The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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Alpo pundimompowdomponlomiongepiWOMPRill 660MWMPOPtraemsfrapota11014 rrIPMIP1176 banommogn i Real Estate Real Estate' INCOI CSTOTV Real Estate Real Estate 87 Houses for Sole 87 Houses for Sole Plana Drawn 6-14311 CURUDRANI PRICK Real Estate 87 Houses for Sole brielt tinrnes now -24-B a ht Chat-filth 011isrrurr JULY 31 1953 Real Estate Real Estate 1 85 Real Estate Dealers i 87 Houses for Sale maeKsou ROGER REALTY CO 11244 Trade 4449 rhone 341103 AL IVILKINSON REALTOR WORTH Br) Beautiful 7 RENTAL 8170 nulm home ShAde treec Fenced I Ke01 LOON Automotive 90 Farms and Timberland92 Resort Property 95 Automobiles TIMEER -WANTED-Standing DI ri cR-EscES1' BEACH-SECT1ON mEncuRy 5o bed- radio heater Owner 111095 3-197S 57406 altrr 6 52 cher rolet Rel Air-All- uiv S1663 merit '51 Chevrolet 4 door All equine eq ment MITI '48 Chevrolet Cluh Coupe $7 '47 Chevrolet Fleet line 3 door $561 Ford Fordor "8" $168 CLARY NIOTOR CIS 1108 Tryon 3783S tiONTIKc II" Fulll equipped HYdramalic! 0180 or 2 door Deluxe Al condition 'SIM- 1942 convertible Blue heater S290 8935 I BUICK 48 Super Convertible Can will trade Call 3-3382 ory yellow All extras Excellent buy $95 or Mondaynrthereafter RUICK-51 Riveria clean est at 0 trade 81850 57770 11-1)11Mt811E Sn "RR 4 door 11 on0 actual miles Sell or sedan Clean and fully equipped 493 5-5751 S199S er good tires 51 Pontiac 4 door sedan radio heat- Pontiac radio heater 10 er new tires 5189 2-door hivierti radio shape $1493 A DEAN BUICK CO Ph re flood condition $399 4-6002 JEEP 46 Heater Top and curtains '49 2 door Radio arid 1 Real Estate Automotive hock yartt MAW) financed Rt 4't- 16ANs''a oFF l'HOVIDENCV If '1" Ala a'lln wan" in liva This us fiilY a tine new a long time and emov healthful 'iv- Intl then this p'atie is for you On Roman brick borne 3 bedrooms 3 complete baths large OP fl and play- an a'cluaive aa'ad "'ad ha" all room 2 screened porches cli1-0 the homes are on wide fronting carport Iixtra large lot tracts 7 miles from the square OIL1V01-1TH- Brick duplex A toon twelve minutes by car It has 360 each si de rice $13610 Well fi feet or frontage contains ten acres Allred Bents for $55 each side 1 1 wooded a good strong branch i on nthlY and a perfect lakesite 1-lere is where FARMER CO nay build your home and imiitully sit back and PriIttY it with 4 4724 44542: 41944: VIM family as we who Ilse out here Look nt 5 lots and large old home lare now doing It may he tt'ourm for One nule (limn old Pineville Road only rinou OIL You rani equal It in Business pi operly Asking $11500 this COLIIIIV anywhere else RUBYE MULL Pretentious or MR RUSHING RN describes this largo 2-story Georgian colonial home right in Mei 4 211S heart of riTvers Park on one of the Three bedroom brick Thin Is new' nawrr Stret'tS 3 large bedrooms and home 11 -2 baths 56941 den big screened side porch oil i heat and a beautiful lawn 1iVe ale sore nit will like this Price in only $28000 On which you will a grrp is very reasonable for this property' Bing am het us show it to you Younts Realty Co VA Pi 41 atriiitriro all Ta Red describes this largo 2-story Georgian Colonial home right in the head of Myers Park on one of the newer streis a la ge bedrooms and den bur screened side porch oil heat and a beautiful loon We a 1P sore snit will like this Price is nnly $28000 On ss huh you agi ee is very reasonable for this property het us show it to you Younts Realty Co ATEMBER N1LB 1 3 large rnoms with )2 aeres 170n ready Hunter 4-9674 timber Edwards Lumber Co 46959 Owner offers direct salts two bed rid frontage harn SPPral outrituld- NEAR MULBERRY Convenient to 91 Investment Propertu ronm cottage completely furnished inert 8 acre's fenced in farm vain- good school New 6 rooms Panelled 7 large lot Desirable locaton 0 ment included Albemarle Rd Let den house Owner 2-3291 4 APARTMENTS rinse in 8115 mo' Brix 117 Ocean Drive Reach us show you Asking SIR 500 00 EAST 8111 ST 6 terms Zoned bust- Income 69450 6-4401 WINDY HILL BEACH RENTALS' HOME SELLING SERVII Chalmers PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL -Sec 7 BYERS REALTY COMPANY Phones 4894fi 23435 101IN- CROSLAND CO Builders -del rooms Office clime S1310 6-4401 Box 1 Windy Hill Beach A LESLIE velopers 120 3rd Phone 38849 Elizabeth Ave Phone 2601 Oran Dri ve Builder Contractor Ph 8959 EOR RENT OR SALE 4 OR RIS A Wolored room I HAREY' 5-8493 Just C00d Real Estate Poubfamily frame ap av artment large cottage located on Hern'g Point 5 lot A real bus house barge lot Good location from 2015 A LAN E-N SHD AVewly deco A Lake Lure Clyde Tomblin Soindale Owner 42752 after 7 I rated Oil heat $450 down to I WAGGONER Telephone 4835 LINCOLNTON 5 room horne 41296 Phone 21160 Day or Night BEACH -RENTALS TILGHMAN RIDDLE REALTY CO Furnace water heater 26367 1 Veterans Attention SP ECIALS phonoere2i7n1 Drive searh 13crig 191 EASTSIDE MM down Nice 2 hed I room cottage I- ented yard 63AI $800 Down Payment MATTHEWS NI If you are in- --A-SK -THE MAN FHAI KNOWS terested in a home le Matthew I WE' hme excellent brick home I-HMOITI On busy thoroueh I Jordan have a beautiful large fi-room on nice wide lot under con- fare 3 brick stores Leased Income CRESCENT REACH REALTY CO house ith bath phone deep well $4680 year Price S38500 RENTAL SAIES or city water Beautiful shade trees struction Completed by time mrciTH I 12 If 8f a2tt I ta n71gs: ptn rt BeThome 2571 Crescent Reach eh-Cott-ag Rent-and -Sal '-aee I acre rich land for garden You Irian is approved About $800 111 love this place when you APP In toww for S8750 1 JORDAN REALTY COMPANY it You can hits this beautiful home down payment Price $11000 Box 1 Creseent Beach for only St800 A Stilwell Niat Charlotte Realty Co rinSF: IN to Largo r2 pMere on 2 haeh oz 7 es thews home rente cloeele in eit INCOI Lstate Exchnnnes 5 1169 55327 1 NATIONS FORD ROAD 8 rooms come $1020 year Price $8500 221 Dicke 111 el 24--acres land-exehange for used 2 complete baths lot 2ifi- eti" car light truck 6-6918 addition acreage if desired nice lake Near Chantilly School Vinson Realty Co 94 Wonted Rea! Estee site 7-2241 es-tra nice hrick holism Excellent 221 Church Phone 57771 or 6 room houses Cell EASTR Section rooms corn ne ighhorhd Ntes 3-itto5 Merely furnished Block busline ST950 A Basinger '3 9(g)2 5 6 Financing can be arranged 5-9274- John Dwelle Co NPV buildannual ing i Loased to National or mom home concern income S9000 Va 44o95 NEAR SCGAW CREEK CHURCH-- Realtor 5ILB 4800t rant lot Tryon St Near New down l'yrrtPn! 