How to Ask for Payment Professionally | (2024)

Understanding how to ask for payment is a valuable skill that every business owner should possess. Before performing any job for a client, it’s crucial to first agree on the terms. However, it’s not uncommon for clients to fail to pay, and this can be a stressful experience for any business owner.

That’s why knowing how to ask for payment professionally is essential. By mastering the skill of how to ask for a payment, you can ensure that your cash flow remains stable, and your business stays afloat. Prompt payments are crucial for business success, as approximately 82% of businesses fail due to cash flow problems.

Dealing with unpaid invoices can be one of the most stressful moments when running a business, but knowing how to ask a client for money can help you avoid such situations. Unpaid invoices can hinder your daily operations, limit your ability to take on large projects, and even slow down your business’s expansion.

Therefore, it’s important to know how to ask for payment professionally and successfully. If you’re unsure about it from a client, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s a guide on how to ask for payment politely and professionally, ensuring that your business remains secure and successful.

Understanding how to ask someone to pay you for work is a big struggle for small business owners. Yet, most don’t have cash reserves and rely on cash inflow from clients. If you don’t have prompt payment strategies, you limit your growth and sacrifice your revenue.

Late payments are very frustrating. Perhaps your client put your invoice off or forgot about it altogether, your bottom line bears the burden.

The terms on your invoice determine when clients pay you and lower the number of unpaid invoices. Payment terms are usually located at the bottom of the invoice with details such as:

Your payment terms give you control over your cash flow as they give customers an idea of processing invoices.

Short, straightforward, and polite payment terms are more effective.

Here are some terms to include on your invoice and their meaning.

Payment termMeaning
EOMEnd of the month
CODCash on delivery
CNDCash next delivery
CIACash in advance
PIAPayment in advance
CWOCash with order
CBSCash before shipment
1MDMonthly credit payment of a full month’s supply
2MDAs above plus an extra calendar month
Upon receiptPayment expected on receiving the invoice

You’ll always refer to the terms if the client fails to send payment on time or not at all.

Things to consider when writing your terms include:

  • Keep them short and concise
  • Say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’
  • Be realistic and flexible
  • Include a late fee

Setting clear terms and expectations solves how to ask to get paid faster and more often. Being clear about your expectations eliminates confusion. When a client delays payment, you can always refer to the terms regarding due dates, payment method, or late fee.

Providing Incentives for Timely Payment

Some clients are quick to request services but slow to pay. Fortunately, you can get them to pay your invoices early by offering incentives.

Here are some ideas.

Offer A Special Discount

You can offer a discount to clients who pay early. Set an amount on the invoice and a percentage discount. People enjoy getting a good deal.

The discount will make them make paying your invoices a priority on their calendar because they’re getting something in return. Just ensure that the discount isn’t reducing your profit.

Avoid A Late Fee

Clients will be motivated to pay early to avoid the late fee. Don’t make the fee high to avoid making it insulting.

However, it must be high enough to deter clients from paying past the due date. Include the late fee in the contract and let the clients know when it’s coming closer.

Chance To Continue Working Together

Paying on time keeps you working for a particular client. If you’re highly skilled and produce great work, let clients understand that you’ll cut ties with them for late payments.

Your client must understand that you need timely payments to continue working for them. If you’re doing ongoing work for the client, stop working until they send your money.

Offering clients incentives will make them pay you earlier. Choose an incentive that will work best for your clients from our ideas above. Don’t forget to include the incentive in the contract.

Establishing Open Communication Channels

It’s so easy for your invoice to get buried in a myriad of daily tasks. Establishing open communication channels regarding invoices will ensure that you get paid faster.

Communication may be in the form of early reminders, follow-ups, and thank-you notes. Before signing the contract, discuss the best way to communicate with the client. Regardless of the communication channel, ensure that you communicate regularly.

The client will see you as more than a service provider. A good relationship with clients builds a great working relationship and differentiates you from other service providers.

Fostering client relationships and great rapport inspires clients to pay your invoices on time because they can’t risk losing a growth partner like you.

Being friendly, letting clients know you value them, and showing them that they aren’t just another client is very important. Always focus on retaining your current customers than getting more. Giving them quality services will make them pay on time in appreciation.

