader#jujutsu kaisen smut#satoru gojo x you#satoru gojo smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#gojo satoru x you#gojo x y/n#gojo thirst#jjk thirsts#✧ ₊˚੭ — writing#tteokdoroki#angelshubnetwork


Jul 21, 2023

Jungkook x Reader: Lost You

Summary: You've always been in love with him, but today you were done waiting for him, to see you, to understand you. You were finally done with Jeon Jungkook.

Wc: 1.9k

A/n: I tried something new idk how it is. I'm almost nervous to post it. But who cares 😶‍🌫️. Anyway Chan and Jimin were spotted in a restaurant in comfy clothes and I'm digging that!

⚠️: Its kinda sad (?!), Jungkook is a douche bag, a little suggestive.


You kept calling him but no use, his phone was switched off. He should have been here 3 hours ago. You hoped, he was in a business meeting as he told you when you asked him to come home by 6 and he said he'd be home by 7 as he had a meeting.

You still remember the first day you met him, back when you were both 10 in one of your dad's fancy parties. "His father is important to the company, they are new in town, go play with him and be friends. Ok, Y/n?" Your mother had told you with a sweet smile on her face as you nodded. And the rest was history. Considering your circle mostly considered if the children of the other directors and business partners he fit in with all of you well.

15 more minutes passed, and you could only worry more, you walked to the kitchen to get some water and placed your phone and whatever you had in your hand on the counter and get a glass of water, mid way of drinking it you heard the sound of your door open and close and you rushed to see.

"Jungkook?" You called out his name and he looked at you wide eyes like a doe caught in headlights, an expression floated on his face which looked like remembrance.

"You were with her weren't you?" The question flew from your mouth before you could filter it and you found that look filled with guilt on his face. You scoffed and folded your hands and started to walk off to your shared room when he said.

"Why are you like this? She needed me okay!" Jungkook said. "What about me Jungkook? I, your girlfriend, needed you! And you went off with Minji" you said in frustration. "Don't say as if I was sleeping with her. She's still my good friend" he argued and you walked to the kitchen to grab your belongings and stepped inside the room he and you shared.

You slid down to the ground as you closed the door. You still remember that day she walked into your life, Seo Minji.

It was when you were 15.

"Hey, isn't that the new kid?" Mingyu asked and you nodded. "Aw she's sitting alone" Jihyo said frowning, "Y/n go invite her here" Chan said, elbowing you. "Why me?" You asked, not like you were opposed to this aspect but you were simply curious. "You're good at this. I'm saying from experience" Jungkook said flashing his bunny smile, the smile that made your heart skip a beat, you would have done anything for that smile.

And you did, you invited Minji to your table, soon you found out her father actually worked for your father. "I feel strange sitting among you guys,I don't think I fit in" she said shyly. "Bullsh*t, we're all people" you daid ensuring her, "Yeah, there's nothing much different between you and us, welcome to our group" Jungkook said, flashing that sane smile at here.

It was truly where it all had started, Minji trying to get the boys in her clutches. She thought you and Jihyo didn't notice her accidental touches or her kawai and weak acts in front of them. While Chan could see through them, Mingyu and Jungkook never did.

"Why didn't you two speak up when we were trying to get Mr Kim to invite Minji to the party?" Jungkook asked and Mingyu shook his head. You tightened your fist as Chan held it to ease you up. "She'd feel out of place," Jihyo tried to reason. The truth is you didn't want her to engage further with your circle. She already got Jungkook and Migyu to get her everything she might want. You watched as she used those two as her personal atm, a bat of her eyelashes and she had the

"Gucci bag she wanted but couldn't get as she had to buy her grandmother's medicine"

"Prada shoes cause she was sad her (nonexistent) fish died"

You three tried to show them the real deal, but they refused as Minji never asked, they were willing to give her because she "deserved to be happy too".

You smiled at yourself as you heard a knock on the door. "Babe, seriously why are you angry? I swear nothing happened, we just talked, Mingyu has been ignoring Minji and she felt alone, so she just needed someone to talk to and have a glass of wine with" He said. This always happened, One call and Jungkook would go running to her.

You remember when you were 18, and your father and Jungkook's father declared that you and Jungkook would be engaged. You couldn't help your smile, you would be wed to your best friend to the person you fell for all those years ago. You were happy that now you could help him see reason, help him come out of Minji's clutches. But one look at his face, and you felt all your feelings drain away, his face was filled with disdain and he walked away. He didn't even consider that you could be the one for him for once. Did you expect something else? Did you expect he'll come happily to you and agree to this, you idiot.

But, how could you? You lived to look into his doe eyes that shone bright, not for you, for Minji. You lived for that toothy smile that went brighter when Minji was there. No, they never were in a relationship, rather she never came into a relationship with either Jungkook or Mingyu.

You still remember that day when you were 21, you had just graduated and were at your father's (soon to be yours) office working on some designs about a deal with your assitant Jimin and your now business associates Bangchan and Jungkook. No you two still spoke, you all were still friends and he acted like that evening never occured like he never broke your heart and crushed it into pieces. You remember Mingyu rushing into your cabin and hugging you tightly cheering "She said yes! She said yes! Minji said yes". You were stunned for a moment, you all were. "To what?" Chan managed to ask the man who was happy beyond bounds. "To marry me!" He said, "I'll go home, I just came to tell as I knew most of you are here, I've texted Jihyo, now I gotta tell my parents!" He said with his bright smile. "Congratulations" Jimin said to the departing man, who screamed a "thank you". All of your eyes shifted to Jungkook, his face motionless, teeth gritted, his fist so tight that his knuckles were turning white, a single tear left his eye. You shouldn't but you felt like your heart ached seeing him and you realised how down bad you were still for Jeon Jungkook. "Can you guys complete the rest without me? I'll just sign it" he asked. "Yeah, sure" you said and he walked away. The next day Jihyo had called you and told you, "of course she's marrying Mingyu, he's the heir, the elder child, Jungkook is second to his brother. How is he holding up?" You gave the exact words that you told Chan earlier that day "i don't know". The truth being, he never even read your texts, you didn't have the courage to meet him.

You sighed at the banging sound from across the door. "If you need something tell me, if not please go to the other room". "Can you open the door once Y/n please. Please" he pleaded "Go away Jungkook please" you said, you wished you had said that to him that day two years ago. 3 days after Mingyu's proposal to Minji, you found Jungkook at your door, "can I come in" he had asked you in a broken voice. Your heart broke with his, you couldn't bear to see him like that. He came in to hug you, and you patted your head.

"She loves him, I have to accept that. I don't know how you do it Y/n" he said, and your eyes went wide, tears stung them. "How do you even bear to look at my face much less comfort me after all I've done. How do you look beyond your feelings?" He asked. "Since when have you known?" You asked. "Since 3 days ago, when I saw the hurt in your eyes and realised how you have always been there." He said holding onto your cheek. Your brain told you to pull away, to push him away, to throw him out of the room, when his face inched closer to yours. You knew what he's doing, yet you didn't pay heed to the voice in your head. You focused on the doe eyes that looked into yours deep. Those arms that slid around your waist and pulled you close. You chose to focus on those lips that were attached to yours. You had thought, maybe this time he chose you, maybe this is it for you two. And it was, for the next few months.

Jungkook and you walked hand in hand and stood beside Jimin and Chan along with Jihyo, on Mingyu and Minji's wedding day. Gyuji marriage was the talk of the town and things were finally looking up. Until 3 months into the wedding and you all were in the same party and seemingly Jungkook and Minji caught up, "you are still my best friend" Minji had told him, you tried your best not to drain a flute of wine on her. You didn't really mind much, ge did come back to you. He did love you. Things weren't so bad a few missed dates were seen and apologized and managed up until he missed your 2nd anniversary date and then your birthday. Once because Minji was sick and Mingyu was out of town and other because he mixed up the date after he had drunk a lot the day before with Minji and got absorbed at work.

But today was your last straw, you were done waiting around for him. You were done waiting for him to see you beneath Minji's shadow. You were done crying for him. You were done with him. So you texted Chan and Jimin, asking if their spare room was empty and if you could crash for sometime. Hence, you packed a small bag, took your phone and wallet and left the apartment. "Y/n! Y/n no. Please don't leave me over this. I'll be more attentive and careful. Y/n please." He pleaded. You might have stopped if this would have been any other day, but not today. Cause today you were done with Jeon Jungkook and the bullsh*t that comes with him.


You don't stop, he lost you. He really lost you. He walks into the room you used to share. He found a book on the floor near the bed and a white and blue strip inside it. Jungkook was familiar with this strip or well, device, his eyes shifted to the words that were written on the little screen, 'positive'. "f*ck f*ck f*ck" Jungkook cursed as he felt like tearing off his hair, he did this to himself.