644111 131sel LeRoy Dulin 1-6145 Ideal F-o-er- Brick less than sear 01(1 Living wAREHOCSE SPACE haOveWnae germ room dining room combination oFmtrehdouse to he moved off lot Denson a 690 ne()ilnitineosi ItConnfsf-ie'nPiernatlirnacdat 4 duplex in Midwood or somsswhere Illy CLUB WESLEY HOTS Four family Apt client for sometning like thrs large picture window Boman briimethk $27nra7 tfilirfelplah-hnu Iltiirtgeehenhpfilirtoilnittnyx ropo walkin closets clear oak floors Largo new ranch tYpe hrick hist house nire condition Annual in CrII o7 OmI enmPleted corner lot near new Sham- come $288000 It per cent on invest- rock School Let us chow You ment RUBYE MULL cflr74dizttir insulated Si2500 DILWORTH Large room home LIOME SELLING SERVICE STOKES as Rog or MR RUSHING 21415 -a ------Phnne 45944 6-4401 4915 ELDER-AVE-7--S room brick I -A business Property 42415 or 31809 in Inn ch sgaga Have email amount each for down Ii5u5ilototris851'0117iosttni1 heat Fenced yard 4 "44 EASTERN Section 0 rooms corn pltely furnished Block Mis line g7070 Financing can be arranged 5-9274- 4-4n05 NAR SUG AW RFEK CHURCH Rock les than year 011 'in room dining room combination large picture window hock fireplace nice kitchen utility room tiled bath 2 large hedroome with ssalkin clomets clear oak (Morn floored attic insulated gl2500 Ossn cr 0-4004 DILWORTI1 Large 5 room home Huot in v112 Oil heat Fenced yard t3500 WO down 6-4401 neighborhood 1 A Flasinger 1 nrirh rl Dwella Co Rea 1 51LB 40ani Id I River Cabin 2 room house to he moved off lot $7nn Fred Denson 5110 COUNTRY (-1111- Largo new ranrh type hock just cnmpleted corner lot near nrW Sharri rock Srhool Let nit how von 'DOME SELLING SERVICE 15 2 4-1 4 "44 4215 ELDER -AVE-----6 room brick $10500 Owner 5-0301 51000 Owner 5-63fin 510500 Owner 5-63671 timber Edwards Lumber Co 4-6959 Owner offers direct sale two Of Investment Property room cottage completely furnished large lot Desirable locaton 4 APARTMENTS Close In 8115 trio: Rox 117 Ocean Drive ft Income 59450 6-4401 WINDY HILL BEACH RENTALS PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Sec 7 BYERS REALTY COMPANY rooms Office clinic $13150 6-4401 Rog 1 Windy Hill Beach Elizabeth Ave Phone 2601 Ocean Drive FOR RENT OR SALE 4 room Your-family frame apartment large rottage located on Havern's lot A real buy Lake Lure Clyde Tomblin Snindalc A WAGCONER Telephone 4835 Phone 2-1180 Day or Night REACH -R ENTA LS I TILGHMAN RIDDLE REALTY CO Phone 2171 Pox 196 SPEC ALS Orean Drive Reach THE MAN THAI KNOWS DILWORTH On busy thornoeh I Jordan fare 3 brick stores Leased Income CRESCENT REACH REALTY CO $4611'0 year Price S38500 RENTAL SAI-ES 1Phone 2571 Crescent Reach 9TH ST 6 fermis rolored snart 'n Cottag es Rent and Sale en 'ino 12 288 year Rest bus' Pea" In town for $8750 1 JORDAN REALTY COMPANY 'Box Crenrent Beach CH irLnsp rst Largo 2 store 2 barth 9--- cal Estate Exchannes 1 come $1020 year Price $8500 --exrhahce- for used ear light truck 6-6918 ho me rented to colored peonle In- Vinson Realty Co 94 Wonted Real Estee 221 Church Phone 5-7771 or 6 room houses Call Nites 3-18115 '19602 NfolV building Leased to National URGENT Want 5 or 6 room concern annual income 89000 Va rant lot Tryon St Near New Small 'Inwn PaYmen! 6401 1-- Blvd LeRoy Dulin 1-6145 WAREHOUSE SPACE limo to MI NAlontd From Owner non sq ft office railroad truck fa- ddies Convenient location 2-2117! I OM' of the P1A7R I have a good A duplex in Midwood or somwhere tVESLEY HGTS Four family Ant client for someloing like Ors 'Have smad amunt eac for down smad amount cacti tor clown For Rent 'Payment on 3 bedroom hous on rircu CrArV-All OA Vtr rM rSAZW large lot or acreage roll 4253A For Rent Payment on 3 bedroom house on service Down large lot or acreage Call 4-2536 Pest prices in lOWn RYDER TR UCK REY RYDER TRUCK RENTAL (FANNIE LOU) Pecan Ave $9950 A No ux room hniie fhl hAt reghlv dernrAted This min three full Aired bedrooms Dun! ex $13950 Odunttn orwl ht-1 thirlex tOPIr to ev-h srto nntentnnt to he1 1hee tarec hues The Petten the Ttlenth Hickory Grove Rood $16950 htg tux ynnm hrtrk hnn Rtenzuny 111 hnthol On I Int 71 Heauhfui rhelerial BeetthfullY Built Fannie Lou Bingham Fannie Lou Bingham 11612 Church Streel I Off es 37871 "1 A rgaret Peterson ft es 306 7 1 000 Shenandoah Ave I rinse in acreage 5-2387 Nuilding lot or tOnESnE 2S2nPqA0 Lot wanted ice CE-All OFFICE SPACE-For rent in busi mndihouse IIPSA district Reasonable Call 4-7710 WILL PAY CASH for equity In your OFFICE SUITE cins in 4-4724 er ern ground floor No metera 38724Clients looking for all types PrOP Riiiiinps locution 1105 Eni Br" ty Call and discuss the sale of 40 60 good for retail store dry with u' Meaning plant aelf service latindry4117TCHINN REALTY CO 27371 or large office space Call 49912WANTED Lots acreage eastern sections Allen Realtor 5-4330 OFFICE SPACE HOME Large horn wanted from 11214 Er 4th St owner in Elizabeth or Dilworth 7tha 1rd St G-48 Observer Morehead St Real Estate wanted-homes aere- STORE LOCATIONS age Henry Bryant 4-9234 4-8160 127 Fr 4th St HONIES WANTED for cash buyers Er 4th St Clyde Crevenslen Phone 4-7830 Caldwell St IWILKINSON RIND Severai him- Ifiol Fulton Aver dred feet c'nsei in frontage wanted CAROLINA REALTY 2-8191! All cash Box 11-26 Observer 1211 Sr SLAM Office space a ail LOTS or WIC! arreage Mike -til: ahle with excellent parking facilities i Write Box 3151 Charlotte Also one store for good retail bra- BUNGALOW (Small wanted for lion special client Call 4-5386 day 2-5211 Younts Roans Ins Co night Char loclern hungalow wanted in 18618 MANUFACTURER'S representative lotte E-41 Observer would like to share n(five with and fi room homes Im anothor preferably not in downtown cash If seasonable 61313 district Require desk and approxi-1 510ST IRGENT mately half time aecretartal servicend We find additional homes to meet F-7 Observer I our present need We have the Buy OFFICE Air conditioned Heat- cr do s'ou want to sell7 We can ed Call 2-7719 kelt 3 already financed homes to r-- ir Idnv vc nrirod rio It Pirneo 111 IL nt or rent In 1111C1- house 4 IIPSA district Reasonable Call 4-7710 WILL PAY CASH for equity In your! OFFICE SUITE cinsi modi 4724 nos in -Ntodihouse 4-4724 OFFICE SUITE prungingprs locution 11347d 4 eCrl ti tit sc alio kai ondg df for tthyepe ss a of for retail storedry 40 60 good yours th us eleaning plant self service laundry 1117- 41-TY Cfl'- 27371! or large office spare Coll 4'9912 sWeiAtNiffiTnEsD11-pLoAtsitenIcriteeaagletorea5st4e3r3no' HOME Large horn wanted from OFFICE SPACE 11214 41h St owner in Elizabeth or Dilworth 300 1rd St G-48 Observe ar3I Henry wilnryteadn-t T9n2e354' 4716r Morehead St STORE LOCATIONS 127 4th St 111)51ES WANTED for cash buyers 4th St Clyde Crevenslen Phone 4-7830 Caldwell St I WILKINSON BLVD Several hut) 1601 Fulton Ave dred feet ensis in frontage wanted CAROLINA REALTY cash Box H-26 Observer 1211 BLVD Office space a) ail LOTS or WICl aereage rIOSP tn able with excellent parking facilities i Write Box 3151 Charlotte Also one store for good retail loco- BUNGALOW (Small wanted for bun special client Call 4-5386 day) 2-5211 Younts Realty Inc Co night 18616 Modern bungalow wanted in Char MANUFACTURER'S representative lotte E-41 Observer would like to sharp with jDUPLEX's and fi room homes Im another preferably not in downtown mediate cash If seasonable 61313 distelet Require desk and approxi-i 510ST 1RDENT rnately half time neeretartal services We find additional homes to meet E-7 Observer I our present need We have the Buy OFFICE Air conditioned Heat er dr) you want to seir We ran ed Call 2-7719 kelt 3 already finaneed homr I RETAIL 'f prieed right Please -ot wanted Nicehoilding lot or I 210 Dalton A 2Cdeov(rrolet Styrel'tne deluxe $1595 38 Buick Special Sedan 1943 1 Mot or radio heater clean 245 iG Chevrolet Stylemaster Coach extra clean car $595 A Motors :512 College I-8018 4 49- 3200o mil very goot and assume nents 32535 frr ti 6200 i HARRIS FINANCE CO INC 710 colirge st Phone 6-6418 'PONTIAC '''0 Extra clean lows moeage sell or trade Elm fi 462n CHEVROLET SO Eleetline Deluxe Clean good tires Heater Must sell today 6895 on Phone 57603 L1 PLR 50 Exeeent cond FuL) ition 100 PER CENT 'NT TOP tore I it1 i i ed $350 ri 56263 RUBYE MULL or MR RUSHING 45944 or 14609 cuANTitIY Shenandoah Ave Most attractive large 5 room home Nice level lot near shopping center only $1930 00 cash assume loan Total $9150 00 HOME SELLING SER VI( 4 11946 2-3435 TOTAL PRICE 035000 i hill room home both lot 55 271 irwalid right off new MOrtrOR Rd on AM111( II I) SPP our sign 11051E SELLING SERVICE Phones 441946 2 3435 Trews Constructi2-5070 on Co Call LOANS AVAICA FILE rooms with 3 bedrooms $795 cash monthly New brick oil heat white steel kitchen cabinets colored balh fixtures insulated weather stripped paved street Only 2 left at 1111 8 1319 Meadow Lone East of Mara Call 1N Heath 4 1549 or 20s02 CORNER 0111 PINEVILLE 1Vorod 1" lid swim' home big tot Near school busline $2500 See mr Miff door A sparkling owner built bite frame bungalow It full sired rooms kitchen with eat 4 block south of Pla7a TioNd 2 lochs Plaia 1-1111x Sup*rntarket 3 bedroom howe iige new hil a ermined Strellenced sard Escott Company Realtor 711 Smith Tryon 5-1495 Duplex Corner Providence and 3 bedroom' 2 baths 125041 font lot Large double carport and slor age All rintegt feattirpm $11500 TAN Suburban I Call LAW)111 2 Dilworth AIFILVIPTINE: COURT- Lovely awl goolleas 3 bedroom hrick (larace Screened porch Sendis washer blinds Nice lot 49750 12750 down 159 monthly 64449 63933 2916 Forest Park Dr A sparkling owner built hite frame bungalow 6 full si7pd rooms kitchen with eat- ing space basem*nt garage only 2 blocks to new Chan- tilly school $15250 SPEIR INC I Realtor AllR 2809 Virginia Ave 4 mo 0th of ria no" 2 blocks Nara Hills Super Market 3 bedroom house like new kit A anproved Steellenced 5 aril Sill51t0 Escott Company Realtor 711 South Tryon 51495 1 ID I i $62 Corner Providence and Wenner- 1 5 bedrooms 2 baths 125 241 font lot Large double carport and slor I age All Molest feattiree $11500 1 PHONE 5-9221-341217 OFF SHARONAMITY 6 room brick S13950 Owner 5 2177 i 2613 FORT ST Off Mecklenburg room trams Furnished or tinfur- nished Smolt down payment Own- er AIETBDETINE COURT- LOVPIV end giantess 3 bedroom hrick Csrage Screened porch Pendia washer blinds Nice lot 39750 52750 down 559 monthly SJ4449 5J3933 291 6 Forest Park Dr rhnnielON4LRE94fiSPI21161NIG SERVICE ITIEVROLET 'SO Styleline Deluxe hon Florence NW cornr' Nite 2-1074 23060 miles $1080 42334 Evans and Dargan next Thom Mc: An Lerner Kress Inside and corner NASH '41 Reconditioned-Motor- si sn ft9 storea Will divide Suitable larlie Automotive Call 7-ri wear menR wear-clothing jewelry drugs ladies' shoes stationery lunch ac onnettesnack bar etc Reasonable 'd Automobiles rent Brokers protected Modern al SIERCITIY- 'in Clean throughout LINCOLN '52 Cosmnpolitan-Fordoe sedan Light green blege top FIIIIY PrItliPPed Like new S2995 a 1 i 3829 Good Motor Co Rock MIL terations to it Mare 9219 162 New white Rik Sell or trade down su Street Flushing Phone Flush- Reasonable Isar? When BUYING SELLING TRAII Inu 9-1537 1931 CADILLAC "62" 4 door sedan ING See Stone Finance Co Inc Stores offices warehouses Small black 25000 miles Like new S3150 920 South Tryon large 40094-6-3304 Call owner 4-7916 -BRAND NEW sell Warehouse 1 THOMAS 8157 4 lieu ao ft concrete floor oil beat I WILL SELL YOUR cArt' 4 1 0 55 Ft '41 Convertible $225 Gall 2- Fleet pa rking snare 3-8774 For commission Take on nod Motor Wst Blvd et Moon consicornent Buy straightl '49 "98" convertible 726 grimy AVE Store and officei sell s970 or trade for '40 '41 building Off street parkng S1001 OLLIE DEATON I ear all 7-213 5 monthly Caii Allixon 2-4nno I-mooing tit! sireei parans ni monthly Call Allison 2-4ono ULL I ULA I UN rear Call Rest Construction' 5 room brick 1 Best Construction 5 Tiled bath Choice section Moderate price Easy terms Owner 31618 I We believe we can get Loan of 113000 on our new duplex at 117-119 SYlvania Ave 'Chat would leave only $700 plus closing costs to MOVP in This building in most con yeniently located on a shartv lot has 2 bedrooms in each living unit See it today! Marsh Associates 48431 Mr Mrs John Craig 4 9984 5-1272 (Lew) GRIFFITH 211 Johnston Bldg 27173 MYERS PARK-2 bedrooms 2 baths den Wooded lot 2-4213 SIDE 5 room house (colored) corner lot 55395 3-1985 SHA RONANIITY Brick frame homes 58950 up 6-4784r PLAZA-S rooms with kitchen en pliances by owner Call 5-1981 2908 CENTER DR 5 room house tiv owner