The rule of thumb is to always be proactive with communication and use the most appropriate channels to chat about invoices that are due.

How to Request Payment Professionally

Various reasons may make a customer delay paying you. Perhaps they lost the original invoice. Such scenarios make it very important to understand how to request payments professionally.

Sending reminders can make a client pay your overdue invoices to maintain a good working relationship with you. You need skills in how to ask for payment from the client while avoiding unpleasant interactions.

Delayed payments come with a lot of frustration that affects your cash flow and alters your operations. However, never let frustration get the best of you when demanding your payments.

First, don’t use harsh or unprofessional words. Maintaining a professional relationship with clients is essential even for those who don’t pay on time.

Threats, harsh words, and accusations only alienate the client.

Remember that the client may be going through a financial problem. The last thing you’ll want is to ruin the relationship with a client when they are just facing a temporary setback.

Remain polite but know how to ask for payment without being rude.

Tips and Best Practices

Knowing how to ask for payment professionally via email is tricky for most people. You may be wondering whether you’ll sound polite or persuasive enough to make the client pay. The last thing to worry about is whether you won’t end up sounding rude.

How to politely ask someone to pay you can be a struggle?

No one enjoys sending requests but no one enjoys late payments either. Demanding money from a client after offering a service seems like the right thing to do, but it’s quite a challenge.

However, psychology explains the reasons for the hesitation including:

  • Brings up some basic human insecurities – as some people find it hard to ask for help or surrender control in certain situations.
  • Triggers doubt about professional competence – people dealing with an imposter problem feel phony in their ability to deliver the service.
  • Afraid of sending rude requests – it’s natural to feel uncomfortable communicating something that may make someone react negatively such as payment requests.
Best Practices When Sending Payment Requests

There are no rules regarding how to politely ask for payments but here are some things to keep in mind.

  • Don’t use threatening phrases
  • Avoid using emotional language or being aggressive
  • Add a copy of your invoice and details required to make payment
  • Remind the client of the terms
  • Keep it short

Different Methods

You can send clients requests using various methods. However, you must know how to ask for payment professionally in messages through various options. You must be sure that the client will get your message through the method you use.

Here are some options.


An email with your invoice can get buried in the inbox or end up in the spam folder. To get payment politely and how to ask for it in an email is a good idea.

The how-to asks for payment of an invoice politely email must include the invoice number and due date in the subject line. Re-attach the original invoice but keep the email short in a professional tone.

Call them

It may seem intimidating and awkward but if your requests by email aren’t getting attention, call the client to talk about sorting the issue. On the phone, identify yourself and explain calmly and politely the purpose of the call.

Don’t forget to mention that you’re following up on email reminders. Talk to the client about every possible means of getting your payment. These may include using a credit card or using a convenient method.

You can also get a firm commitment on the date and method. Keep the conversation professional and friendly and thank the person for their time at the end of the call.

Text Message

Apart from email and phone, you must also know how to ask for payment politely via text message. It’s very effective since people check their phones multiple times throughout the day. Fortunately, you can automate and customize the messages.

When writing text messages to remind clients about overdue invoices, keep the following in mind:

  • Don’t sound threatening
  • Include the name of your company
  • Add details about your unpaid invoice
  • State previous attempts at sending reminders

Use Billing And Invoicing Software

You can also use billing and invoicing software to request payments from customers. Sending paper invoices is time-consuming and not good for the environment. Additionally, emails may get lost in the spam folder or be pushed down by recent ones.

The software comes with an app that allows creation single or bulk invoices. This saves you a lot of time and allows getting paid much faster. Your team can create professional-looking invoices in the field or the office.

Business managers can always generate accurate and custom invoices to get collections with a few clicks. You can even include due dates on invoices to manage expectations with your clients.

This software makes billing seamless by allowing estimating and invoicing. You can receive prompts on-site via the app or from the office. Even when you need partial payment or prepayment, or the client changes their order, everything is a breeze.

The software has other bonus features such as messenger to eliminate chances of miscommunication.

Requesting Templates

Knowledge of how to ask for payment professionally via email is highly effective to make clients pay you. A good idea is to have effective email reminder templates to help you get paid faster and without tarnishing the relationship with your client.