Part 2: I loved you so bad


Taglist: @bbl32 @back2bluesidex (for a sec I couldn't find you 🤣) @cherryblossom-2004

#imagines#bts x reader#bts#bangtan fanfic#bts imagines#bangtan#bangtan x reader#bts fluff#bangtan fluff#bts fanfction#boyfriend jungkook#jungkook angst#jeon jungkook x reader#jungkook x y/n#jungkook x you#jungkook x reader#jungkook x oc


Nov 16, 2023

Erasing Myself From the Narrative

AN: Y'all remember that angsty fic I scrapped? Well I brought it back and changed it up

Requested? No

Warnings: angst, Jack being 🤨🤨🤨, OC picking herself over Jack and smut

Word Count: 5.5k words

Luna tugged on her vintage snakeskin cowgirl boots and went to her closet for her suede beige trench coat. She grabbed her phone from its charger. She ran down the stairs when she heard the doorbell. She opened the door and threw her arms around her best friend of ten years, Jack.

"I missed you!" Luna hugged him tighter.

"I missed you too." Jack held the back of her head and his other arm was around her back, dangerously close to her ass.

"How was LA?" She asked, pulling away from the hug.

"What I should be asking you is: how was Paris?" He grinned.

Luna had been in Paris the last few weeks interviewing with Givenchy. She had informally worked with them before to make some designs for Jack’s tour outfits. But Matt Williams, the creative director, reached out to her personally and asked her to send in her portfolio.

She had a passion for fashion, Bratz pun intended. Thanks to her volleyball scholarship she was able to major in it when she went to Cornell. After graduating, she didn't have much luck finding jobs, even with her experience of working with designers and with small brands through summer internships.

"I got the job." She shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I f*cking knew you would. What does the grilf think?" He asked.

The grilf was Luna’s grandmother. She was raised by her grandmother (and grandpa until he passed away a few years back) because her mom was a flight attendant and traveled a lot for work. Luna was a splitting image of her grandma from when she was in her twenties. Now at sixty, she looked just beautiful.

Jack would joke that if he was her grandma's age, he would have been able to pull her. But her abuela was never moved by his charisma and laughed in his face when he would try to flirt with her. She would tell him to go for someone closer to his age range: ei. Luna.

"I was going to tell her but I wanted to tell her in person. I was jet-lagged and slept the whole day. When I woke up, I found a note saying that she went to her book club." She explained.

For a woman in her early sixties, Abuela had a more active social calendar than Luna. Luna had friends, but she was just very cautious of her actions and didn't do anything that could lead to any life altering consequence. Unlike her mom who did whatever she wanted with no second thought, which was how she had Luna as a high school sophom*ore. Luna saw what being careless could do and she did everything in her power to now get caught up in any mess. So she stayed to herself as much as possible, didn't partake in drinking or smoking like some of her friends, or had one night stands. She had her hookup, Jason Peralta, but that was as laid back as she got. She was the mom-friend of the group. The one who made all her friends send their locations and did multiple rounds when they would go out to make sure no one left.

"I found out before the grilf? Wow, I feel honored." Jack grinned.

"Don't, you just happened to be here." Luna shrugged.

"Man, f*ck you. I'm leaving you and watching the new M. Night Shyamalan movie by myself." He frowned.

"That's fine, I'll hit up Jason." She pulled out her phone, waiting for him to call her bluff.

She wasn’t going to hit him up. If anything, she was going to just bury herself under blankets and eat the whole pot of albondigas Abuela made while watching some Channing Tatum movies. Jason had called her earlier to see if she wanted to come over but she said no because she was meeting up with Jack.

Jason and Luna have been on and off friends with benefits since she moved back to Louisville. Whenever they were off it was because he got to know some girl but it never worked out with his schedule. Jason played for Louisville FC and was constantly traveling which was why his agreement with Luna worked so well. They knew what they had was purely physical and if they didn’t know each other the way they did, they would have become a couple, but it never worked out. Sure they would go on an occasional date but there was an underlying agreement that it wasn’t going to develop into something serious. Another reason why it could never work out was because Luna had feelings for Jack.

Though she knew better than to act on her feelings. In the last ten years Jack never gave her a second glance. Luna was just one of the guys. She was his friend, his confidant. The one that helped him get the girl, never the girl.

“Anyways,” Jack cut her off thoughts, “we should get going because I need to stop for gas.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Luna nodded.

She grabbed her mini leather bag that matched her suede trench coat. She checked that her essentials: spare cash, lip gloss, chapstick, hair ties, gum and tampons were in her bag. She swiped her keys from the large bowl by the small table by the front door and made her way outside with Jack. She locked the house and texted Abuela that she had left and would call her later.

Jack opened the passenger door for her. He averted his gaze away from her ass when she removed her coat before climbing on. Her skirt rode up her thighs, revealing her long toned legs. Jack closed the door and went to his side. When he opened the door, he found Luna’s ass in the air as she put her things in the backseat. Her cropped knitted sweater fell down, showing off her lavender and it took everything in Jack to not ask her if her panties matched her bra.

“All set?” he asked when sat back on her seat.

“Yeah,” she nodded, connecting her phone to his car.

Jack drove to Costco to fill up his car. He pulled on his hoodie and covered his face while he waited outside his car as the gas filled up. He was typing away on his phone. She figured he was making sure everything for his and Urban’s birthday party was set. Though she didn’t miss the soft smile he had as he shook his head and typed some more. Luna felt a twinge of unease in her stomach but pushed it aside. Nothing could ruin her night with Jack.


Luna choked on her wine, trying her best not to laugh so hard at the story Jack was telling her of him and Clay at one of his rec soccer games. They went to eat dinner after their movie. Jack called in earlier and booked them a private room. He didn’t want the other nosy guests to film them for Luna’s privacy. He rarely posted her when he hung out with his friends because his fans always turned one post into the most elaborate conspiracy theory. He just wanted Luna to himself. He didn’t see his life without her and he would protect her with his whole being.

Their server came by with the check. Luna reached for it, but Jack swatted her hand away. He put a few hundred bills on the leather folder and placed it on the edge of the table.

“When are you leaving to paris?” Jack asked her, sipping his water.

“April, I have a few weeks to figure out my living situation. But Matt wants me in Paris as soon as possible so we can get started on the Spring/Summer show in June.” She said before eating some more tiramisu.

“So you won’t be here for the Derby?” he asked, almost pissed. He tightly gripped his cloth napkin, his already white knuckles turning Casper white.

“One, relax, and two, no I won’t be there for the Derby. I can maybe try to be home but I don’t know.” Luna smoothed out his hand.

“Sorry, I just wanted you here because I’m dropping my album around that time.” He said.

“You already finished your album? Oh my god, that’s insane.”

She knew he’d been working on his album for a while. When she visited him on tour to get some outfits fitted for him, she could tell he was going through it. After one of his shows in Denver, he practically broke down in his hotel room and told her how exhausted and burnt out he felt. But he had to push himself because he knew he had a lot of people counting on him and he couldn’t let them down. They put a lot of faith in him since the start of his career and he was eternally grateful for their support. Luna was the one to convince him to get back into writing for the sake of writing not for work. Little by little he built an album

“I have a few songs that need to be finalized and trimmed but it’s done. The label is aiming for a late April release.”

“That’s exciting. Are you going to do a mini CD signing tour like you did with the last album?” she asked, finishing her glass of chardonnay.

“Nah, I’m thinking of just letting this one speak for itself.”

“Well I better get my own signed CD.”

“Of course you are, I can’t break tradition,” he grinned.

They finished their desserts and made their way back to his car. Jack had his arm over her shoulders and Luna wrapped her arm around his back. Once in his car, Jack connected his phone and played her a few of his songs from his album. The one that stuck out to her the most was Blame on Me. She’d seen first hand the dynamics between his brother and dad but she never expected him to write a full song about it. But he did it in the most beautiful way. She was an only child that didn’t meet her dad and was raised by her grandparents. Despite that she was able to relate to it. That’s what she loved about Jack’s song writing. No matter how corny and braggadocious or personal the songs were, there was something that was able to strike home.

Abuela’s red Audi was parked in the driveway by the time Jack pulled up to Luna’s place.

“Let me walk you.” Jack said, unbuckling his seat belt before she could tell him no.

Luna nodded and followed suit. They walked up the steps. Jack stayed back one step while she was at the very top. They were of equal height.

“I’m glad we hung out tonight. I missed you..” Luna said.

“I missed you too. We should do something again before you leave for Paris.” Jack said, pulling her into a hug.

They hugged for what felt like an hour and pulled back a bit, still in each other’s arms. Their eyes’ met with bright smiles. ‘Now or never’, Luna thought to herself. She leaned in to him, but Jack pulled back.

“I’m sorry Luna, but I have a girlfriend.”

She immediately burst into a fit of giggles. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Those two glasses of wine…” she trailed. “I’m sorry sorry. Um, I’m gonna go inside and pretend like that didn’t happen.”

