How Late Is Too Late to Cancel Plans? 12 Tips from Etiquette Experts (2024)

From weddings to birthday parties to happy hour with friends, our experts share exactly what you need to know about when and how to cancel plans

You made plans with friends for a girls’ night out … only to have a surprise work deadline come up. Or you booked a date weeks in advance … only to come down with a nasty cough the day before. Or perhaps you volunteered to chair the PTA fundraiser and now … well, you just don’t have the energy to deal with it. We’ve all been there, faced with the prospect of needing to back out but not sure how to cancel plans politely and kindly.

Why is it such a big deal to cancel? Plans are about priorities and how we choose to make use of our limited time and energy. “Oftentimes, having to cancel plans isn’t so much about etiquette as it is about time management,” says Jan Goss, founder of Show Up Well, an etiquette consulting agency. “Learning how to set boundaries, how to say no and how to value yourself will keep you from overextending yourself and will greatly reduce the number of times you end up in this situation.”

OK, so not getting in the position in the first place is ideal, but sometimes things just come up. That’s life! But backing out of plans at the last minute can leave you feeling guilty and your friends and family members more than a little irritated. We talked to etiquette experts to find out just how late you can cancel plans (without annoying everyone)—and how to do it the right way.

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How to know if you should cancel your plans

“Once a commitment is made, unless you have a legitimate excuse, it’s rude to cancel. Period,” says etiquette expert Lisa Grotts, founder of the Golden Rules Gal. So what, exactly, is a legitimate excuse?

“Without question, death, travel delays, severe illness and other things out of your control are understandable,” Grotts says. “But changing your mind because you ‘had a long day’ or are ‘too tired’ or because you got a better offer are not good reasons.” You run the risk of not just hurting the other person’s feelings but also making yourself look flaky and untrustworthy.

Of course, there are excuses that fall in a gray area, like a work project that is taking longer than anticipated, a mild (noncontagious) health issue or not finding childcare in time. In those instances, should you find a way to make it work? “These decisions often come down to integrity, because ultimately it’s about whether you are a person who keeps their word,” Goss says. “If you are normally someone who follows through, then people will understand and forgive the occasional cancellation. But if this is something that happens often, then it doesn’t matter how ‘legitimate’ your excuse is—people will see you negatively.”

Not to mention that if you cancel one too many times, you may find yourself off future guest lists and with far fewer friends, Grotts adds. Getting ditched is one of the things most people dislike, and it harms your relationships.

How late is too late to cancel plans?

In most cases, if you’re canceling within hours or (yikes!) minutes of an event, it’s too late. And for more formal events, it’s essential to send your regrets much earlier. “The short answer will always be do it ‘as soon as possible,'” Goss says. “It’s human nature to want to put off having a difficult conversation, but the longer you wait to let the other person know, the more rude it becomes and the more inconvenienced and upset they will be.”

When deciding when and how to back out, follow the golden rule: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and consider how your cancellation will affect them, adds etiquette expert Kelly Browne, author of 101 Ways to Create Mindful Forgiveness. With that in mind, here’s what you need to know about canceling plans in every situation.

When you’re sick

How Late Is Too Late to Cancel Plans? 12 Tips from Etiquette Experts (1)visualspace/Getty Images

Getting sick is one of the most commonly used excuses for canceling plans, and it can be a very legitimate one—a lesson we learned all too well during the pandemic, Browne says. In this case, it’s never too late to cancel. “If you are ill and know that what you have is contagious, or just think it might be, it’s always better to err on the safe side and stay home, even if it is last minute,” she says. Nobody wants their wedding ruined by COVID or explosive diarrhea!

How late is too late: Never

When it’s an event that required an RSVP and you already said “yes”

Events that require RSVPs, like weddings, baby showers and galas, require responses for a reason: Each person costs the host money, and they need to know how many guests to plan for, Goss says. Your no-show isn’t just inconvenient or sad—it’s expensive. Good wedding etiquette says that barring a serious unforeseen problem, you should give the host at least two weeks’ notice if you need to change your RSVP. Why two weeks? That’s generally the cutoff to give the final head count to caterers, Goss explains.

