Risk Reversals for Stocks Using Calls and Puts (2024)

Risk Reversal Strategy for Hedging
Write OTM CallBuy OTM PutThis is used to hedge an existing long position and is also known as a collar. A specific application of this strategy is the costless collar, which enables an investor to hedge a long position without incurring any upfront premium cost.
Write OTM Put Buy OTM CallThis is used to hedge an existing short position, and as in the previous instance, can be designed at zero cost.

A collar is an options strategy that traders use to protect against major losses in the face of short-term volatility in the market. Traders often use collars when they are optimistic about the long-term prospects of the asset. Collars also limit the potential for future gains.

When to Use Risk Reversals

There are some specific instances when risk reversal strategies can be optimally used. We've noted some of the most common times below.

Favor a Stock, Need Leverage

Risk reversal strategies are useful when you like a stock but require some leverage. If you like a stock, writing an OTM put on it is a no-brainer strategy if:

  1. You do not have the funds to buy it outright, or
  2. The stock looks a little pricey and is beyond your buying range

In this case, writing an OTM put will earn you some premium income, but you can double down on your bullish view by buying an OTM call with part of the put-write proceeds.

In a Bull Market

Good quality stocks can surge in the early stages of a bull market. There is a diminished risk of being assigned on the short put leg of bullish risk reversal strategies during such times, while the OTM calls can have dramatic price gains if the surge of the underlying stock.

Before Major Events

These major events include spinoffs and others like an imminent stock split. Investor enthusiasm in the days before a spinoff or a stock split typically provides solid downside support and results in appreciable price gains, the ideal environment for a risk reversal strategy.

Blue Chip Drops in Bull Markets

Risk reversal strategies come in handy when a blue chip company's stock abruptly plunges, especially during strong bull markets.

During strong bull markets, a blue chip that temporarily falls out of favor because of an earnings miss or some other unfavorable event is unlikely to stay in the penalty box for very long.

Implementing a risk reversal strategy with medium-term expiration (say six months) may pay off handsomely if the stock rebounds during this period.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Risk Reversals


Risk reversal strategies come at a low cost. As such, they can be implemented with little to no expense by the trader.

There is also a favorable risk-reward profile associated with risk reversal strategies. While not without risks, these strategies can be designed to have unlimited potential profit and lower risk.

Traders can use risk reversal strategies in a wide range of situations. This means that reversals aren't just for complex or specific trading strategies. Rather, you can use reversals in any number of trading scenarios.


  • Margin requirements can be onerous. Margin requirements for the short leg of a risk reversal can be quite substantial.
  • There is a substantial risk on the short leg. The risks on the short put leg of a bullish risk reversal, and the short call leg of a bearish risk reversal, are substantial and may exceed the risk tolerance of the average investor.
  • Doubling down. Speculative risk reversals amount to doubling down on a bullish or bearish position, which is risky if the rationale for the trade proves to be incorrect.


  • Associated with low cost

  • Favorable risk-reward profile

  • Can be used in different trading scenarios


  • Substantial margin requirements

  • Big risk on the short leg

  • Doubling down on bullish or bearish position

Examples of Risk Reversal

Let’s use Microsoft (MSFT) to illustrate the design of a risk reversal strategy for speculation, as well as for hedging a long position.

Assume that Microsoft closes at $41.11 in June. At that point, the MSFT October $42 calls were last quoted at $1.27 / $1.32, with an implied volatility of 18.5%. The MSFT October $40 puts were quoted at $1.41 / $1.46, with an implied volatility of 18.8%.

Speculative Trade

This type of trade involves a synthetic long position or bullish risk reversal. Now let's take a look at an example using the information about Microsoft noted above.

  • Write 5x the MSFT October $40 puts at $1.41, and buy 5x the MSFT October $42 calls at $1.32.
  • Net credit (excluding commissions) = $0.09 x 5 spreads = $0.45.

Note these points:

  • With MSFT last traded at $41.11, the $42 calls are 89 cents out-of-the-money, while the $40 puts are $1.11 OTM.
  • The bid-ask spread has to be considered in all instances. When writing an option (put or call), the option writer will receive the bid price, but when buying an option, the buyer has to shell out the ask price.
  • Different option expirations and strike prices can also be used. For instance, the trader can go with the June puts and calls rather than the October options if they think that a big move in the stock is likely in the 1.5 weeks left for option expiry. But while the June $42 calls are much cheaper than the October $42 calls ($0.11 vs. $1.32), the premium received for writing the June $40 puts is also much lower than the premium for the October $40 puts ($0.10 vs. $1.41).