Call 4-5072 PLAZA sFrrioN 8 room house Large shady lot Buchner 4-1783 Shennendnah Ave 5 room cottage SUNINIERVILLE Ph 52934 KEW sEntioom FR AME 4111 fainglewood Ave Large FHA loan available Sleun Would take in car on lot or part of down lament RUBYE MULL or MR RUSHING 88 4-S941 -3-19o9 Suburban for Sale KING "Carmel Acres" One Two and Three Acre Home Sites Near Carmel Country Club John King Realty Co slirl Evenings and Week Enda Call robn King Altlot parr Shelley 23524 Carmel Road "Carmel Acres" One Two and Three Acre Home Sites Near Carmel Country Club John King Realty Co slivrt Evenintra and Week Enda Call John KIne 5 Mt Starr Shelley 2 3124 Carmel Road 1 20 ACRES 710 feet road frentage $225no no KELLER CO 2-4116 10 acres 7 miles 32nno 34233 prioVIDENCE 110AT3 3 1-2 iseres Country C010OY 22730 Call Henri NCWRnn 4-9705 11 ACRES 5 miles east of Charlotte with 2 acre lake S0000 ft timher Pr Iced to sell $4500 Fred Denson 6-5919 SUBURBAN 11051E- near Wood lawn School 6 large rooms 2 porches $9750 Call 21355 nights Owner PROVIDENCE RD out 2100 ft frontage nice acreage 14 ilh streams and pasture Call 2-6124 John Gallagher Realty 2100 ft frontage nice acreage with ms strea and pasture Call 2-6124 John Gallagher Realty WoodEasy teview Providence SertiOn $500 rm all 7-2166 us 89 Lots for Sale STATESVILLE Br) tvoontAwN SECTION-Lots 100 its 50x200 $1255150 3-4460 2 miles city lrn 300 4-5691 Ashmore Dr 100 225 Pmed restricted Wooded 52010 58-8439 NC ROAD 100 274 PROVIDE Level wooded lots $ionomo 6 9205 WILNIOUNT SECTION 4 real nice big lots Only $350 each 44327 LAWYERS Fin Level wooded lots 100 200 Approximately A miles from Charlotte 4-1120 after 5 BARGAIN Large commercial row ner at New Colisum S4500 can dot- hie Also Du ple 81695 43113 ITIT-Dee-p- wonded width In4 ft Cleared Off Potters lid $175 down balance '212 years 5-0511 5100RE'S PARK Lola for sale 4-41305 or 2-6610 LOTS IV OWNER FOR WHITE I 3-10 miles on Bentty's Ford Rd Easy terms 2-1065 after 6 10'f For colored 8300 4471- MONROE nn Into 50 350 with well Call 1463 Matthew MAMMOTH' OAKS--Off Provideore Rd (Lakeview 125x206 63000 2-3859 SHFRIII MORE Beatitiful-wood homesites on Shoron Road 22213 SUNSET HILLS 4 front lots Less than mile on Mint Hill Rd Just of- ter turning off Albemarle Rd 8750 Mrs Preyotte 6 9170 r)AvinsoN- --e--- LOT Ntost desi table residentiel aection Box 2 Davidson 5571 DIXIE RD acre lot II-2 027' 9 3 from MY limtts 6 lots MO 51 00 ftge paved road deep well 5fronta3-4212 1)11 1 I 6s r' Prx -r'--- lac special 1250 Nice 6-3313 BLVD 8 HILLSIDE DR Ideal for Doctors office or duplex 82950 2-74117 90 Farms and Timberland 27497 90 Farms and Timberland 1 i 1 I 11 I I I A to JIM) Trynn rh SOOrtar Lowmileag I 4-i 1ke new Sacrifice 48540 clIEVROLET '52 Custoreline Crloor tPirie 'Y srSli(i)phni tIlsry Ite'39' Sledy're'rNSe3w75 5'-'7e6n rIg CI FT '5 2 4 door Ae deluxe fig flak 2trine blue Ruhr) healer turns2snig95- esIEVnnt ncics Owner 31500 3-23 This car has only 24000 ac i tupi mo FOR 11 Vieteria 2-tone Fordnmalle l'011r)A3IATIC 1951 Fnrtior Rn 'din heater I Exceptionally clean 51515 A real buy from owner oFFIer sPArr ern building hat Weeks from Squasin-e en Tryon St AproximtelY pa 5n ft All facilities and services Available immediately Call 47211 1000 so ft Plenty parking space Nest to Dixie Horne -Store hInderrL huilding Heat supplied Call 56578 798 SEIGLE AVE Used car lot 100 a 100 feet Encloried with Page feline Heavy traffic S100 per month ('all Allison 24000 t'all AIIISOn 74000 Pt insurance Southern Nest rtats- ing Co Libert tit I 2-5163 FL et-itTER 6 CO 2111 Trvion Ph 31132 DELANFY 111 Third St 4-7724 FRED DUNN Itr14 Waterman A to BUY sell land call Penn Bros Atietionpera Rseemont Farm Concord Rd Phone 3754 Charlotte LEE KINNEY 136 Broward Court Phone 211511I Thomas Resit eo 1240 5outh Boulevard Ph 41010 POINF11 TILL 012 ituteriendentur Bldg 4 2g2I 86 Real Estate Loons All TYPel toini----- City Savings Bonk Member rectorial Deposit Ineuranee Corporation III East 3rd Ph 3-4441 Fit Sales -anti insurance Southern Next rstate- Int Co Liberty Lite Bids IL CUTTFR CO 1111 8 Tryon Ph 3713 Mortgage Loans gesidential and commercial properties Prompt service See Price Crowd Pot Life Insurance Co MO Johnston Building Phone 5-3485 Home and Apartment Mortgage Loans As Long as 20 Years Quick and Liberal Booth Realty Mortgage Co 6 Church St 6 3681 Home Federal Fourth ML Phone 24117 Savings and Loan Tint Mortvit rift LOANS RA and Conventional for flying or Building a Home McDonald Realty Co '9 Johnston Bldg 04441 See Ike Lowe 1 Houses for Sale ln Rp-nnylirm no--a rnnm house 1 hon down g-4 monthly 597 Home buqt to ynur CURTIS qoqs ROBIRT V'LLEN'r 111 Rrevard Ct 27072 3-87171 1 TAYLOR 1 Construction CO 33470 2 1171 i RD 2 bedrooms Al- tached Wale Large lot FHA $7 no tia11 Total SUMO Cali owner S-2114 MONTREAT Large fur rushed house 7 rooms bath Steer- Ins porch Separate 3room apart- ment with bath Both equipPed throughout with electrieal spoil' evict'' sumo() 7714 Kannapolis I PINTX1111: RD new rmm brick ranch tyre BY owner $11750 48- Owner Brick veneer Dilworth McMinn living room dining roonl kitchen I bedrooms ceramic hatth new electric water heater screened porch nice lot and shrilh hers' fenced in hack Yard $10930 Call 341142 for appointment to soe Chip Icy (TAR WV AVP--Plizabeth Mection 2 bedroom bungalow Almost neil oil heat Price only $71190 on gOnd tPrtn rtNEviitir RD room frame bungalow Floored attic garage deen tot All conveniences Pore only SAISO on terms ROSLYN HEIGHTS-2 bentoom blin slow financed Only $600 wn end $74 monthly ADJOINING Alert's schnnt On beautiful acre lot 3 rooms and bath rubber tile Doom Possession at once Pore only $5250 Chipley Realty 4-5584 Sales Loans Insurance Pefore building your new home call es for a free estimate Ross Construction Co 2-0344 nAKHURST I rooms Corner Nest school shopping churches 3- 051 NOTICF si4o Mouse EOM down Elm Payments NOTICF Eastaide Molex s14o 1 Moose WOO down FasY PsYments1 6 rill LAWItit* RO 112 mil" eltv broils 6 rooms Oil heat Fruit treei Garage Owner 61294 Myers Owner store 7 room brick home 3 beri rooms bath den large screened norch Convement Sterling Pd locs bon Call 4Rt Quiet Location hirers a New I room brick 11-2 baths 12 2003 REPAIRS ON HONIE Competent work Easy terms Doggett 100 Park Phone 87461 AIOUNT HOLLY no 4 rooms 100 200 lot 36500 FB962 after 