Cancel no later than: Two weeks before the event

When it’s an event that requires a ticket

Movies, theater productions and some parties require tickets to be purchased in advance, meaning that whomever invited you has already invested in your attendance. The earlier you let them know you can’t make it, the more likely they will be able to get a refund or find someone else to take your place, Browne says. If you do end up canceling at the last minute, it is common courtesy to offer to pay for your tickets anyhow, she says.

Cancel no later than: One week before the event

When it’s a work function

How Late Is Too Late to Cancel Plans? 12 Tips from Etiquette Experts (2)AzmanL/Getty Images

You may love getting together for work events, or you may dread them. But either way, if they are part of your job or company culture, you need to make a good-faith effort to attend, Grotts says. Some people see “fun” work events, like holiday parties, as more work … especially since they’re usually unpaid. But the reality is that this is how working relationships are strengthened. So if you do need to cancel, make an extra effort to connect with your co-workers in a different setting, or find a way to compromise—say, by coming for part of the time or helping with the prep work.

Cancel no later than: One week before the event

When it’s a place that requires reservations

Similarly, if your plans involve going to an upscale restaurant, a museum, a wine tasting, a tour or another event that requires reservations in advance, you should give extra notice. This allows the person who invited you to cancel the reservation or find someone else to fill your spot. Again, if you have to cancel at the last minute and they were unable to fill your spot, you should offer to reimburse them for the cost they are out (if there is any), Browne says.

Cancel no later than: Three days before the event

When it’s a life celebration

Birthday parties, baby showers, graduation parties, divorce celebrations, job-promotion parties, milestone-anniversary parties—celebrating your loved ones’ big life events is one of the best parts of having loved ones! These sometimes don’t require RSVPs or reservations, but the meaningfulness of the event should give it extra importance in your schedule. “This is one time when you can really show up for your loved one (literally), helping them feel extra loved and supported on their special day,” Goss says. Plus, she adds, if you simply don’t show up, they may end up waiting for your arrival to start the party … until it becomes clear that you’re just not coming.

This may be a good event to try to compromise on attending. “You could come for part of it, or ask someone to FaceTime or Zoom you in for the important parts,” Browne says. And, adds Goss, if you committed to bringing something—like a gift or food—do your best to make sure it still gets there on time. “You can have flowers delivered or Doordash the appetizers,” she suggests.

Cancel no later than: 48 hours before the event

When it’s a casual get-together

How Late Is Too Late to Cancel Plans? 12 Tips from Etiquette Experts (3)Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images

“Want to grab drinks on Friday?” Or: “I’m having a game night this weekend. Want to come?” Casual get-togethers can be fun and are a great way to bond with friends, family or co-workers, but because of their casual nature, they’re the events most frequently bailed on. “Your absence may not cost them a lot money-wise,” Goss says, “but it can take a real toll on your relationship, especially if it happens often.” And aside from the rudeness factor, it’s just annoying.

“Good friends always understand a last-minute change of plans and the need to reschedule—we all have busy lives,” Browne says. “However, if you constantly cancel plans, you either need to rethink that relationship or your priorities.”

Cancel no later than: 24 hours before the get-together

When it’s a first date

You’ve matched with someone on Hinge or you’ve been set up on a date—but you end up not being able to make it. Ghosting is all too common in these situations, and even though the person is basically a stranger, you still owe them the common courtesy of canceling. Is there anything more painful than showing up for a date, waiting for an hour (or more) and then realizing the other person isn’t coming? (The one exception, Goss says, is if the person has made you feel unsafe.)

That said, you can cancel a date for any reason; it doesn’t even have to be a “legitimate” one. “Never feel like you need to go out with someone out of obligation,” Browne says. “You are wasting their time as well as your own.”

If you don’t want to go out with them after all, cancel politely but firmly. If you’re using an app, communicate the cancellation through the app—don’t give out your personal contact information, Goss says. On the other hand, if the reason for your cancellation is something unavoidable and you still want to see them, offer to reschedule.