What is the risk-reward payoff for this strategy? Very shortly before option expiration on Oct. 18, there are three potential scenarios concerning the strike prices:

  1. MSFT is trading above $42: This is the best possible scenario since this trade is equivalent to a synthetic long position. In this case, the $40-strike puts will expire worthless, while the $42 calls will have a positive value (equal to the current stock price less $42). Thus if MSFT has surged to $45 by Oct. 18, the $42 calls will be worth at least $3. So the total profit would be $1,500 ($3 x 100 x 5 call contracts).
  2. MSFT is trading between $40 and $42: In this case, the $40 put and $42 call will both be on track to expire worthless. This will hardly make a dent in the trader’s pocketbook, since a marginal credit of nine cents was received at trade initiation.
  3. MSFT is trading below $40: In this case, the $42 call expires worthless, but since the trader has a short position in the $40 put, the strategy will incur a loss equal to the difference between $40 and the current stock price. So if MSFT has declined to $35 by Oct. 18, the loss on the trade is equal to $5 per share, or a total loss of $2,500 ($5 x 100 x 5 put contracts).

Hedging Transaction

Assume the investor already owns 500 MSFT shares and wants to hedge downside risk at a minimal cost. (This is a combination of a covered call + protective put).

  • Write 5x the MSFT October $42 calls at $1.27, and buy 5x the MSFT October $40 puts at $1.46.
  • Net debit (excluding commissions) = $0.19 x 5 spreads = $0.95.

What is the risk-reward payoff for this strategy? Very shortly before option expiration on Oct. 18, there are three potential scenarios concerning the strike prices:

  1. MSFT is trading above $42: In this case, the stock will be called away at the call strike price of $42.
  2. MSFT is trading between $40 and $42: In this scenario, the $40 put and $42 call will both be on track to expire worthless. The only loss the investor incurs is the cost of $95 on the hedge transaction ($0.19 x 100 x 5 contracts).
  3. MSFT is trading below $40: Here, the $42 call will expire worthless, but the $40 put position would be profitable, offsetting the loss on the long stock position.

Why would an investor use such a strategy? Because of its effectiveness in hedging a long position that the investor wants to retain, at minimal or zero cost. In this specific example, the investor may have the view that MSFT has little upside potential but significant downside risk in the near term. As a result, they may be willing to sacrifice any upside beyond $42, in return for obtaining downside protection below a stock price of $40.

What Does Risk Reversal Mean?

The term risk reversal refers to a strategy that traders use to protect their short or long positions by using call and put options. The most basic type of risk reversal strategy is writing an out-of-the-money put option and buying an OTM call at the same time. This speculation or hedging strategy provides traders with a way to protect themselves against adverse price movements in the underlying asset. But it also limits the degree of profits that the trader can earn on their position.

What Is a Collar?

A collar is a strategy used by options traders. It is a risk reversal strategy that both limits losses and gains. Traders use collars for an asset whose value is higher than the price at which they purchased it, and when their long-term outlook is positive in the face of short-term volatility. Using a collar involves buying a put as a way to cushion against put drops and sell a call to generate some immediate profit. Another strategy is the fence, which establishes a range around the security using three option contracts.

How Do You Trade Options?

Options are complex financial contracts that give buyers the right (but not the obligation) to buy or sell a financial asset at a specific price on or before the expiry date. Options come in calls (allows the buyer to buy the underlying asset) and puts (allows the buyer to sell the underlying asset). Traders can use options for any type of security, including stocks, bonds, indexes, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), Owning an options contract doesn't provide the holder any benefits of the underlying asset. Options give traders a chance to hedge against drops in the price of the underlying asset, speculate on changes in its price, and generate income at the same time.

The Bottom Line

Options can be complicated investments, so they're not designed for the novice investor. That's because there are so many intricacies involved. You need to have a deep understanding of how they work to reap the benefits associated with them. Once you get the hang of them, the highly favorable risk-reward payoff and low cost of risk reversal strategies enable them to be used effectively in a wide range of trading scenarios.

Risk Reversals for Stocks Using Calls and Puts (2024)


Risk Reversals for Stocks Using Calls and Puts? ›

A risk reversal is a multi-leg options strategy that uses both a call and a put, sometimes referred to as a collar. The position—long or short an underlying stock or exchange-traded fund (ETF)—will determine whether the trader might be buying or selling the put and the call.

What is a call spread risk reversal? ›

The term risk reversal refers to a strategy that traders use to protect their short or long positions by using call and put options. The most basic type of risk reversal strategy is writing an out-of-the-money put option and buying an OTM call at the same time.