5 STATESVILLE nil Nivens- Section 5 room frame $8900 46310 IlitcALWAY 8 room brick bungalow baths oil heat Mans extra features Cer Port Screened porch CLAUDE 3-384 Colony Road story brick home with 3 hedroom and 2 baths den Full basem*nt Garage Close to Myers Park Nigh School and Junior High Direct bus to MY-erg Park Grade echoed You will akod hf very pleasant in thia fine neighborhood Price 820390 II Massie Home Realty C7 Mgmt Co 2 1141 'II 3 4012 V1A7ABETH home $0500 Henry Heath 33336 Open For Inspection Selwyn Park WOODLAND SECTION 640 Manhasset Rd Three-bedroom brick with 114 ceramic tile baths attic fan GE dishwasher stove vent hood washer connections city water and sewer Street tn be paved Price $111150 FIR loan $9450 GI total down payment $1250 Geo Goodyear Co Phone 5-84S4 or 5-479R Prttst -8 room brick good Ta-e tton near schools bus Large lot Good condition 119000 Phone 2 HOSKINS Section 211 Ramsey St rooms Garage 33noo 1151F17 SUSAN TEMPLIN Rest Estate Service 21231 LABURNUM AVE i $767 down g66 monthly 7-1941 OFF Wilkinson Blvd 5 rooms $673 plus CIONing CfAI 13:157 Ehrabeth 5 room plus breakfast room Attie $9000 510 POINDEXTER 3 bedroom bungalow Oil heat Tile bath Screened Porch Vacant WPII firlAnn Oft 312600 Will consider reasonable offer Call 83895 HOME SEEIERS-Call -63313- Courts-- ous Information No Obligations 4 so of at 4 2 of we of is of are ACE MOTOR SALES 14-68(11 27261 Ft tit 13 '50 'tutor "Ir- Extra clean 46672 'Low mileage owner radio heater and chnro ii KAISER sTATIoN WAGON seat covers $1075 30879 1950 Troveler Like new Original 0113SNIORILE Clean Perfect owner $1075 Heater 594 Overdrive heavy duty springs Phone ''-f! CHEVROLET 50 Convertible Ri-di-O- 87 Houses for Sale Exclusive Acreage 201 Blvd Phnne 5-Rfi1F1 Night 479Rft 3 1522 Park Rood OPENTODAY Near Celanese office 2 bed room and den home new brick 2 baths 2 car a rage 1I 3 acre wooded lot SIA000 loan 4' 2'- 20 years Call 53369 Pork Rood 1 bedrooms one Nenellerl all on one floor large living ronin filll dining room permanent stairway to attic basem*nt with oil heat side acreened Porch shad lot on bus line TIF'Al school Brick and very Attractive Only (-RH 53369 Owner Pocked And Reody To Go Therefore Ynit might get a real bar gain In a 7 roont NnacIntig house on Vast PRA She was asking S16000 Nit tlAg cot that considerahly It's in a residential section PI PUS Yard milh lots of flow'ers an I Close to 2 good schools 111115 11100 cash will buy the equity in a neat 2 bedrm)m house The prinvipal loan la way down and the monthly payment in only 143 per month Location near Plata Itills area This DITIFX Myers Nita Nearly new 2 bedrooms eaeh S2500n 64401 McDonald 1 Relek If 2rid'h Tvna Brick Ranch Type Living ronm dining room ennthl natinn larae kitchen dining atea paneled den 2 hedroornii 2 tile baths Carport Lot Ita ft front 200 ft deep Canterhurv Road Wendmer Hills The price Is $23500 vs maw McDonald Really Co 61 111 McCorkle-Kirby flidtHillIST-51onroe flood At tractive large 5 room frame bun colow Only 5 old Full dining room Tile bath Oil hat Diaappearine stair to full attic Fenced in back yard lot 75x175 Near gehool and bug line Al ready financed rai $2700 dmAn and aasume CI loan at $57 per month Toial Sin500 McCorkie Kirby Agency U0 Indeonndenee Rind 1-6-97 IiiPS MAR LEY Near Alitl berry Church 6 room frame home nn 2 acre tract Completely fenced Part wooded Ahout 12 old The houe Is In nnod condition II 4 rooms and bath rloanOalra 2 bedroom up Price $12nnn MARLEY REALTY CO Realtors MLR Pb CHM Niles CII 6539-11-011n 526 McDonald Twt bedroom SInS refniterAtnr WAAllft included 11794 DUMMY Wendover Vnirance hall living mom dining roam three big bedrooms den two tile baths picture book kilt hen rear ecreened parch basem*nt permanent stair to Pt tie and mare Closetg than you ver saw before all add up to make this ono dream hoin It 'a almo0 new hut the hnern Are leaving the city Call and let tit show van thin rine today Nou wont be aorry Cheisia Drive Park) reettra one We bath ell hot Alt heat Attraeht arranCttmeet Well planted pint 1 5 75t) Dunaway Co Rea Itor 3 2113 MLR YOUNTS Leo 34Pholanjr pm IMIONMeal NMI enz4VPf-Ayima "Om a 1jiio I ts an easy way to get a good house Call RUBY MULL or MR RUSHING 45944 or 311109 rooms 3 bedrooms Ili baths Poplor Drive Plus OtPrVIIIIIR quarters Large lot Park lirl Parl School At'Pa Off Eastwoy Dr $21500 5 5089 Arir yo 1)KING Fon A New homes with deluxe kitchens and tile baths two bedrooms den living ROME THIS IS MI JU A HOM SI A PLACE? tom dining room saraxe for only $1275O AL BEMARE RD AREA Two bedrooms liOng room dining tut 5 room rambler nearly 2200 room and carport for $11500 ft in house phis hugs tiled breezeway to grarage I I 2 hoths Chorlotte Realty Co full basem*nt with shower Bedt! 5 3jiti9 2fV4 torten BR cl 5 5127 heating SYSIP111 Panelled den! ALREADY FINANCED with fireplace Lot 150 a 3no A rnold Drisp Very attractive 2 More lot space If desired Approved brick large garage shady Slo WO asking US500 Well fi lamisraped lot Reasonable down For appointment rail 84449 ment assume loon 3913 i MAD: SELLING SERVICE 401946 2-3435 room! IR D1StehcgtionpiIlietnogtaalon on i rear of lot $7850 6-4401 YL TA OR la an easy way to art a good house RUBY MULL or MR RUSHING 45944 or 311109 I HOUSE PLANS for 2 story coin Inlet home with sperifieations have novPr ho*r' used Sell for $25 half Price Write "Plans" 904 nuke St Shelby $800 Down 632 Seldon Dr Smallwood 3 bedroom shingle home Fenced in hackyard garage $5:1 per month Balance due S5810 Spangler Realty Co Purnell Sales Mgr In28 South Blvd 5 371a otiuwEli ST 5 rooms and bath Lot 50x11g Can e3SilV he con veiled te duplex Good rental prop erty DeLaney Realtor 117 Third St Dial 474 PliFOR r) ACRE'S Brick ranch large developed lot 2 baths 2 gar ages 119750 Rest location C3313 YORK For Sa le Beautiful home residential section I() rooms 2 baths furnace heat healthful front and hack yards hart Real Es tat madixn York Attention Veterans You ran still htiv on CI terms with 1 low down nnvmni V6 are still specialuint in homes for YOU! Marsh Realty Co I nemllor 4 RAll MIS rApolopt IIPl or 41 Oehler Lane Fveninvt 51704 or 411411 Brick 2 bedroom Panelled den I thiteh kitchen 2 full tile baths car Pnrt' nil hPal Extra large kit $21500 Ph 5330 -WhtNNA" BUILD? Attrartive 2 bedronin home rel Iont floor Plan on pretty lot Plata Way A little