“Luna wait,”

“Good night sir,” she said, saluting him in a terrible British accent she did when she was embarrassed and wanted to get out of a situation. “I shall see you tomorrow kind sir.”

She entered her home without letting Jack get another word in.


Luna reached in her coat and pulled out a sky blue envelope. Inside was a birthday card with a letter she wrote for Jack. She didn’t have the guts to say goodbye. She looked over to where he was. He was standing off to the side while she took pictures with her friends and they all gathered around Kathryn, his girlfriend. Even she couldn’t deny that they looked good together. According to Urban she was one of the daughters of the co-founders of the label Jack was signed to. They’ve been seeing each other for a few months so it was still pretty new.

Though what Luna couldn't wrap around her head was that he never mentioned Kathryn in their three hour long facetime calls. If she knew she would have kept her distance and not acted as impulsive as she did the night before.

But now knowing this made leaving for Paris much easier. After her embarrassing almost-kiss, she spent the better half of the night looking for flights to Paris. She spoke to her grandma, leaving out the kiss, and they were leaving at night to New York since there weren’t any direct flights from Louisville to Paris. Abuela was joining her for the week so they could go apartment hunting so she could get settled as soon as possible.

“Hey I didn’t think you’d show.” Clay said, pulling her into a hug.

“I just came by to say hi.” she told him.

“You’re not staying?” he frowned.

“I’m needed in Paris and I have to leave tonight.” She looked at the envelope. “Can you do me a favor?”

“Of course.” He nodded.

“Give this to Jack later.” Luna handed him the envelope.

“You can give it to him now. He’s around here.” Clay looked sound for his brother. He caught Jack’s gaze and waved him over. He was aware of the feelings she had for Jack. “You should–”

“I’m in a rush.” She put the envelope in his hands. She gave him a tight hug. “Thank you.”

Luna squeezed his shoulder and grabbed her coat. She passed Jack and didn’t give him a second glance as she exited the venue.

Jack frowned and began to walk in her direction, but he was stopped by some friends and pulled to the photobooth. When he finally pulled away to go to the parking lot, Luna was gone. He went back inside, going straight to Clay.

“Why didn’t Luna stay?” he asked his brother.

“She had to go.”

“Go where?”

“Paris, she was called to leave sooner.”

“f*ck,” Jack pushed back his curls. He pulled out his phone and called her so he could at least meet her at the airport to say goodbye.

He’d been so busy, caught up with making sure Kathryn was comfortable that he didn’t know when Luna arrived. He wasn’t sure if she’d come after their almost kiss. An almost kiss that happened at the most inopportune time. If he was being honest, years ago he’d used to think it would be him and Luna that would have gotten together. But he could never bring himself to share his feelings for her. Mostly out of fear that she didn’t feel the same. He would rather spend a lifetime having her as his best friend instead of losing for the rest of his life.

“What the hell?” he said to himself when the call didn’t go through. He tried again and the same thing happened. He looked at Clay and in a panicked voice he asked, “Can you call her? I think I have spotty service.”

“Babe, Neelam said it’s time to cut the cake.” Kathryn said, walking over.

“Can you tell her to wait five minutes? I’m trying to–”

She cut him off with her nose turned upward. “Jack, your friends are getting a bit rowdy. Let’s do it now, yeah?”

“Fine,” he gave in. He looked at Clay before walking towards the cake and gave him a pleading look to try to get a hold of Luna.

Clay nodded and texted Luna. She replied almost instantly and told him to tell Jack to leave her alone. He cursed, unsure how to tell his big brother that without breaking his heart. Luckily Jack’s coat was draped over a chair. He slipped in Luna’s envelope in the inside pocket and went to his brother, ready with a lie about how he had sh*tty service too.

* June *

“How many other secrets were you hiding from me Kathryn?” Jack asked too calmly for someone who just overheard their now ex-girlfriend say she tried to baby trap him because she got financially cut off from her dad.


“Do you really think I was that stupid to fall for your sh*t? I’m sorry you’re not f*cking responsible and got cut off by your dad, but you won’t use me for your bullsh*t. Please get your sh*t, leave my key and never f*cking contact me ever again.” he said.

“When my dad finds out–”

“The same dad that cut you off because you spent your trust fund on partying? Yeah go ahead and call him. I was just on the phone with him and he also heard what I heard.” he crossed his arms.

“f*ck you!” she stormed off to their room.

She had moved in two weeks ago to his apartment in Atlanta and was barely settling in so it didn’t take long for her to pack up. A few minutes later she came back to the living room with her things. In her hand was a blue envelope.

“Here, I found it in your jacket the night of your birthday party.” She said, handing it to him.

Kathryn left without another word. Jack made a call to the lobby and had her removed from the list of people that could be taken up to his penthouse. He then blocked her number and removed her from social media. While he packed for his Europe work trip while he went through all protocols about the break up with Neelam and had her make sure all NDAs were signed.

Once he was done packing and Jack tore the envelope from the side and carefully took out the birthday card. He recognized Luna’s loopy writing. He began reading:

Jack there’s no easy way of saying this, but I’m in love with you. I have been for years. I don’t know when or how, but I am. And because of that, I’m leaving Louisville. I can’t be in the same place you are knowing I can’t be with you. I think it’s best if we end whatever friendship we have here.

I need time to figure out who I am. I can’t keep seeing myself as the girl who’s pining over her best friend when you’re in a relationship.despite how I feel about you, I’m happy you found someone who you can love that same way I wished you loved me.

Thank you for all these years of friendship. I’m sorry this is how I said goodbye, but it’s for the best.


Jack turned the paper around to see if there was more. He checked the envelope. The only other thing inside was her half of the strip of pictures they took in a photobooth a few years back. He kept his other half in his wallet. He used to keep it tucked in his phone case, but when he started dating Kathryn, he switched it to his wallet.

He ran his thumb over Luna. He hadn’t seen her in almost four months and they felt like hell. He’d been in Boston for a few weeks filming a new project. He put himself into work. When he wasn’t working on music, he was filming something..

He hadn’t seen or heard from Luna since she left. She stayed true to her word and never contacted him. She blocked him on all social media. He’d even visited Abuela to ask about her but she always gave him vague answers about her whereabouts. All he knew was that she was in Paris, but he didn’t know how she was or if she liked the city. Well he knew she liked the city.

The first time they had gone was on a class trip in eleventh grade and snuck out to see the city. He still remembered how in awe she was at the lights and how lively the people were. That was when he realized he had feelings for her, but he was too scared to act on them. More than anything he wanted Luna in his life and he didn’t want to risk anything. So for years he kept that to himself. He felt like an absolute idiot for not seeing that Luna felt the same.

“Is this some f*cked up joke?” He said to himself, crumbling up the letter.

He sat down on the couch and rubbed his face in frustration. He couldn't believe he’d been so blind to see who he wanted the whole time had also felt the same about him. He made an incredibly big mistake and now he had to face the consequences of it.


Jack’s knee couldn’t stop bouncing his knee as he and Urban approached the Givenchy after party. They had attended the show just a few hours ago, but were invited to the dinner and after party. His team was able to get him and Urban seats at the last minute. He’d been in Cannes the last few days for work and performances so he hadn’t had a chance to see Luna.

He thought he was going to see her when he was getting his fittings, but she was working on a different floor. Then when he sat next to her grandmother at the fashion show, he thought she was going to approach them, but she didn’t. She walked out with Matt and everyone else that helped with the collection. She waved and turned on her heel to go back backstage. He hoped to see her at the dinner but she spent the whole time showing off her grandmother. He had low expectations of seeing her in the club because she was a homebody. If anything he would make up some excuse to go to the Givenchy house the next day.

Jack had been at the club for less than five minutes and he felt exhausted and drained. He excused himself and went down to the bar to order sparkling water with cranberry and pineapple juice. There were three bartenders at the bar. Two of which were hard working, getting drinks out as fast as they could while the one next to Jack was busy flirting with a red head. Jack rolled his eyes and sat back waiting until the crowd lessened.

A hand smacked down on the bar close to the bartender. “There’s a million people waiting for their drinks. If you could get your dick out of your brain for three seconds and make them that would be f*cking great.”

Jack recognized that voice.


She turned over and her face paled.

“Um, hi.” she said.

Jack frowned. “Hi? That’s all you have to say after I haven't heard from you in months?”

“This is not the place.” Luna said, not looking at him.

“Babe, I told you to wait for me.” someone said.

A tall guy with dark brown skin wrapped his arm around Luna’s shoulders. He gave Jack a once over, unimpressed.

“Dominic, relax. I know him.” Luna shrugged her arm off him.

“Oh than f*ck, I used up my straight voice with Vivi.” Dominic said in a more salacious voice. He nodded his head at Jack. “So who’s this?”

“An old friend from Louisville.” she answered vaguely.