What is an example of a risk reversal? ›

For example, if a stock is owned at $100, a reversal may be created by buying-to-open (BTO) a $100 put and selling-to-open (STO) a $100 call with the same expiration date. This would only be advantageous if a credit is received. Therefore, the short call would have to collect more money than the long put.

What is long call short put risk reversal? ›

A risk reversal protects against unfavorable price movement but limits gains. Holders of a long position short a risk reversal by writing a call option and purchasing a put option. Holders of a short position go long a risk reversal by purchasing a call option and writing a put option.

What is the 25 risk reversal? ›

Risk reversal (measure of vol-skew)

Instead of quoting these options' prices, dealers quote their volatility. In other words, for a given maturity, the 25 risk reversal is the vol of the 25 delta call less the vol of the 25 delta put. The 25 delta put is the put whose strike has been chosen such that the delta is -25%.

What is the risk reversal technique? ›

A risk reversal strategy is a business technique that aims to minimize or eliminate potential risks for customers when purchasing a product or service. It involves offering guarantees, warranties, or other forms of protection that give customers confidence in their purchase decision.

What is the difference between risk reversal and butterfly? ›

Risk reversals are generally quoted as x% delta risk reversal and essentially is Long x% delta call, and short x% delta put. Butterfly, on the other hand, is a strategy consisting of: −y% delta fly which mean Long y% delta call, Long y% delta put, short one ATM call and short one ATM put (small hat shape).

What is an example of a reversal in trading? ›

It's a pivotal moment for traders, as it can signal a new trading opportunity. For example, let's say a stock has been in a steady uptrend, consistently hitting new highs. Suddenly, the momentum shifts, and the stock begins to hit lower lows and lower highs, indicating a reversal into a downtrend.

What are some examples of reversal? ›

In a reversal of roles, he is now taking care of his mother. In a sudden reversal, the mayor has decided not to run for reelection. We had a role reversal. I became the leader and he became the follower.

What is the reversal pattern strategy? ›

Example of How to Use a Reversal

The chart shows an uptrend moving with a channel, making overall higher highs and higher lows. The price first breaks out of the channel and below the trendline, signaling a possible trend change. The price then also makes a lower low, dropping below the prior low within the channel.

What is a butterfly in options? ›

Butterfly spreads use four option contracts with the same expiration but three different strike prices. A higher strike price, an at-the-money strike price, and a lower strike price. The options with the higher and lower strike prices are the same distance from the at-the-money options.

What are the Greeks for risk reversal? ›

The main greeks that affect the risk reversal strategy are delta, gamma, theta, and vega. Delta is the rate of change of the option value with respect to the price of the underlying asset. Delta of the strategy will depend on the selected strike prices.

What is a seagull option strategy? ›

Exporter seagull is a three legged option strategy which involves two put options and one call option. It consists of buying one put option, selling one call option at higher strike price and selling one put with lower strike price.

What is an example of a risk reversal trade? ›

For example, let's say an option trader is long 100 shares of stock XYZ at the current market price of $75. To implement a risk reversal, the trader could buy an OTM downside put at a 65 strike, which would act as downside protection for the underlying long stock position.

How to calculate risk reversal? ›

How can you calculate risk reversal? In forex trading, you can calculate the risk reversal by looking at the implied volatility of out-of-the-money call and put options. If the volatility of calls is greater than the volatility of the corresponding put option contracts, there is positive risk reversal, and vice versa.

What is the difference between risk reversal and call spread? ›

DESCRIPTION: A call spread is a bullish stock-replacement strategy that gives up some upside potential while outperforming stock at the margin on the downside. To construct a risk-reversal, one typically buys an upside call option and sells a downside put to pay for it.

What are the risks of a call spread? ›

While the long call in a bull call spread has no risk of early assignment, the short call does have such risk. Early assignment of stock options is generally related to dividends, and short calls that are assigned early are generally assigned on the day before the ex-dividend date.

What is reverse spread? ›

A reverse calendar spread is a type of unit trade that involves buying a short-term option and selling a long-term option on the same underlying security with the same strike price. It is the opposite of a conventional calendar spread.

What is an example of a call back spread? ›

Example of a Call Ratio Backspread

XYZ Company stock is trading at $20 per share in the market currently. Call options with a strike price of $20 (at-the-money) currently trade with a premium of $2 each. You buy two option contracts whereby each contract is 100 options for a cost of $400 in total.

How much can you lose on a call debit spread? ›

Entering a Bull Call Debit Spread

For example, an investor could buy a $50 call option and sell a $55 call option. If the spread costs $2.00, the maximum loss possible is -$200 if the stock closes below $50 at expiration. The maximum profit is $300 if the stock closes above $55 at expiration.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.