cash large loan Total FIS h50 00 HOME SELLING SERVICE 21115 i i I II I PI enFl 11111SON Queens Road West Esentiren home in the finest riga of Msers Pork Flaht large rooms with four bedroom and two full baths no Beautiful pan-clod den with fireplace Spat ions PPPPP ned porch Lot toteritet Two car garotte Price Sherwood Avenue OU Qun West fAtotels home on beautiful lot Nice trees Brick garage Four bedrooms with two full baths Permanent ataire to attic Largo formal living room Screentit porch Slate roof Price Stt7010 Near Country Club Beautiful Ranch whit frame bungalow a bedroom it hth oil heat lovis condttion Owner leaving town and 1111101111 to sell Asking price Vinson Realty Co I Church A-777I SPEIR Luxury Plus In Carmel Acres we hints a new rambhna hrick hunaalnw trance hall living room dinine morn kitchen den 3 bedrooms 212 haths Int has 1 44 acres $29750 Suburban Beauty A 4122 honawond Drht In ifIVP Iv Madison Pink hranI nt'W brick hunmAkims entrance hall living roam dining room kitch nith breakfast har htlee pan 411(11 den 2 bedrnnms bath Ing screened poich 2 car nnrt $19700 Good Value Attractive brick and frame Ittim taints near Park Road School 1 hertrooma bath storage attic garalie lot 6'9135 Only Sl0750 Bride's Dream On Doter Asenite it sparkling 2 bedroom frame bungalow heanti NI landscaped lot small down rilY111011t balance AnIV t10 per month You can't heat it Speir Inc Ith St RealtorMIE1 4-5RAA ft1MMI If That Coin You Love To Touch Itne boon Nonni tn tho londintri for rout lot uo show vnu vnii can put it into pour pun hom*o Elizabeth Sp en room home comeniontly located 'I he first floor features IlVittE roam Moine room kitch en 2 bedrooms and 1 bath The xecond floor has 2 bedrooms Attie fan Oil furnace in hate mein Wall to IT carpeting draperies exhale machine and stove ntany mote features This home con be bought for only Sl0700 It's In very good condition You will be sorry If yotl don't call no today and make an appointment to lee this charming home Eastover Excellent location This attractive home can be bought far only $151150 tiAll entrance hall living room rid dining room combina tinn den kitchen 2 baths bert rooms Sun room off living room DishlAasher and canpets Shown only by appointment Call today We Are NOT Member' of Any Aluitipie Listing Bureau FRANK "RH1" JONES-SPARKS ''The Beal Es late Men' 50X Ind Bldg Ph 6-4166 Carolina now mufti worto 'rot' Sel eral time ue hat ertieit the price for each house ligted below he CM ners say "sell 'em" LOOK AT TRF tHA APPROVI'D LOAN AUL THIS Hut It to within $300 of the maximum loan approved hv the ahoy RPtICY for a Immediate Possesstnn nod a tine location About two yearn old It's a one story htick borne with sin full nue room plus two tile Kehl Located at 1740 Maryland Avenue Let's make a deal RICH IN to sell A most attractive combtnation brick and frame house It has three 'rood bedrooms and all In srlendid condition The verv neat kthet i enuttmert with Youngstown products Including the dish washer You may assume the present imm with monthly payments of only which includes interest taxes and insurance flo out Belvedere Avenue and turn right to 1804 Truman Road 110 of Providence Road near Cherokee Road An excellent address and most comeMent A two store six room house Nice entrance hall A comfortahle home LeCs make an appointment norm torATIoN 2'42 VAil APrIU Iwo bedroom home with Oil circulator Sixty fnnt lot Let tot show you this house ALI ATS SEE I'S FIRST CAROLINA REALTY CO AI91 REALTOR i DI RITA large 2 bed SECTIOSI lArge -2 bed room home Acre 56150 6-4411t CARSON MYERS PARK 2 story brick on heaut iful lot douhle garage oil heat in large basem*nt Entrance hall living room large screened porch dining room break fast room kitchen utility room den and half bath down 3 bedrooms 2 baths up with additional small room could be used as nursery or sewing room $2750000 2625 RAY STREET 5 room frame large basem*nt with garage large attic $1275 cash $70 per month Carson Realty Co Realtor 5-8611 MLR GOOD NEWS We have just had a reduction in price on this wonderful room home at 4052 Avalon Ave Three bedrooms living room full dining room kitchen with eat area Pantry Plenty of closets 100 ft corner lot Garage Already finished Small down payment 1111KERSON REALTY CO ligig Church St l'hong 21M? Regitnr Night ftsliiiig MLR 110111110111EVM00010 Dilworth ft blocks to 0Drinotehue School and you ran have quick possession of tilts In like new condi hon Brick home living room dining room modern kitchen separate breakfast room 3 hed rooms 1 hafts permanent stsirs to attic atitommtic hest in basem*nt 2 csr garage yard fenced in affording privacy for outdoor Ming Let no show yoto Indav SELWYN story 2 bedrooms den 2 baths approximately an acre lot $27500 CODDINGION PLACE Two practical new one story brick homes Zoned for Eastover School $24000 and $31500 FERNCLIFF RD Beantiful new one story 7 rooms 2 baths $39500 DILWORTH Three bedrooms sod playroom 2 baths one story Excellent condition $22500 729 POINDEXTER DR Three bedrooms oil heat garage Nice lot $15500 TRY US Realtors-1-7211---Mt EASTOVER HOME Brick home with three bedrooms two baths living room dining room break fast roem kitchen and den with oil beat Four blocki from Eastover School one block from bus line two blocks from shopping center and short distance from smeral churches Disposal dishwashn kitchen exhaust fan floored attic Immediately Available Home Near Queens College Large wooded lot 10014210 feet beautifully landscaped also near bus line gram mar school high school Myers Park Club and churches Three bedrooms and addi tional room 217 baths Dv ing room dining room den breakfast room kitchen screened side porch hot water heating system et haust fan large basem*nt and laundry room Immediately Available we will he pleased to give you further information concerning these properties SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CO 301 Liberty Life Building 4 Phone 2 515 Oil N)1104 INSURANCE 114 REAL ESTATE 3mitosotsoot I I 1 1 I 1 one on a -A CLEARANCE SALE 1 CARS TRUCKS CARS TRUCES Models Esm on Statesville RI 641525 5tACK OPOTI furntttir iTan IA ft bed 9 ft cn er ram 91750 Etak-Reat NIlttreg co slim iNTERN aTIONAI eanel 92q5 4 ant after SToCKTON MOTOR CO thorrohd Truckp 1325 Mint Ph 4-55P4i stn rellent Owner 81150 4-3305 UNION MOTORS 1 1 Monroe hen heater now tireo