“Right.” Jack’s jaw clenched.

Without another word he got up and went back to Urban, who was with a group of models that hung to his every word.

“Um wow, you were rude. What’s the drama there? Clearly y’all weren’t just friends.” Dominic prodded.

Luna pretended she didn’t hear him and her eyes followed Jack. He waved to a few women who called his name as he went up the steps to the VIP section. He leaned over to Urban and whispered in his ear. They bro hugged and Jack was going back down the steps.

“Tell Vivi, I’m not feeling well and called an Uber.” she told Dominic.

She didn’t wait for a response. She gave him a side hug and trailed after Jack.

“Jack, wait!” she yelled when they were outside.

He turned around. “What, Luna?” he snapped.

“I’m sorry.” she said quietly.

“For what exactly? For dismissing me to your friend like I’m nothing? Like this hasn’t been the worst few months of my life because you left?” He went off.

“YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND JACK!” She waved her arms angrily. “What was I supposed to do? Watch you live your life with your girlfriend while I still pine for you? I needed to be away for my own sake and sanity.”

“We broke up.” Jack revealed.

“What are you talking about?”

“If I had known sooner that I had a chance I would have acted on it, Luna.”

Before she could ask him what he meant, he captured her lips with his. The kiss was slow like a test in the waters. Lust quickly took over as their kiss intensified. He held her in place with his other arm as his lips dominated her. Luna whimpered into his mouth when Jack deepened the kiss. They pulled away, breathless, Luna realized they somehow ended up back at Jack’s hotel suite.

“I f*cking love you, Luna.” Jack murmured against her lips.

“I love you too, Jack.” She smiled.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear that.”

“Me too.”

With that Luna pulled Jack into another deep kiss. Without breaking their kiss, he grabbed the back of her thighs and picked her up. He carried her down the hall to his room. Jack tossed Luna on the bed and slipped off his jacket and kicked off his shoes. Luna reached over and unzipped her leather calf length boots, a birthday present from Jack when he first earned his first big royalties check, and placed them on the floor.

He crawled on top of her and gently pulled her chin, bringing her lips to his. One of her hands found its way to Jack’s curls while the other dug its nails onto his back. She moaned out into his mouth, feeling his hips rut against her core. She shifted around so her legs were more open for him to move more comfortably. They continued to kiss as their hips kept moving in sync with each other.

“Wait.” she pushed him off her.

“Are we moving too fast? I’m sorry–”

“No, I have to check in with my grandma so she doesn’t think I got kidnapped like in that one Liam Neeson movie.”

She went to the living room part of his suite where they discarded their jackets and her bag. She quickly sent her grandmother a text that she was catching up with Jack and that she won’t be home until the morning. Abuela replied instantly with a ‘finally’ and a ‘use condoms’. She rolled her eyes and joined Jack in bed.

Jack gave her a chaste kiss on the lips and returned to kissing down to her chest. He pushed up her dress until it was off of her, revealing her breasts to him. He tweaked one of her nipples while he nipped and sucked her other breast. Satisfied with the love bites on her chest, he kissed down her stomach to the band of her panties.

Luna cleared her throat making him look up at her. “You’re clean right? I don’t have condoms, but I’m on the IUD.” she asked.

“Yeah, I haven’t been with anyone since Kathryn.”

After their break up, he got tested and came out clean.

“Okay cool.” Luna nodded.

Jack sat back on his knees and pushed her legs open. Her arousal glistened through the lace of her panties. Luna lifted her hips, so he could remove her panties. He slowly pulled them off and tossed them to the side then climbed back in bed. He licked his lips and placed her legs over his shoulders.

Shamelessly, he spit on her cl*t and sucked it, making her moan. Then he wiggled his tongue at her entrance. He moaned out at her taste. It was taking everything in him not to ravish her. He took his time with her, savoring her. Minutes passed when he finally slid his middle and ring finger in her. She gasped at his touch. Her hands tangled in his hair pulling it for relief.

“f*ck!” She moaned out. He sped up his fingers then he slipped them out of her and rubbed her cl*t, bringing her to her climax.

“Jack!” She repeated his name over and over as she came. Jack licked her release and laid back next to her. Luna rolled over and placed her leg over his waist.

“I love you.” She said softly. She stretched over to kiss him.

“I love you too, Luna.” he mumbled against her lips.

Jack pushed her hips so she was directly on top of his crotch. They kissed for what seemed like hours. Teasing touches here and there, only to end up wrapped up in each other’s arms. Jack was hugging her back while Luna placed her hands on his chest. She slowly moved her hips against him.

“I always knew our first time would be with you on top.” Jack commentted.

“You’re so f*cking corny.” Luna laughed, covering her mouth.

Jack pulled her hand away and sat up so he could kiss her properly. Luna reached between them and slowly stroked Jack. Then she lifted her hips, lining herself over his co*ck. She slowly slid all the way down his length. She moaned out at how good Jack felt inside her. She rocked her hips against him, getting used to him. She slowly bounced herself up and down while continuing to rock her hips against his. He sat up and brought her closer to him. Luna’s arms tightened around his neck. Jack bucked his hips upwards to meet her thrusts and she let out a soft moan.

“Feel so good, Jack.” she whimpered..

Her org*sm came out of nowhere. She clung to Jack as she continued to ride him. He still kept thrusting into her through her org*sm. But he slowed down, letting her come back from org*sm only to take her once more.

“Want you to finish in my mouth, Jack.” Luna said, pushing back his sweaty curls.

“Yeah, whatever you say.”

Luna playfully rolled her eyes and shifted her body so she laid horizontally. She spit on his length and slowly jerked him off with both hands. She slipped him as far as she could take him. He let out an incoherent sound until she reached the back of her throat. She did it a few more times, egging him on.

She pulled away, with a trail of saliva spilling from the corner of her mouth, and kissed down his length. Luna slowly bobbed her head up and down his length, getting her mouth used to him. She took him a little deeper each time. One of his hands gripped the back of her head, keeping her in place as he thrusted into her mouth. Luna let out soft moans. Her hands gripped his legs, nails digging into his thighs. She continued to stroke him as he came, taking all of his release. She cleaned him up and cuddled next to him.

“So we did that…” Luna trailed off after a few moments of silence.

Jack pushed himself up against the headboard. “Do you regret it?”

“Do you?” She asked.

“f*ck no.”

“Okay, good.” She giggled. The bed sheet covering Jack’s waist caught her attention. There was a large tent shape formed. “Already? It wasn’t even five minutes.”

“My dick can’t help that you’re finally naked with me and not a figment of my imagination.”

“I guess we should do something about that.”

“We should.”

Jack gently pushed her back on the bed. They slowly kissed, having all the time of the world. Unbeknownst to them was that Urban had entered his suite and was going to give Jack some information about Luna that he acquired. He unlocked the door separating his suite and Jack’s.

“Yo, you better buy me some blunts with all this sh*t I have for you– ARE YOU f*ckING KIDDING ME?” Urban yelled, pulling off his soundproof headphones.

Jack covered Luna before Urban could get a look of her face. “Dude, what the f*ck?”

“What the f*ck? That’s all you have to say? Here I thought my best friend was f*cking heartbroken but you’re out here getting his dick wet. I went out of my way to get you some info on Luna.”

“Hi Urb.” Luna sat up, covering her chest.

Urban took in the scene in front of him. “Nevermind. I’ll let y’all continue. Pardon me for interrupting.”

He put on his headphones and went back to his suite.

“Sorry.” Jack mumbled.

“Don’t worry about it. Nothing could ever embarrass me after my grandparents walked in on me and my date for junior prom.” she said.

“True and I didn’t get the condom stuck in your puss* like bitch ass Tristian.” Jack said.

“I completely forgot my date’s name. How do you remember?”

“I had to keep tabs on my competition.” He shrugged. “And I won.”

“Is that so?” She arched an eyebrow.

“You’re naked with me in Paris. I call that a win.”

Taglist: @heavyhitterheaux @cherry4everrr ​@carma-fanficaddict ​@youngharleezy @youngharleezyxo ​@babyharleezy ​@that-90s-girllll ​@alinaharlow @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @webinurcloset @gassyandsassy1 @jackharloww @awhor*4moree @noescapricho-essentimiento @neon-lights-and-glitter @purecinnamonextract @whywontyoulovemecami @camificrecs @itsyagirljaz @w1ldthoughts @vanwritesfan-fiction @xxkoolkatxx

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Jul 28, 2023

Theory and Analysis

The Legacy of the Shroud and Draconia Families: The Prodigy and the Miracle

I haven't posted anything in ages, but in the span of a day, I have caught up to everything happening in TWST. All I could say is -


Should I miss or incorrectly put the lore, feel free to correct me.

Warning: Spoilers, long post, language, and crude humour.

Without further ado, let's get into the post. All credits belong to their owners.