Some mistakes to avoid when sending requests include:

  • Not using a friendly tone
  • Use of automated emails without a personal touch
  • Using the same email template
  • Aggressive or judgemental approach and tone
  • Chasing payment from the wrong person

We’ve prepared for you some tried and tested reminder email templates to make overdue payments a thing of the past.

However, the conditions must be suitable for the customer to make payment. You must politely inquire and follow up to check that everything is on track with the client to pay by the due date. It keeps your invoice fresh in the customer’s mind.

In addition, it builds and maintains a great working relationship.

This brings us to the first invoice reminder template.

Follow-Up on Overdue Payment Template

You must send the client a polite email reminder about your overdue payment. The reminder is sent during the early days when the invoice goes overdue. Be polite but aim at getting the customer to pay as soon as possible.

Positively but firmly communicate that you didn’t receive the payment on the due date and it’s now outstanding. Ensure to ask when the payment is expected to put light pressure on the client to respond.

You just ask when to expect the payment instead of expressing that the invoice isn’t paid yet. It encourages the client to give you a timeframe for when to expect the payment. The client gives you another promise to pay which forces them not to break it to protect their reputation.

Here’s our follow-up on the overdue payment template

Hi [Client Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up regarding the payment for [Project Name]. As per our agreement, payment was due on [Due Date], and I have yet to receive it.

I understand that delays can happen, but we must receive the payment as soon as possible to avoid any further issues.

In case you have already sent the payment, please inform me so that I can verify it on my end. However, if you haven’t, kindly make the payment at your earliest convenience to avoid any late fees or additional charges.

If you need any assistance with the payment process or have any concerns about the invoice, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m here to help and make sure that everything is in order.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Remember to attach a copy of the original invoice.

Request on Upcoming Deadline Template

The objective of this email is to build a relationship with the client. It’s a polite way to request payment by reminding the customer of the upcoming deadline.

✉️ Here’s our request on the upcoming deadline template

Dear [Client Name],

Thank you for your time in our previous discussion. In case you missed it, I wanted to remind you that the payment for [Project Name] is due on [Due Date]. Making the payment before the deadline would be greatly appreciated and would prevent any late fees or additional charges.

If you have any concerns about the invoice or need any additional information, please let me know. I want to make sure that everything is clear and that there are no issues with the payment process.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Ensure to include a clear and concise subject line when sending the email. Say as much as you can with as little text as possible.

A good idea is to include your company name and invoice number. The client knows who is reaching out and the purpose even before reading the email.

A well-wishing opening line is a reminder that you’re both humans doing your respective jobs. It’s a bonus that lowers any defensive guard the client may have had to ensure that you reach agreeable terms.

Ensure to attach a copy of the original invoice to prevent things from being held by claims of never receiving that invoice. When reminding a client about multiple overdue receivables, attach a customer statement.

Request for Partial Payment Template

When the deadline for partial payment from a client before moving forward with a project is soon coming, it’s good to send a reminder. Sending the reminder eliminates the chances of miscommunication when the due date comes.

A good idea is to send this reminder a week before the due date. You must know how to write emails for payment requests in an optimistic tone and more customer-centric way. This is because their account is still in good standing with your business.

✉️ Here’s our how-to ask for a deposit politely sample

Hello [Client Name],

I wanted to follow up on the payment for [Project Name] after we resolved the dispute we had over the payment amount.

As a reminder, the payment for [Project Name] is now due, and I wanted to make sure that we’re both on the same page about the payment amount and the deadline. If you have any questions about the invoice or need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

[Your Name]

A partial payment makes it easier for a client who may struggle with paying the full amount after you’ve done the work. Include the partial payment in the contract and the due date.

Accepting a deposit from a client before a project improves your cash flow and offers capital for large projects. The amount allows covering your out-of-pocket expenses.

Clients who pay a partial guarantee that they’ll cover the full cost when the project is completed. Due diligence is necessary before working on big projects. Clients who have trouble paying the partial payment allow you to think twice before working with them.

Even having to send reminders is a red flag that you’re likely to have trouble getting the client to cover the balance after completing the work.

Request After Delay Template

When your invoice is overdue for some time, you must try to get your receivables. A good idea is to know how to ask for an invoice in the email to make the customer agree to pay as soon as possible.