light green Ex PLYMOUTH '1 321 CENTRAL--Offices for rent tall BUYING--SE-LLING TRAM A 2 doorPlus 2 nicely' see Stone Finance Co N3-Erw603f13F71cl cnol Inc wooded lots Will swap for later mn del car 6-6193 after 3 is Fon 920 Smith Tryn MX51-01 venetian blinds Good loca(i on en CHEVROLET StYleline 1)011Ixe- $101 rolet 477" s11 "50" edan delivery 45o 8 edan Sann Chev tot narking space Reason ahle rent 7111115 on Fully equ a ipped Extr nice 50 Custom todor Fully equil) 111051AS AND HowAnn en Extra cl ean 51195 FORD 51 MO down 81095 Call 2: OFFICE' SPACE Nice accommodn1 1) 8 MOTORS 4177 after 6 HMIS Good parking facilities rea 1 1 ant Rrevarri 4- 5116 FOR 47 V-13 'odor Whitewalls sonable rent Insperrt th in now 1) ruom4s co I NIAULDIN CHENMOLET CO ratho heater fender skirts Black CADILLAC 50 Series 6'2 4 door se- 12o0 Boulevard ATTA RCADE Acr A oss 4fruntrnfr)(liai'dnUsrid Cars Pineville C' Adn1 900 ita ft all wall 0748 after 3 hite sulewall tires Excellent condition 3-O397 new bank building FORD 193n Amodel Good condition basem*nt Wilkinson 8970 AT OFFICE -SPACE Air conditiOned- 5150 4R7627 'e 1DSMOBILE 50 "KC' -C condition $1195 2'200 Br Plenty parking space Modern builditilnYSLER 47 lomhal Gond con- wird 11 tn 6 log All conveniences 5-6578 Idition S575 Coll 5-7086 after 6 504--k ilTIL Barber shoo Beauty MG -'52 Red 6 ono miles Guaran-- OLDSMOBILE: '50 "88" -Cleon' 6- parlor appliances Covington 5-0237iteed perfect 81550 Coll Rock Hill din heater Sell for $1195 or trade BUSINESS PROPERTY ExcellenC SC MI for 40-41 car Call 3-9727 location on Square 5-5163 4-o2n9 CADILLAC '49 "62" 1---tmw OLDSMOBILE 1950 88 2 dr Delux 3145 COMMONW EALTH 20 000 miles Phone 4746 AV- eat imileage All extras $1995 2-4955 location for Wayside Store wareH STUDEBAKER 1950 5-pa senger CADILLAC '49 Fully equipped New hriuse factory or shop or stnrage In mime Priced for quirk sale 5000: tires hite idewallo INIetallic gray cated on rear of gravel lot 200 ft Will finance 5500 for respontble per 51800 Bush's Pure Oil Station car i deep Parking spare for 15 cars $65 son Call Mr Russell 5-4424 ner Moreheid 3 South Tryon menthly 2-7340 FoRD '49 Station Wagon Radio PONTIAC '48 Torpedo body stYle 2 heater 51395 40933 drior 2 tone 8 cylinder HYdramatic Radio 35 000 square feet space ACRIFIC TO SETTLE ho oter Real nice car fo STATE I 56 1KAISER 49 4 door deluxe Excellent 6964 forstora ge manufacturing 1 mechanical condition ('Iran iean throgh NA SH '52 Rabler Hardtop con I out Radio and heoter 5571 6-2419 51475 Trade for truck 6-0123 sewing or knitting Just out I PLYMOUTH 17 4-door GON1 tires 1DONTIAC 51 convertible all ex side Charlotte city limits on Ituns perfect Will sacrifice "5 from tomato red good condition 84- 3 91o4 111795 Call 6-6871 Duke rower Bus line Tel Hardtop convertible- MERCURY '52 PL )(MOUTH 50 Exreptionally neon 4-door Deluxe 4-8361 after 5 1ike new Sacrifice 4-1472 after 3 CHEVROLET '53 4-door 210 Serie FOR 11 '42- Tudor Radio hooter A- Light arm) Brand new No miles! 1 $395 3-4980 days 6-5742 nights BREVARD COURT office apaeoSInda SIO0 off list price 51164 for rent 650 4-3016 96 Truck-Trailers STORE BUILDING NI 100 IA 49 Olds "98" Deluxe block from Post Office Gastonia 1 INTERNATIONAL '47 panel IA ton Phone 6143 Fordor Sedan Hruck 8375 3-8144 31L EAST 9TH ST Store 2-5834 nArk blue color One moor 34114it RI FHA UE Rayco Tandem 513 S- TRYON ST office spare lartual mileo- Thk can like new stainlesa steel Freight van Mork 50 ir conditioned building 837 PricPOLHILed ot only 5134EVROLET CO A Tenburg Truck Stop Concord High 2 1 CH 5097 OFFICE Private -Air Conditioned Lincointon MACK VAN VF 49 Full-airThrolies 17 ft an body Like new office Services of experienced APCre BR AND EW Forms iscoont Sell COMPIMP tory- Downtown office Building nct or Trade Ro Davis 4-4300 GENE WILLIAMS TRUCK LOT parking facilities flux K33 01)- i hpatnr now firo I iuhi r0tr re I Dilworth Rood 1 Prewar 1 story Mick home ing of largo living room separate dining room screened lila Porch room spry modern Stieh- dishw atber and teinnitNtilatge bedrooms 2 fun bath en with dishwasher and disposal unit a Ifitge bedrooms 2 fun baths Permanent steps to large paneled den with dark room collod Ns automatic oil heat Rouble garage merheod doors with cleririr push buttons Call us today to inspect this home You will like it and the price is mile $22500 Hanson Drive Rramd new brick home 2 bedrooms and den Full hasem*nt with MR Automatic oil heat Bargain 11500 TAYLOR REALTY Co Realtor Office 62744 Res 34281 1912 Porson St bedroom house-7 rooms in all A real bargain Terms a Say what You'll do and we'll try to get it done Fair enough Strictly exclusive SOMP(In Will buy' thin bargain At could he You Ler talk it over Its vacant too Call RUBYE MULL or MR RUSHING 4-SS44 or 11aM) AVE till wonTIT SECTION 7 room frame home in very good rOndlt1011 11tOrtlatle oil heat garage Convenientiv located only io Mock from hos hoe 2 blocks from school block tom shooPing center II6 CANTERBURY DRIVE IN VirENDOVER 11111A A Mnfiern at- tractixe room brick house with full tile bat hs Just completed The price is also attiartise only 819750 Call for IMPOUltnierti Masten-Fredrickson Co REALTORS all Ft Office 2 5706 3-941fi Night 3277!) THE GLORIOUS ADVENTURE OF BUILDING A NEW HOME Those who have always rented or have lived in ono (if the older types of homes of their OWn ill find a wealth desirable features in the large selection of house plans have to show that will mean more comfort and joy and all the new conveniences that make the modern home so superior to those' an older clay Convenience the dominating feature of these homes The arrangement the rooms has been given special consideration as has also the use wherever possible of built-in features which time SR ers for the busy server BILL'S AUTO SAI ES Morehead near Cedar 4-0149 yon St Ph 561190 STORE ROOMS STItTrR Good Used Trucks TRYON 2400 sq ft 75 Acres 1423 Atore head 7o0 4384 sq ft 4 tires Owner Excellent 81095 '49 W'C rebuilt 26T standard cab Comic's WALKER'S FERRY Rn CHOTE RENTAL CO 2507 FORD 949 Black onvertible Iv A9'3 '50 3022 PLT Sleeper 26 motor Like 1 nIXIP Rd Beyond air port 12 91-B Business Property 1 rradin heater new tires ladies new 51 HIC LIFIS Standard Cab 2 Peed acres cultivated Concrete block ent- clean condition 60100 after 6 tag(' Will sell as whole or consider For Sale axle Like new 13 