The Shroud clan

The Shrouds have been in existence for a really long time. Their ancestor was "appointed a Gatekeeper back in the age of gods and goddesses." Let's assume that was thousands of years ago. Due to this task of essentially keeping the balance in TWST World, Tartarus was built, and henceforth S.T.Y.X was 'formed' about 100 years ago.

Due to their long history, the Shrouds are rich, rivaling the Al-Asims in terms of wealth. According to Vil, they are a branch of Jupiter Enterprises. An influential conglomerate that essentially built Google Chrome, or maybe Facebook, and Amazon of TWST.

The Shrouds reside on the Island of Woe. It is not on any map, therefore it is completely hidden from the public due to the fact it is literally built under the sea.

For the secret organization, Lillia said that a legend goes like this, "When a wizard forgets themselves and succumbs to their own power, punishment from the Island of Woe shall befall them."

The Shrouds are tasked with such a heavy job that about a hundred years ago, they were cursed, preventing them from escaping their duties. This curse manifested in their flaming blue hair, burning off accumulated blot. But if there's no blot to burn, the curse instead eats their magical energy. That's why the Shrouds, especially Idia having inherited the curse from his father, must now be in constant close state of OB to survive.

Idia's grandmother, Aidne/Idone Shroud, is known to have this curse. Both her and her son, Mr. Shroud are using magical devices to combat it.

The Shroud Prodigy and Tragedy

Idia is a prodigy. Born a genius in the Island of Woe. As a child his intellect far surpasses the adult researchers at S.T.Y.X. With this impressive show of his potential, his fate is sealed: Idia will become the next head of the Shroud family.

Ortho's life is a tragedy. He was born, and then he died. Then he was reborn again as a humanoid robot that Idia created while in complete isolation for 2 years. Complete with the 'real' Ortho's memories, personality, and appearance.

This is Idia's way of coping with the guilt that consumes him. Blaming himself for his only brother's death.

Why wouldn't Mama and Papa Shroud do something about this?

I like to think that they did try to console Idia. From the looks of it, they do love their children equally. But they also have to grieve too. They also suffer the same guilt Idia feels because suddenly the portal that they're supposed to monitor as the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X breaks open, resulting in the death of their younger son. [But I think Idia's unique magic has something to do with the incident.]

It is important to note that Mama and Papa Shroud treat 'Ortho' as their real child, not a replacement of their dead son. With the events ending in Ignihyde chapter, Ortho is on his way to becoming his own person.

Combining his brother's 'death', the responsibility of running S.T.Y.X in the future, the constant state of near OB just to stay alive, and the isolation made Idia the genius, foul-mouthed, introvert prodigy dorm leader of Ignihyde.

As of Diasomnia chapter, Papa and Mama Shroud, the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X respectively, are trying to get in touch, or are now in touch, with Queen Maleficia, Malleus' grandmother.

The Draconia family

The Draconias are nocturnal fae, tracing back their long lineage to dragons. They all possibly have horns protruding from their heads. Their lifespans can go on for centuries. A Draconia will reach adulthood at the age of 1,000 years old. That lifespan is longer than the kind of fae like Lilia.


If Malleus reach 1,000 years old, he'll be only known as an adult Draconia, but for Lilia, 1,000 years is his whole lifespan.

In the current events of TWST, we only know 3 Draconias so far.

Queen Maleficia, Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa, and the only known male heir, Malleus.

Not much is known about them, except the current queen (has been for a long time) is Queen Malefecia, the grandmother. She adopted Lilia and Levan, the father of Malleus and Princess Malenoa's husband. The royalty in Briary Valley is complete with senators, dukes, royal guards, and is just basically a monarchy of faes.

The Draconias, and most fae creatures, reside in Briar Valley. There are forests that are pitch black, giving an advantage to nocturnal faes, like Lilia. It is also rich in magical minerals.

In Diasomnia chapter, Malleus put up a barrier of thorns that is going around or extending throughout Sage Island, essentially marking it as his domain, and everyone in this domain will remain asleep, dreaming. It is worth noting that Malleus is said to be one of the top strongest mages, as evidenced by this:

"S.T.Y.X. together with the Magical Force, and the Briar Valley’s royal family attempted to break into Malleus Draconia’s domain, but… "

"Neither physical nor magical attacks could make a dent."

"The thorns do not discriminate between humans and fae, and anyone attempting to enter just get sucked into the field."

Because he's a fae, he gets energy from his surroundings. Therefore if Malleus' keeps extending his barrier, he will get stronger. Heed that not even Queen Maleficia can get through the barrier her grandson had created. With this scenario, it effectively puts Malleus, a little bit stronger than her.

The Draconia Miracle

I contemplated saying the Draconian Miracle but either way is fine.

If we are to consider Malleus as a miracle manifest in itself, let's first look at the way he was born.

The prelude of Malleus' birth is chaos.

During or even before he emerged from his shell, Briar Valley is going through a fae-human war. Starting when the humans started populating and abusing the place. Note that their population started with only a small sailing ship, and throughout the years they multiplied.

Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa/Mallenoa is the mother of Malleus, and she, by far is the strongest defense of the land, as said by Lillia.

But before Malleus can even crack the shell, his mother is already gone. Going by the angst route, let's assume she died protecting her egg that houses her son.

Makes you wonder how brutal the fight must be to 'kill' a mother dragon protecting her only child.

Levan/Revern, a raven fae or a dragon duke in some sources, is his father. He is a diplomat of Briar Valley, therefore his task falls into making allies, not enemies.

Yet, he did not return.

It is presumed that he died in an ambush, or possibly has a new identity. If he is alive it is cruel for him to not come back to his unhatched son. I am not saying Crowley is Malleus' father but there's a chance that Crowley is related to the Draconias, in one way or another.

Now, why is Malleus considered a miracle?

Because he was born against all odds. His birth is a highly impossible event, yet it did happen.

Due to his parents' absence, this effectively made the hatching of Malleus uncertain. Dragon eggs can hatch within 2-3 years of laying if showered with love and cared for.

[ This part is taken from the accounts of Lilia's dream in the Diasomnia chapter, where Silver is also surprised by the huge gap of the war and the dragon heir's birth.]

Malleus' birth is delayed by 200 years, because he has no one to care for him. It is truly pitiful that even before his birth, Malleus is abandoned.

Why wouldn't Queen Maleficia love her unhatched grandson? Is her love and power not enough to hatch Malleus?

I bet she did, but she also has grieve the death of her only child. On top of that, she has to be strong because she's a queen of a country. Any sign of weakness can mean the humans threatening her or even one of the faes betraying them, putting her family and the nation in danger.

The thought of the Draconia bloodline ending with her likely filled her with depression. Also, Queen Maleficia is not Malleus birth mother, only his grandmother. So that is not enough for a dragon egg to hatch, since it needed the love from his birth parents. I like to think that this part is where Lilia, as his caretaker will come in. Lilia's loyalty to Draconias extended to Malleus, softening the heart of the war-torn general, enough that he had the sympathy to adopt a human child.

It took 200 long years for Malleus to emerge from his egg shell and when he did, Briar Valley celebrated his birth. Matter of fact, his birthday is a public holiday.

Defying the odds is another powerful instance why Malleus is born to be a king faes, the valley and the abyss.

The parallels between Idia (the prodigy) and Malleus (the miracle)

[Is it me or they both look good?!]

Both Malleus and Idia grew up in isolation.


[Island of Woe and Briary Valley are two places in the middle of seven-knows-what. Anyway...!]

With Malleus as the only heir, and Idia as the first born, they both have huge responsibilities on their shoulders. We're talking about responsibilities scaling nations and the safety of huge populations.

Idia's childhood is tragic with the death of his brother. But we can argue that Malleus' childhood is tragic too, with the disappearance of his parents.

Malleus grew up isolated and protected in the castle. His only confidant for decades is Lilia, his caretaker. And even then, Malleus said that Lilia is prone to going away for long periods of time.

For Idia, his only companion for the 2 years he locked himself in his room is the prototype of Ortho that he's building.

Idia represents the uncanny future, and Malleus represents the eerie past.

Think of it this way, if you put Malleus in Island of Woe where everything is about technology, I bet he will say something about the importanc of the past and teleport back to his place.

If you put Idia in Briar Valley... man's not even going to survive the night. He will lament his poor WiFi connection.

They compliment each other well: One doesn't want to be approached and the other is unapproachable.

Both Idia and Malleus are some of the loneliest students in NRC. Idia doesn't have social cues, and Malleus... doesn't have good social cues either.

They're both so awkward when interacting with others it becomes endearing.

As awkward as they are, both are arrogant too. Every time Idia regards himself as the acting leader of S.T.Y.X and Malleus as the future king, sends a thrill or.pride to whoever can hear them. [Go forth children! Be the leaders of the TWST world.]