In the subject body, let the customer that you’re following up on an unpaid invoice and include its number and when you sent it. The email must portray urgency and remind the client of the terms of the contract. This is very important if you have a penalty for late payments.

Let the client understand that for breaching the terms in the sales agreement, you’re to begin applying the late payment fee going forward.

✉️ Here’s our request after the delay template

Hello [Client Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up regarding the payment for [Project Name]. As per our agreement, payment was due on [Due Date], and I have yet to receive it.

I understand that sometimes payments can be delayed, but it’s essential that we receive the payment as soon as possible to avoid any further issues. If there are any issues with the payment, please let me know so we can work together to find a solution.

If you need any assistance with the payment process or have any concerns about the invoice, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m here to help and make sure that everything is in order.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

[Your Name]

The remainder must follow up on unpaid invoices professionally while portraying the urgency of making the payment. This email must also be clear, concise, and polite while letting the customer know that late payment isn’t good for your business and theirs.

Use phrases that tap into the client’s guilt of not paying on time without sounding too aggressive. This avoids putting them on the defensive which won’t help you reach agreeable terms. It may also sour your relationship.

Request After a Dispute Template

Disputes with clients may arise because of mistakes on the invoice, disagreement with your pricing, or claim you didn’t complete the service. How soon you resolve the dispute determines when to get paid.

You can resolve disputes through:

  • Ask the client to pay for the undisputed amount
  • Confront the customer without fear of upsetting them
  • Speak to the right person about the issue
  • Have facts and evidence beforehand
  • Stay professional even when the situation gets ugly
  • Think ahead to avoid future disputes
  • Get constructive feedback to avoid the issue in the future

After resolving the dispute, the next step is to wait for the client to make the payment. However, if you realize that the client is taking a long time to clear your invoices, send them a reminder. Ensure to include the amount expected and the due date.

✉️ Here’s our request after a dispute template

Hello [Client Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to follow up on the payment for [Project Name] after we resolved the dispute we had over the payment amount.

As a reminder, the payment for [Project Name] is now due, and I wanted to make sure that we’re both on the same page about the payment amount and the deadline. If you have any questions about the invoice or need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

[Your Name]

If the client had been disputing the payment but you reached an understanding with them, they are obliged to pay the agreed amount in a stipulated period.

Sending a polite reminder for them to pay avoids going into further dispute and maintains a good relationship.

Request After Change in Project Scope Template

Sometimes, clients adjust the scope of a project. This is a deviation from what you had agreed with the customer in the contract in terms of functionality, layout, quality, and responsibilities. It leads to budget disruption and more time on the project.

Last-minute changes increase the time and budget required to implement the new requirements. When the client confirms the project changes, they have to send the extra payment to cover the adjustments.

You must send an updated invoice that reflects the new cost. Let the client understand the urgency to send the payment before you can proceed with the project.

✉️ Here’s our requestafter a change in the project scope template

Dear [Client Name],

Hoping this message finds you in good health. I wanted to reach out to you about the recent updates made to [Project Name]. As we agreed upon earlier, we have decided to broaden the scope of the project, which has led to extra work and expenses.

I have updated the invoice accordingly to reflect the changes, and the total payment due is now [Total Amount]. Please make sure to send payment before the deadline to avoid any late fees or additional charges.

If you have any questions about the invoice or need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I want to make sure we’re both on the same page and that everything is clear moving forward.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Requesting the client to send a payment for a change in project scope ensures that you have enough money to cover the adjustments. The sooner the client clears your invoice, the higher the chances of completing the project according to their deadline

💫 Key Takeaway

Asking for payment from clients is natural but it’s not the easiest thing to do for business wonders. You have to be careful that you get your paycheck without tarnishing client relationships.

Fortunately, you can use Field Complete, a tool built for all types of trades to manage their field service operations. It comes with endless features such as:

  • Paperless invoices to eliminate the chances of lost or forgotten invoices.
  • Customer management for quick access to information without double entries
  • Accurate estimates and customer approval alerts on the fly
  • Generate and schedule invoices
  • Create financial reports to track your most critical numbers

You can as well send automatic reminders so the client always knows when it’s time to send your paycheck without delay.

How to Ask for Payment Professionally | (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.