Cancel no later than: 12 hours before the date

When it’s a repeat date

You’ve started seeing someone, and even though things aren’t serious yet, you’d like to see them again. In this case, canceling plans should be done with more care, Goss says. This is because canceling for any reason—even a totally legit one—can feel like rejection. You don’t owe anyone a full explanation for canceling plans, but this might be one case where you could offer a little more detail so they know you’re not trying to back out of the relationship.

“One of the cardinal rules of relationships is that if someone wants to spend time with you, they will find a way to do that,” Browne says. “So if you value the relationship, cancel and then make a plan to reschedule.”

Cancel no later than: Six hours before the date

When it’s a date with a long-term partner or spouse

How Late Is Too Late to Cancel Plans? 12 Tips from Etiquette Experts (4)Dimensions/Getty Images

Unfortunately, people tend to be more likely to cancel plans at the last minute with their spouse because “family understands.” They know that person will forgive them—as opposed to their demanding boss or needy friend. “Don’t do this!” Goss says. “These intimate relationships deserve even more care and consideration when canceling plans, not less.”

Browne adds: “As an important relationship in your life, cancel plans only if absolutely necessary. You want to assure that person that you value and treasure your time together, so explain your reason for canceling and immediately reschedule your date.”

Cancel no later than: Two hours before the date

When you’re the host

Sometimes the person hosting the event is the one who gets sick or has a personal conflict that requires calling off the whole thing. This is a much bigger deal than one person backing out of plans, but chances are you wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t an important reason. “Just be considerate of how your guests will be impacted by the cancellation, especially in regard to travel, costs, time and childcare,” Goss says. And know this: A great host will cancel as soon as possible.

“This is a situation where technology is your friend,” Browne says. “You want to get the information out quickly, so send an email or text saying something like: ‘Unfortunately, due to circ*mstances beyond our control, we must cancel our party. We look forward to celebrating with all of you at a future date.'”

Cancel no later than: One week before the event

When it’s a true emergency

There are some reasons for canceling that are so catastrophic—think: a death, serious accident, medical crisis, natural disaster, terrorist attack or mass shooting, or extended flight cancellation—that your primary focus should be on caring for yourself and your loved ones. If you have time (like if you’re stuck at an airport for hours), it’s a courtesy to let the other person know that you need to cancel, and you should do this as soon as possible. But generally, people will understand if you aren’t able to give them advance notice, Grotts says.

How late is too late: Never

How to cancel plans without being rude

How Late Is Too Late to Cancel Plans? 12 Tips from Etiquette Experts (5)SolStock/Getty Images

Once you’ve decided you need to cancel plans, your focus should be on doing it in the kindest, most helpful way possible. “The culture these days has gotten more relaxed about proper cancellations, but this isn’t about protocol—it’s about compassion,” Goss says. “This is about responsibility, integrity and respect for the other person and how your backing out will impact them. It’s likely they will be, at the very least, disappointed, but they may also be greatly inconvenienced or out money. You need to acknowledge that.”

Here’s how to cancel plans while still being polite and kind.

Don’t say “yes” when you mean “no”

The best way to cancel politely is to avoid having to cancel in the first place. Too many people make plans with someone or agree to attend an event that they really don’t want to follow through with—leading to last-minute cancellations. Instead, learn how to politely decline an invitation so that the only invitations you are accepting are ones that you prioritize, Browne says.

Cancel in person or over the phone

“Face-to-face is best, but voice is second when canceling plans, because it adds a personal touch,” Goss says. Texts and emails are OK too, especially when responding to digital invitations, and that’s certainly better than simply not showing up. But again, you should cancel in person or via phone whenever possible.

Don’t lie or exaggerate

You shouldn’t lie about your reason for canceling plans, and don’t use “I’m sick” as a “get out of things you don’t want to do” card. “The more often you use these made-up excuses, the less credible they become,” Goss says. The truth has a way of coming out, especially if you show up somewhere or post on social media the next day, appearing to be perfectly fine.