And they will be leaders. As heavy as the mantle of Shroud and Draconia is, Idia and Malleus will have no choose but to shoulder on. That's why I think the battle between (yuu), Idia along with NRC against Malleus will be tragically beautiful.


Fun fact: Hades tried to ask Maleficent out in a date once, lol.


There's a reason why all of a sudden the story of TWST started to become more serious in the Ignihyde chapter and just hit the fan in Diasomnia. Soon, were about to find out why.

Idia and Malleus are the complete opposite yet their existence compliments each other so well.

One is a keeper of the underworld, and the other the blessing of maleficence.

And then there's Yuu, trying to uncover the secrets of Twisted Wonderland.

#twisted wonderland#malleus draconia#idia shroud#twst malleus#twst idia#ortho shroud#twst ortho#twisted wonderland analysis#twisted wonderland theory#diasomnia#ignihyde#mentions of#lilia vanrouge#twst lilia#s h u#twst#disney twst


Aug 16, 2023

s2e9 rewatch notes (part 1)

Omelette - I'm hoping I can pull through and finish this rewatch in its entirety before I leave on vacation. While the analysis is fun, the actual act of watching the show feels very masoch*stic vs. last season, which I must have watched a dozen times.

The-not-sexy-sex-scene: It's interesting that the credits start to roll on a black backdrop before we even get the blue-hued (read: frozen) sex scene, and its set to a song that was written about a death/funeral (The Day the World Went Away by NIN).

As a bit of context, Trent Reznor's grandmother (who raised him after his parents flaked out) died right before the release of The Fragile, and this song was thought to be written as a reflection of her funeral. I know they didn't include any lyrics in the scene (that would be too on-the-nose for a director that delights in subterfuge), but in no world is this a happy or lustful track - it's frail, wistful, and entirely about something (someone) that has been lost.

There's some laughter in there, if you squint, but it's mostly intense and needy glances replete with swinging chain for the feral audiences sake. The stark/open "little death" eyes at the end (as Claire is presumably sleeping ) punctuate the scene UNTIL....

.....Sydney is buttoning up her coat (i.e. getting frigging dressed) in the very next beat, frustration in her voice as she notices the stains on her whites (God, is this a sheets parallel?) .

This is hot on the trail of her getting undressed (revealing her 3 of swords tattoo) at the end of s2e7 as Carmy and Claire make out in the split montage, which is the only reason I'm thankful this was released as a binge series this year.

There's not much more to elaborate on here that hasn't been discussed in this brilliant analysis by @belassima- the classic "getting dressed after a sexual encounter" trope turned on its head. We don't see Claire again until friends & family, and this is wholly on purpose. I'm suing Christopher Storer for damages after the series finale.

Syd and her Dad have such an enviable synergy - but you can tell she's over leaning on him as her "person". He's checking in on her stomach (foreshadowing the dumpster scene) and acts as her lone hype man. "I don't know how you do what you do, but I am excited".

Emmanuel - "I never want you to feel like you have to make everything the thing."

a.k.a - "You know, there are other fish in the sea."

Sydney - "Why can't we put everything we have into everything that we can"

a.k.a - "I want to funnel everything into catching this one - this is a borrowed quote from my soulmate business partner."

Emmanuel - "Baby, if that's true, then why put so much pressure on this one?"

a.k.a - "What is the reason/what is so particularly special about this fresh hell you've been subjecting yourself to?"

Sydney - "Because.....I don't know if I could do another one"

Ok - more nuance is required here. According to Syd hivemind, the answers range from "Syd's been burned in a relationship/partnership before", "Syd also has Lupus", or purely "Syd has failed too many times and is scared". We still don't know enough about her past, but I tend to look at this through a strictly fearful/nihilistic prism - she feels like she can't take any more heartache (along with the physical and financial ramifications) from another crash-and-burn endeavor.

But Emmanuel's worried eyes tell a bigger story after she delivers this line, so.....I dunno! I hope S3 covers this understanding gap in a big way.

Strange Currencies playing overhead of the city, taking us to the ally where Carmy is having THE panic attack. I transcribed every image he cycles through while the song plays backwards:

*Sex scene of Carmy staring down expressionless at Claire in bed, Claire leaning down to kiss Carmy.

*An old picture of Claire staring straight ahead, a Sweet 16 birthday picture of her sticking out her tongue in a tiara, one of Carmy's drawing of her with glasses from class. Cut to a flash of Claires face with a wry smile in sepia lighting, followed by another one that is similar but almost taunting. These sepia images get creepier as the panic attack escalates, but also more focused.

*Another drawing of Claire smiling with glasses with Mikey's voice echoing in the background "the motherf*cking glasses came off!"

*Another old picture of Claire smiling without glasses, followed by another.

*Mikey and Richie and another "the motherf*cking glasses came off!" soundbite.

*Drawing of Claire in glasses again for a brief flash, followed by Carmy and Claires first kiss at The Bear.

*"Carm, this is a good thing" with Stevie, as Carmy crumples to the ground in the ally.

*Claire up-close in sepia sort of half-wistful/half-scruitinizing Carmy

*Donna screaming "f*ck you" and Mikey braying at the dinner table, Lee reacting, a dish smashing.

*Sepia Claire turning and smiling to the camera.

*More braying and f*ck-you's from Mikey and Lee

*Just Claire's eyes in Sepia-mode, staring across at him with a joker-esque smile as the braying and swearing and fighting continues.

*Donna screaming "are you motherf*ckers okay!?"

*The drawings of The Bear in Mikey's hands, him looking up affectionately at Carmy.

*Donna slapping Carmy - Carmy looks up in the ally as if something has slapped him out of it.

Donna and Mikey summon Sydney after this - Mikey with the acknowledgment of his dream (The Bear) and an ounce of brutality from Donna (as in: how dare you care about me, Carmen). These two figures, engines of chaos and trauma, steer him towards Sydney's first words to him.

"Hi, Hello..."

*Strange currencies - "These words* You were the most excellent CDC at the most excellent restaurant in the entire United States of America. What are you doing here I guess?" *you will be mine. You will be mine all the time*

I....I don't understand how the panic attack is ambiguous for people off of this site. I don't understand why it's not noted in reviews and think pieces. I don't understand why otherwise smart people put forth simplistic narratives like "Carmen just needs to make peace with his family" or "he fumbled Claire, his shot at happiness." I just don't understand.

Sydney passing Verdana "Now fool might be my middle name" as she stares down at the sign saying they will be permanently closed May 1st - along with the instrumentals, a clock ticks in the background. A flash of Nilah's face is interspersed, smiling back at her. "But I'd be foolish not to say..."

If this is an ellipse to a "Carmy loves Syd, Syd is fully gay" moment in later seasons, I'll be pretty disappointed since that would be a too-easy way to shut things down.

On first viewing, I took it as "Syd sees herself in Nilah" - she aspires to be her, Nilah gave her forewarning about partnerships that aren't official, Nilah was empowered, optimistic, and in control....and Nilah has not succeeded, highlighting Sydney's anxieties about failure at the same time Carmy is cycling through his own debris.

But the song lyrics are ambiguous, and everything is on purpose, and god damn I hate what fan theories have done to my mind.

Anyone catch that on the F&F menu listed on the whiteboard (as Natalie enters to sit with Carmy) the course of Seven Fishes is followed by the Bolognese? The feast was followed by the meal he prepared for Claire being served at friends and family? Yeah, I did.

The mother father painting - I feel like everyone was riffing on this during the earlier part of the week. The absolution of the mother due to the absent father. Syd being the mother (present) and Carmy being the father (absent). Donna (alive) vs. Mikey (dead). The idea of family haunting the dining room. The idea that this painting in the restaurant supplants what is trying to be built (found family). I suppose the parallels are endless here.

It's also just a truly sh*tty painting, a gauche reminder of Carmy's absence/inattentiveness.

"What exactly is a ServSafe certificate"?

Carmy was most definitely deflecting, he's a well-venerated chef. There are moments of inconsistency in the show that I let slide (giardiniera a la minute? bitch please) but there had to be a reason for this - his fatigue, his guilt, his inattentiveness reaching a breaking point.

Once he says "I'm fine on mom" Natalie sees it all coming to a head.

Sydney stickering her little Coach K vision board as she arrives for her shift. I just realized she doesn't really start paying attention to the book (a dorky 'go get 'em' gift from her Dad) until Carmy ditches her at Kasama. Coach K exists in the leadership void left by Carmy - it seems so sad to watch her pre-game by bejeweling a picture of a middle-aged man, but that sad pseudo-prayer card is the closest thing she's got to a north star right now.

Also, she's been fixated on and extolling the virtues of Coach K to Carmy all season and is met with....complete incuriosity, I guess? He never prods further, even when he sees her making this dinky thing for her station. It's almost like he knows, on a subconscious level, that this guy is supplanting him as Syd's guide.