NASH RAMBLERS 1953 NPW '48 GMC 650 with White engine 11250 dividing Owner tearing town The Price is very low Rusines and Invetmnt proprty Deaton 1013 Tryn 5-232 White Motor Co ii Massie 5-4012 Ahernethy Phone 24409 I STUDEBAKER 1950 Champion ssee o9 Home Realty Mgmt Co FiSTWAY DR 119 ft frontage Near radio heater ono 2719 Trade 1514 IV Morehead 2-4153 Central Ave water sewer 1948 Rnadmaster Bargain CHEVROLET 1950 1-2 ton piek 2-1141 51113 CENTRAL AVE 50 200 Near A Gond clean family car Call 21132 up Deluxe cab clean SA45 Trade SEE OUR FARMS Store BUICK '47 Super Convertible Now tlMAC terms Mauldin Chevrolet 230 Broad Ph 3100 Statesville Holland Realty Mtg Inc SUSAN TEMPLIN 2-3283 ton good tires S650 69311 Co Pineville INDEPENDENCE RI VD 2nd F014" 51 Highest prices paid For White Oak -V Deluye Radio heat PICKCP-'51 fridividuar-rheati- 8795 412 aurel Readling Work from Elizabeth Ave Corner er S10515 39276 to 5:30 Poplar and Walnut on stump ii8 CHEVROLET 17 44-ton pickup tr-u7r ornelius lot in a too Excellent site for serv 52 DeSoto Firedome st 5 Call 41417 Ice station office huilding or res JOHN R'S BULLETIN SAYS: taurant Price is right Can nOW 4 4-door 3000 fillies a new car guar- GMC 1950 "35o" io wheetec-sieiwi The savy The Future of the Pied or 3-6797 antee power steering power brakes rah Good ruhher Clean as new 5311 mont SOCtion Is 'Nothing hut a NOK RD tornue COnVerter ew whitall tires Will ill sell or trade 5:7770 Golden Promise of every Increasing 2 acres Building 30 Prosperity" 6-6621 after 6 Call Ted Willis 3-6187 after TRICKS- Good used International So tack Your Filthy 00 11a69 Lucre- in the Piedmont Section of conxEri PARK-AVE CAM- nEN ST Good investment Brick PONTIAC 41-G00d- Ha nester Co 1315 Hutchison 42851 South Carolina In real estate and 76223 4-8441 nites GREAT DANE 32' tandem freitht other investments: "You're sure to 2 store building service a I 0 It Sh Tit re a le7pro 34 a 417 6 Radio and Va Good paint good Wee No Junk strike pas Sooner or later ad mining 68625 50712 heen wrecked or seared up In 1 SP Come SPP John rt illiams Fo sAL EFitie up-town huin ess FOR 46 Super Deluxe Now Number shone Muid tn RP -tirea- Lesc Williams Jr Dial 4412 or lot with good dwelling OPPnSOP Post radio heater Clean S5-10 5-0166- reelate Call Chesterfield VW Ro ll South Carolina Office at bar gain Address: Box ii15 rir)Rn- 49 convertihle Eire Chief NAlte LOWEL 0 1 l'se Rd NT it: TS 'C tw Sice---- i FOR 'RENT A splendid farm IN miles Cherryville red Whitevvails radio heater Must -T22Rn Ave from lott hare rg Has lae 92 Resort Property sell at newt Call Kirkley 33101 Fink ta and 1 dwelling house two tenant houses CHEVROLET MI and car trailer DtaE ltnons i Pands lar ry ge barn graine and tool OCEAN FRONT home on large cor- 8175 661170 after 6 4i ton a shed Fine for beef or dairy cattle ner lot FOR SALE 85 by 175 Statesville Ave Phone 43799 '50 Stvleline 2 door Ahout 250 acres in cultivation All sist Clean throughout trade 89 ing of: downstairs 2-car gar: can be farmed with machinery age 1 bedroom hath large storage 57770 Sell or 95 CHEVROLET '51 3-4 ft body Low mileage 6-3304 40094 About 75 acres in permanent pas room showers open Patio upstairs "ALWAYS RIMESMER Clean 8500 511O62 Fonn-'49 F11 Cab and chassii: tore It WPII WatrrefE situated 3 bedrooms 2 tile baths large '50 sari hod" one hiack-top road anti within living room dining room kitchen Motor Finance 502 4th 3-9779 SPECIAL half nide of another For infor 11 closets completely furnished Sales We Never Forget a Customer Chevrolet 2-ton IS ft motion write to box 1124 oriserver Price $3751in00 For Particulars eon When BUYING SELLING LING TRA Very clean tart WARD REALTY comrasyING stone Finance Co- 22T Standard rah Completely re-MYRTLE BEACH Phone 2671 Inc 920 South Tryon hula 22" rather MUST GO! REALTY Co FOR RENT WARD Brooks Auto Service Phone- Motor Whit 3-1169! (liars flattery Repair and Paintine Rentls Sales Co Myrtle Beach Phone 2671 See us before You sell 1514 Morehead 2-4135 Warehouse and Office TlIcHNIAN BEACH and other CAR SALES 1211 So TREI-K Pick uP "40-Internetiot-i Strand Property Tilghman Rpaltyi Tryon al 8350 Good condition 588658 Space and Insurance Co 49 4 door Low Phone 2171 Ocean Drive Reach CIrnileage 1 owner $300 5-9670 THE BEST IN USED TRUCES Sq Feet Here's A Free Ride In 'CADILLAC Fleetwood 46 Excel Zack Jones Warehouse Space Our Deluxe Motor Root see thellernrtecrondition 1300 5-1960 E-18 Ob ISlack Truck Co 5-2071--Nita 2 ran ITRAILR Full Perfect condi 1 Beautiful Lake at PIPIP-HalPn Estates 9 and then Take Hwy Ne 49 th With Office Space In Front Fono -'41-Good782257-61n627-- 885 Call 46611 follow stens Firing thts clipping with EVROLET '52 pickup-fl --ailin coorret Floor sou or Write Rot 1123 Burlington I 1 Qc rAll-kilei QP I CH heater low mileage See at Wood's IS ith Office Space In Front concrete Floor BILL'S AUTO SALES Morehead near Cedar 4-0148 Inle 511 yon St Ph' 5'641" cl Used se Trucks STORE' -ROOMS- iSTI oo ion" TRA'oN 240n so it 1953 Oldsmobile 98 CHEVROLET '52 pirkup Partin- heater low mileatte See at Wood' PARK RD SECTION Guilford housewife Our plan SPIIV1IT 10elY home year old a bedroom! I 2 baths large picture windows 'ir' Is planned to he of real help place Youngstown kitchen dign to those mho ant to erect ataaher disposal! fan patio 217VO tractive modern homes at EAS113 financed 7-133A Owner modest cosi We invite you Midwood to call and incpect our fine Attention Veterans Iselection of plans IPSO rash 2611 total Mr month en lamated Open Salrclay 'Till Noon Take over a GI loan No Closing Cost CATHEY Thie la a toll size 5 room home In verY fine neighborhood The LUMBER CO house soil he completely redeem gatod like rew Close to hue and sot IA' rer an Dial 11130 IlAidweAd Park Suggest calling promptly This won't last One Bork off Mint Home Realty Mgmt Co I 12 Blocks of Postoffica 1 61141 II4012 Fact 4th Street Will rent for 30 months at $25000 por month Calf 4 t)912 Convertbile Folly 01111111Pd Only 6100 milPs Light sren Phone fin Concord FRED BEALL ASSOCIATES Saiet Loans- Rentals Insurance Myrtle Bearh Ph 6114 LITTLE RIVER the flaher mens tendon-nue nine beautiful Ints pertly elt' nti nno tun arta it few sale er VIPW hi et ni tall etnea all nith and rollrna Hort Wat Ion rlorenet.

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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.