A solid apology should be the heart of any cancellation. You don’t have to accept blame, wallow in it or insult yourself—life happens, and you’re allowed to cancel plans. Just offer a sincere “I’m so sorry,” and then move on. “Apologize, make amends if necessary and then let it go,” says Goss. “You don’t need to keep feeling bad about it.”

Don’t offer detailed excuses

It’s tempting to give the other person a full explanation of your violent stomach bug so they know how serious you are about canceling, but restrain yourself. “It’s not necessary to share personal details,” Browne says. “Simply say something like, ‘My apologies, I am not feeling well,’ or ‘I’m so sorry I won’t be able to make it tomorrow.'” In fact, over-explaining is one of the telltale signs someone is lying.

Thank them for the invitation

Be sure to acknowledge the person’s kindness and thoughtfulness in extending the invitation in the first place, Browne says. This can also be a good time to offer a compliment or well wishes. Depending on the event you’ll be missing, try something like, “Thank you so much for thinking of me. I know it will be a magical night, and I can’t wait to see pictures!”

Don’t waffle

“If you are canceling, be crystal clear about it,” Goss says. This means not saying things like: “I probably can’t make it, but I’ll try,” “I hope I can still make it, but it’s not looking good” or “If I can find childcare, then I’ll come.” These kinds of answers may feel like you are sparing their feelings, but they are actually incredibly unhelpful, because it makes it difficult for them to plan around you. It also makes you look flaky, Goss adds. If you’re unsure, then your answer should be no.

Offer to make it right

As noted above, in some situations, the other person isn’t just disappointed by your cancellation—they’re inconvenienced by it as well. So if the other person will be out money for tickets, offer to pay for yours anyway. If you promised to bring something, deliver it ahead of time. If it’s a gift-giving occasion, send the gift regardless of your attendance. If it’s a big life event, offer to meet up with them afterward so they can show you pictures or tell you about it.


If this is a relationship you want to preserve, then offer to reschedule—and don’t just say, “Let’s do it another time!” It should be a sincere, detailed offer, Browne says. Here’s a mini script of what to say to get you on the right track: “I’m so sorry I can’t make it tonight, but I’d love to spend time with you. What does your schedule look like next week? I could do lunch Wednesday or Thursday.”

About the experts

Maskot/Getty ImagesWhat Is an Irish Exit—and Is It Rude?
Tom Werner/Getty ImagesHow to Complain Politely, Getty ImagesTexting Etiquette Rules to Follow
How Late Is Too Late to Cancel Plans? 12 Tips from Etiquette Experts (2024)


How Late Is Too Late to Cancel Plans? 12 Tips from Etiquette Experts? ›

In most cases, if you're canceling within hours or (yikes!) minutes of an event, it's too late. And for more formal events, it's essential to send your regrets much earlier. “The short answer will always be do it 'as soon as possible,'” Goss says.

How late is too late to cancel plans? ›

Unless there are truly extreme and unavoidable circ*mstances, here's what you shouldn't do: wait within an hour of the time you're supposed to meet and then bail. If you're canceling after your friend has theoretically left to meet you, it's too late.

How rude is it to cancel plans? ›

However, if you are canceling on someone or an event without an emergency, it can be considered ill-mannered, particularly if it is last-minute. To put it shortly, changing your mind because you simply no longer feel like going or got a better offer elsewhere is not a valid reason to cancel.

What counts as cancelling last minute? ›

Last minute means within 24 hours of your appointment, the reason for this is so they can schedule someone in your spot.

Can a company refuse to cancel a subscription? ›

Customers must give their consent before businesses can charge for automatic renewal and continuous service. Businesses must provide acknowledgment terms that include the cancellation policy, offer terms, and how customers can cancel the subscription in a manner that the consumer can retain.

What is considered a late cancellation? ›

Late Cancellation means terminating an appointment with less than [number] business days notice. Seen in 1 SEC filing. Late Cancellation means if a contractor cancels a scheduled event before 12 PM the day before the event, a charge of [percentage] of the total space rental fee will be incurred.