But it's also her finding her own voice through advanced mentorship, which is great.

Carmy pointing at those aforementioned stains, Syd undressing in front of him, Carmy making plans to dress her again, them mutually deciding to dress in matching clothes until service. I cannot guys, I cannot.

Carmy getting spit-roasted for his deflection from Nat & Syd ("I know you just missed him *eyeroll*" "Do you have a phone these days?") - I feel like he's so under fire/exposed that he doesn't even recognize of the gravitas of the "I need your focus like you need mine" comment at first.

"What's your relationship with your mom like?" This scene has been discussed to death on here, I don't really have any new insights as it relates to Carmy/Syd and their maternal links or timing. I think the part that hasn't been explored much is Carmy's frustration with Nat which is thinly veiled as concern.

We saw in Fishes that Mikey and Carmy (and Donna) blame Nat for provoking bad behavior with her concern and neediness. Carmy says "she's expecting a miracle" like she's the sole sibling that enabled their mother. By way of Donna's disease and (I presume) unwillingness to seek help, the Berzatto kids really only had two options - enable by pacifying, or GTFO.

Mikey could be as atrocious as Donna. Donna is atrocious. Carmy played soothe-sayer and then left at 18. Natalie tries to cultivate some sense of family - the same family Carmy pays homage to via his restaurant, his menu, his girlfriend, Richie, his endless self-flagellation - but is resented for her own wayward attempts, even though they're very explicit expressions of love (sometimes) and longing (always). There's some really gnarly projection happening there that I expect will rear its head more in S3 between the two of them.

Cue Carmy being a douche to New Noise (although I love that little moment where he co*ck-blocks Connor, the new chef, and Tina smiles to herself a little).

Tina's been working tirelessly alongside Sydney and asks "Carmen, do you even have a phone?" as Syd tells him the contractor for the shelving called him eleventy-thousand times. There is a lot of emasculation happening on his own restaurant floor (formerly The Beef, the temple of gross masculinity) between the trifecta of Syd/Nat/Tina this episode, and it's only ratcheting up the defensiveness - his excuses and deflections fall flat, but he's not listening or learning yet.

Marcus' dessert check, (with Syd and Carmen looking like a panel of matchy-matchy top chef judges on the other side of the table):

Sydney is looking at Carmy with affection as Marcus receives a package from Denmark (whereas Carmen doesn't even react) - it's the second time she's looked at him like that in the conversation (the first being "workshopping the name") but it's been a long while since she's projected admiration his way. She sees how much he's done for Marcus in cultivating the whole customized Copenhagen experience for him, she sees his service, she sees her values humbly and quietly executed by him.

The Michael 😭 followed by the silence and "You can throw down, huh?" - what a perfect moment of TV.

I'm pausing here for tonight before my grammar falls apart (if it hasn't already), I'll unpack the rest tomorrow.

#the bear fx#the bear season 2#the bear spoilers#the bear#carmen berzatto#carmy x sydney#syd x carmy#marcus the bear#natalie berzatto#claire the bear#mikey berzatto#carmy berzatto


Oct 27, 2023

The Chanel Ribbon part 3 (Final Part!)

Pairing: Timmy/Reader

Word count: 2,535

Summary: The whole story from Timmy’s POV

Warnings: Serious smut!

A/N: The final part. I wanted to do one from Timmy’s POV!

The Chanel Ribbon pt 3

Timothée had been in love with y/n since the day he saw her across the room at an after party and she was asked to sing by the host. She had a voice like an angel, no angels would sound like cats being strangled to death compared to his y/n. She was beautiful, smart and so kind and compassionate towards others, he had never met anyone like her before. Sure he had been with lovely women but they were nothing next to y/n.

They went on a few dates and she was careful with him at first because she told him she had been hurt in the past and used for her status, Timothée promised to spend the entire time they spent together proving that he wasn’t like those other animals that broke her heart.

They had been dating since the beginning of 2019 and she had started to trust him before long and let him into her heart and he protected her and her heart like a precious jewel. They went steady during 2021 after the pandemic started to calm down a bit and they could see each other more. That whole year during lockdown was the most hardest thing he had ever done. He missed her so much and it was like he had lost a limb.

When his grandmother died and she actually flew out to London to be with him from the other side of the world he knew, he knew she was it for him. She was the woman he would spend the rest of his life with and start a family with some day. So he spent that full year having a designer custom design an engagement ring for him then he spent another six months planning the perfect proposal.

The day he was talking to the greatest Hollywood director of all time he couldn’t stop thinking about y/n. After the interview Mr Scorsese asked him if he was alright. ‘I’m sorry, I’ve just been thinking about my girlfriend y/n, I’m just wondering what she’s doing right now, if she’s eaten yet. She’s appearing on Fallon tonight to promote her new album and I just want to text her and wish her good luck and-

‘Just to hear her voice’ The old man finished his sentence with a knowing look and a smile.

Timothée nodded smiling chuckling and looking down. ‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Is this young lady a musician did you say?’

Timothée nodded

‘Y/n y/l/n?’

Again, Timothée nodded his eyes sparkling.

‘Don’t ever let a love like that go’

Timothée nodded ‘Never, Sir never!’

Later on at the private Chanel dinner Timothée couldn’t keep his mind off y/n, his friend Kid Kudi gave him a Red Bull to help calm his nerves but it only made him more jittery and a bit giddy. He decided he couldn’t wait for the perfect moment to propose, he wanted y/n to be his fiancée NOW. So with his mind spinning from the Red Bull he snuck out the back door and hurried down the street to the few blocks to the studio that hosted the Fallon Show. He was a native New Yorker so he took all the backstreets and alleyways to get there quicker. He arrived at the studio and asked one of the people backstage he had to see y/n y/l/n immediately.

They had already been seen out together but just as ‘Friends’ no one knew they were a steady couple.

The staff member patched through to the host Jimmy Fallon saying Timothée Chalamet was here to see y/n, Timothée was getting more and more jittery and hyper so by the time he walked on set to a confused y/n and Jimmy he was practically a rambling mess, he didn’t even notice the large audience watching them both.

‘Timmy, what’s going on? Is everything ok?’ She had turned her mic off which he was grateful for. Because he really giddy now.

‘I needed to see you and speak with you’ he muttered talking quickly fiddling with his necklace. Oh God she was wearing the Chanel ribbon around her hair from the gift bag he bought her.

No Timmy concentrate you’re here for a reason, Timothée’s inner monologue began in his head as she pulled them behind the curtain excusing them to Jimmy and the audience that he just noticed.

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry I had this all planned out for months and it was going to be perfect but I couldn’t wait any longer and now I feel stupid and- there’s an very large audience out there!!’ He squealed in a hushed tone glad he refused a mic his eyes going wide.

He was still gaping at the audience from their hiding place behind the curtain when he felt her hands on either side of his face and he nearly melted right there at her touch and met her eyes and her beautiful smile.

‘My answer is yes, but you will do this the way you planned because I INSIST you have YOUR moment with this. And you’re not proposing to me backstage at the Jimmy Fallon Show’ She giggled and he looked at her ribbon and touched it gently unable to believe she actually wore the ribbon as well as the bracelet that was in the bag. He moved slightly towards her lips to kiss her while attempting to remove the ribbon, he was in such a daze being around her he hadn’t noticed she was pushing him back until he hit the wall knocking him out of his daze and grabbed his wrist before removing the ribbon herself.

He watched her intently as she began to tie the ribbon around his wrist tightly whispering ‘Everyone saw me wearing this ribbon in my hair tonight, even Jimmy commented on it.’

His breathing hissed as she tied it tightly around his wrist below his pulse point and he smiled slightly at what she was doing. ‘Now I will return to the stage without it, and you will return to your dinner and be seen leaving the hotel wearing my Chanel Ribbon on your wrist.’

She finished tying the ribbon into a perfect bow her head bowed over his arm before raising her head and laying it on his shoulder smiling and looking at him. He nodded smiling back before pressing his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. She raised her head and deepened the kiss and he held her waist before she pulled away completely. ‘The aftermath should be fun.’

They both smiled at each other and went their separate ways. Him back to the party and her to her interview.

When the dinner was over he went outside to meet his fans and sign autographs and everyone commented on his new accessory and how they also saw a certain musician wearing an identical ribbon in her hair. He just smiled and bid his fans goodnight and drove home.

The next morning he woke up to the smell of food and the sound of his phone blowing up, he smiled stretching and reaching for his phone and looked at all the comments.

*Timotheè Chalamet seen wearing a Chanel Ribbon around his wrist he didn’t have when arriving at the Chanel dinner.*

*Y/n Y/l/n was seen wearing an identical ribbon on the Tonight Show but wasn’t wearing it when she returned onstage after Timothée Chalamet came to see her halfway through the interview*

The gossip columns were funny and the fans on both sides were going crazy. Timmy put his phone down again and went towards the amazing smell of breakfast being cooked by his beloved. Once he calmed down last night he decided he would stick to the original plan for his proposal to y/n. Even though he couldn’t wait he wanted it to be absolutely perfect for her. She deserved the world and so much more.