Why is it bad to cancel last minute? ›

Generally, it's not good. "The problem with canceling at the last minute is that it minimizes the other party's time and effort required to make the plan," Porter says. "It can have adverse effects on relationships if done too often with the same person or group of friends or family."

How do I cancel my plan without sounding rude? ›

You don't have to accept blame, wallow in it or insult yourself—life happens, and you're allowed to cancel plans. Just offer a sincere “I'm so sorry,” and then move on. “Apologize, make amends if necessary and then let it go,” says Goss. “You don't need to keep feeling bad about it.”

What is a good lie to cancel plans? ›

Best Excuses to Cancel Plans Last Minute
  • You're not feeling well. ...
  • You totally forgot (silly you) ...
  • The babysitter just canceled. ...
  • You have to work late. ...
  • Your kid came home sick from school. ...
  • You got the date wrong. ...
  • You have a household emergency to tend to. ...
  • A family member needs you.
May 18, 2023

What do you call someone who cancels plans last minute? ›

Then again, we've all got that chronic “bailer” in our lives who takes the bailing a little too far: You make plans with mutual enthusiasm, you arrange your schedule accordingly, you look forward to said plans, then the bailer cancels, predictably, with an unceremonious text.

How do I cancel my last minute gracefully? ›

7 expert tips for how to cancel plans at the last minute
  1. Accept that your excuse or reason might not be well-accepted. ...
  2. Call, don't text. ...
  3. Apologize upfront. ...
  4. Offer to reschedule. ...
  5. Avoid posting publicly on social media after you cancel. ...
  6. Be understanding when they have to cancel plans last minute, too.
Feb 14, 2024

How to apologize for last minute cancellation? ›

Hi [name], I'm so sorry for the absurdly late notice, but I'm not going to be able to make it tonight. I feel awful for not letting you know before today, but the fact is I'm a bit stressed with an upcoming deadline and I didn't sleep well last night, so I'd be terrible company.

What is a cancellation deadline? ›

Definition of 'cancellation deadline'

A cancellation deadline is a date before which you must cancel a hotel reservation without paying any money.

Can I sue a company for not canceling my subscription? ›

If a subscription information service makes it difficult or impossible for you to opt out, or if they are charging you more than what you agreed to (e.g. hidden fees), you may consider suing for: Violation (breach) of the billing or cancellation agreement. Fraudulent billing.

What is the one click cancel law? ›

The FTC's “Click to Cancel” Provision

This initiative not only protects consumer interests but also compels businesses to reevaluate their subscription practices. It requires subscription businesses to shift towards a more customer-centric user experience and drives better industry practices.

What if a company won't cancel my subscription? ›

If the company fails to respond or refuses to provide a refund, you can try disputing the charge with your credit card issuer. You may be able to do so via: Phone support (the number is typically located at the back of your credit card or on your credit card statement) Email.

Is there a time limit to cancel a contract? ›

Cooling-off Rule is a rule that allows you to cancel a contract within a few days (usually three days) after signing it. As explained by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the federal cooling-off rules gives the consumer three days to cancel certain sales for a full refund.

Is it disrespectful to change plans last minute? ›

“Good friends always understand a last-minute change of plans and the need to reschedule—we all have busy lives,” Browne says. “However, if you constantly cancel plans, you either need to rethink that relationship or your priorities.”

How to politely cancel last minute? ›

7 expert tips for how to cancel plans at the last minute
  1. Accept that your excuse or reason might not be well-accepted. ...
  2. Call, don't text. ...
  3. Apologize upfront. ...
  4. Offer to reschedule. ...
  5. Avoid posting publicly on social media after you cancel. ...
  6. Be understanding when they have to cancel plans last minute, too.
Feb 14, 2024

Is it okay to cancel plans because of anxiety? ›

If you are looking to cancel plans, ask yourself why. If you are feeling anxious about an upcoming commitment or event, listen to your mind and body and what it is trying to tell you. Sometimes, trying to push through your anxiety can have the opposite effect- making you even more anxious and irritable.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.