He found her standing in front of the cooker looking through her phone smiling at the screen while the food was cooking. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind pressing chaste kisses along her shoulder. ‘Good morning, something smells good.’

She smiled back at him tilting her head slightly toward him. ‘The breakfast or the gossip?’

Over the coming days and weeks they both shared the ribbon between them and found new ways to have it on their person. Timmy would wear it around his wrist, on his car keychain and even on his backpack if he had it with him. Y/n would wear it in her hair, around her wrist, she even wore it as a choker when out with friends one night. That got him excited when he saw the photos online.

After he used it to tie her to the headboard of their king size bed, he wondered how she would use it for her turn tonight.

He came home early after a long meeting with his management, exhausted and weary. His new PR Team were the most boring people he had ever had the displeasure of being in the same room as. They had put him with Kylie Jenner for a PR thing, they actually thought he would think this a genius idea. What was he going to talk to her about? He didn’t know anything about what it was she did.

All he wanted now was to lay in his beloved’s arms and hear about her day.

He opened the door and was surprised to see the entire house bathed in candlelight.

‘Oh.’ He whispered looking around and closing the door behind and walking further into the house. ‘Y/n? Are you here?’ He heard a noise behind him and went to turn but gentle hands stopped him. Before he could speak he heard her soft voice at his ear ‘Welcome home my love.’ She began rubbing his shoulders massaging them. He sighed and let his eyes close and his head fall back when she took his hand leading him into the bedroom. ‘I have a surprise for you’

Thankfully the candles were tea light candles so they would go out themselves once the wax was gone,

He wrapped his arms around her waist as he followed her to their bedroom which was all in darkness. She gently guided him towards the bed and began undressing him, when he tried to help she moved his hands back to her waist and whispered against his lips ‘No, tonight I take care of you’ his breathing hitched as she reached under his sweater to remove it and her fingers brushed his skin. The room was still pitch black with the door shut and he could only see her eyes sparkling in the dim light from the window. She removed his sweater then his jeans before pushing him gently back onto the bed he backed up towards the pillows as she crawled over him kissing every inch of him all the way until their eyes met and they were level with each other. He could just make out her smiling at him before she kissed him again then moving along his jawline down to his neck. He moved to lay his hands on her waist when she took his arms and rested them above his head near the headboard where he felt the satin of their ribbon.

He smirked in the darkness and didn’t resist keeping his arms above his head and waited patiently as she restrained him to the headboard. Once she was done, she moved back down and kissed him again before moving away from him and off the bed completely. He groaned at the loss of contact until he saw her turning on the fairy lights around the room to give them some light, he could see now in the dim light she was wearing his favourite dress he bought her. It was a simple green dress he picked out for her when he was going through some financial stuff and he couldn’t afford to buy her a fancy dress. He couldn’t believe she kept it after all these years.

He watched her undress slowly in front of him his boxers getting tighter on him, when she crawled back to him until she was on top of him. She leaned down and kissed him again her long hair falling around them like a curtain and started grinding her hips against his. He struggled against the ribbon, feeling the satin rubbing against his skin and kissed her back more feverishly. She broke the kiss and moved back to remove both their constricting underwear before coming back to kiss him and lowering herself down onto him until he bottomed out inside her. He groaned against her mouth and started moving his hips against her to tell her she could move. She held on to his shoulders as she began to ride him. He felt her open her mouth against his and he deepened the kiss meeting her thrusts with his hips. He wanted to hold onto her but he was still tied to the bed with the ribbon and he didn’t want to rip it. Although if the bed continued to rock like it was doing the knots keeping the ribbon attached to the headboard would come loose on it’s own. Y/n broke the kiss to breath and they both buried their face in the other’s neck as she took hold of his tied hands and tangled their fingers together.

Timmy whispered breathlessly into her ear ‘Untie me I need to hold onto you my love’

She made quick work of the ribbon and freed his wrists, and he pushed them both to sit up and rammed his hips upwards repeatedly. He heard her gasp and grip his shoulders leaving nail marks on his skin before grabbing fistfuls of his messy hair as he dragged his fingers up and down her back and buried his face in her neck nipping and kissing the skin there and leaving marks. ‘I’m nearly there, love. Come with me’ he gasped in to her ear panting hard when they both came and all he were fireworks behind his kids and he could hear her moaning and convulsing against him. He fell backwards pulling her with him drenched in sweat feeling the bedsheets tangled around their waists and legs.

He could feel both their heartbeats against his chest and he smiled trying to catch his breath as he looked down at her as her eyes were fluttering open and shut. He pushed her hair back from her eyes watching her smiling at him.

‘Love you’ He whispers against her temple before he reaches for the small remote and turns off the fairy lights and sees his wrists ‘Now YOU can explain to MY mother’

She smiles sleepily ‘I’ll tell her you were being naughty’

He looks down at her in shock before chuckling softly ‘Go to sleep’

He got comfy pulling her closer against his side placing a chaste kiss to her lips and closing his eyes with a final thought in his mind.

Yes, she’s definitely the one for me.





#lil timmy tim#timothèe chalamet#timothée hal chalamet#timothee icons#The Chanel Ribbon#timmy x reader#timothee chalamet fanfiction#timothee chalamet fanfic#timothee chalamet smut#smut


Feb 24

We had dinner at the food stall behind the gallery, talking about everything and nothing. Paul asked about my costumes and I showed him some of my cosplays and even a few original designs on my phone. He could name every single character I’d done, and I was quite thrilled to discover that he was just as much of a geek as I was. I don’t know why I had expected otherwise, considering the kind of roles he played.

He told me he’d loved comics and superheroes since he was a child, so when the casting call for a live-action Llama Man series went out he had jumped at the chance even though he knew the risk.

And he’d been right. By the time the series ended, he was too established as Llama Man and casting directors were passing him over for more serious roles.

He didn’t seem to mind that much though. He said that being a lead actor was hard work and he much preferred smaller roles where he could have some more creative input. These days, he mostly worked onLlama Man: The Animated Seriesand a few other voice acting gigs.

After the gallery closed, we found ourselves on a bench outside. The night was warm. I didn’t feel like going back to my apartment yet, and Paul didn’t seem to be in any hurry either.

“Finally, the director told me that if I didn’t get it together, he was going to replace me with an actual llama next season. So, obviously I had to bring a llama for the launch party. He did not appreciate the gesture. Turns out very few llamas are house-trained.”

Our laughter echoed slightly in the empty plaza.

“You know, you remind me a little of my grandfather.”

“Ouch. You wound me. I’m not even forty, you know.”

“No, I mean, he was an actor as well. Conrad Richards. He loved pranks like that too.”

“Conrad Richards was your grandfather?”

“Well, he married my grandmother, but he was always grandpa Conrad to me.”

“That’s amazing. I was a big fan of his, actually. I liked how he always seemed to have fun with it, not like those actors who take themselves too seriously.”

“Yeah, he never took anything seriously. In every memory I have of him, he’s laughing.” My voice wavered slightly. “Sorry, I still miss him a lot.”


Paul took my hand.

“I wish I could tell you that it gets easier, but the truth is, it doesn’t. You just get better at carrying the pain.”

He looked away, seemingly lost in thought.

“When my father died, my mother told me that grief is just love that no longer has a home. It has nowhere to go. So, what you need to do is give it a new home. Surround yourself with friends and family. Love the ones you have left even harder. It doesn’t make the grief go away, but they will help you carry it.”

He cleared his throat and gave my hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. I immediately missed the warmth.

“Thank you, Paul. I mean it.”

“You’re welcome. Julia.”

We sat in silence for a moment. Then, he looked at his watch and smiled at me, back to his cheerful self.

“Sadly, as much as I’d love to, we can’t sit here and chat all night. I have to catch a flight back to the Valley in the morning. So unless you feel like walking me to my hotel to make sure I don’t get lost, we should probably part ways.”

“Sure. Where’s your hotel, then?”

He hesitated, his eyes searching my face.

“ZenView Heights. But -“

I leapt to my feet. “It’s this way.”

Paul grabbed my wrist and looked at me with a serious expression.

“Julia, it was a joke. And that’s way too far to walk. Are you really sure about coming back to my hotel?”

I tried to listen for that little voice in my head, the one that was supposed to warn me when I was about to do something stupid, but there was only silence.

And Paul.

I nodded, slightly surprised at myself. Paul sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

“I don’t even know what I’m doing any more,” he muttered as we walked to the street to find a taxi.

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#duch*ellilegacy#duch*ellichapters#duch*elligen5#julia duch*elli#paul romeo#cw: grief#my sincerest apologies to all you Conrad fans out there
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.