How Do You Know When You’ve Done Enough? [2024] (2024)

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How Do You Know When You’ve Done Enough? [2024] (7)How Do You Know When You’ve Done Enough? [2024] (8)

Alicia Raeburn

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How do you know when your work is successful? Benchmarking is a data-driven process that helps you create your own standards to measure success. Setting benchmarks is a simple way to set clear expectations for your team. In this article, learn the different types of benchmarking and the steps to create your own benchmarks.

Success is a vague term—what is it? And how do you know when you, your projects, and your business are successful? The truth is, everyone measures their success differently. This makes success hard to define, especially when you’re managing a team or growing a business.

That’s why it’s so important to set your own standards for success, which you can do through a data-driven approach known as benchmarking. With benchmarking, you use competitors and internal comparisons to create reliable points of reference for your success.

What is benchmarking?

A benchmark is a predetermined standard, and benchmarking is the process of setting those standards. To determine benchmarks, you need to measure your work against something else. There are a variety of things you can set benchmarks against, including:

  • Competitors. Comparing your work or desired results against your competitors shows you what’s normal in the industry and what customers expect. Once you know this, you can adjust your business, product, or messaging to remain competitive.

  • Previous results. Using previous results as your benchmarks shows you if you’re improving internally and helps you identify gaps in your processes and workflows. If you’re improving, you can double down on what you’re doing (because it’s working). If you’re not, this is a great opportunity to make changes.

  • Goals. Using goals as a benchmark shows if your results are what you expected or initially wanted when you began. If you’re falling short, you might need to adjust your goals to make sure they’re achievable.

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What’s the difference between benchmarking and setting goals?

You can use both goals and benchmarks to analyze project outcomes, but they’re slightly different in practice. The fundamental difference is the target. Goals are what you want to achieve and tend to be growth-oriented, while benchmarks compare your actual results against a reference. Put another way, goals are what you aspire to achieve, while benchmarks compare your performance to another reference point.

For example, imagine you’ve set a business goal to hit $500K in recurring revenue this year. This goal illustrates what you want to achieve in order to grow and expand your cash flow. On the other hand, your revenue benchmarks would show you the amount of money you earn compared to competitors or what you made last year. Usually, you can use benchmarks to inform goals. If you know you hit $200K in revenue last year and you’re growing exponentially, then $500K is a realistic goal.

Benchmarking versus competitor analysis

Both benchmarking and competitor analyses use competitor research to determine how other companies operate. The difference between the two is scope—benchmarking is smaller and focuses on individual business processes, while competitive analysis is larger in scope and focuses on big-picture strategies and goals.

With benchmarking, you use competitor research data to review your own processes and best practices. You record and save these as benchmarks, and use them to set the standard for how you work. This is slightly different from a competitive analysis, where you use the data to review your overall business strategy. Whether you decide to use benchmarking or competitor analysis depends on the scope of your project. If you're only looking at processes, benchmarking works fine. If you’re looking for data on larger strategies and goals, you might want to use a competitor analysis.

Why is benchmarking important?

Benchmarking helps you set the standards for how you work. But instead of choosing standards based on opinions or ideas, benchmarking is data-driven. This ensures that your work standards are targeted and focused on things that have the greatest impact.

Benchmarking also shows employees the rationale for workplace expectations and goals. It gives you data to demonstrate why your team's daily tasks are important, so everyone knows what they're working for and why.

There are many benefits to benchmarking, including:

  • Define and determine success. With benchmarking, you get to decide what success looks like for your company. For example, if your benchmark for success is a consistent 10% increase in lead generation YoY and you’re on track to hit 11%, you’ll know you’ve exceeded expectations.

  • Identify gaps. Benchmarking reveals gaps as compared to your competition. For example, it’s hard to stay competitive if you’re producing three new product features in the same timeframe your competitors are producing eight.

  • Set higher standards for product quality. Benchmarking results in higher-quality products or services that improve customer satisfaction. When your benchmark is to host four community events every year, for example, you’re setting the standard to interact with your customers more regularly.

Here’s how setting benchmarks can help you

Setting benchmarks is simple, but it’s a process. Before you begin, collect relevant benchmarking data to use for your comparison. This can be data on your competitors, previous work, or your goals. The metrics from this data collection will be the baseline for your benchmark analysis.

For example, let’s say you’re tracking product launches. You find it takes you three months to go from ideation to launch. That timing might sound long or short to you depending on your perception, but perception isn’t an accurate way to track if this is the best timing for your launch. Instead, you can use benchmarks to answer how long each product launch should take. For example, you might look into:

  • How long does it take your competitor to launch a similar product?

  • How long did the last product launch take?

  • Have we made improvements to our processes that will save us time during this launch?

Note that other details will come into play here as well. Your competitor might launch a product faster than you, but that’s not relevant if their team and budget is double your size. Consider how relevant your benchmark is to your current situation and choose one that makes the most sense for each specific scenario.

Types of benchmarking

There are three different types of benchmarking: internal, competitive, and strategic. The type you use will depend on what you’re measuring, and what you’d like to get out of it.

Internal benchmarking

If you’re new to benchmarking, internal benchmarking is the easiest benchmark to start with. Like other parts of project management, internal benchmarking uses organizational knowledge to answer questions. Also, because you’re reviewing internal information, data collection is entirely within your control. For internal benchmarking, review business performance indicators for other departments, teams, or even previous work. Look for best practices or effective processes you can apply to your current work.

You can collect internal information by:

  • Using questionnaires and asking colleagues or direct reports what they achieved, and how.

  • Reviewing past projects and looking for business processes that have given your company a competitive advantage.

  • Studying high-impact initiatives—what made them work? If you can reuse and standardize the processes or best practices that made these projects successful, then these are good candidates for performance benchmarking.

  • Looking at previous goals to see if your work matches your expectations.

As you collect this information, take note of any desired results (i.e., processes you’d want to replicate and that could become a standard). At the same time, keep an eye out for any performance gaps—the difference between your actual performance and what you intended. This process is similar to a gap analysis, which compares your current performance to your desired performance. Except with internal benchmarking, you’re comparing your current performance to past performances or other team's performances.

Once you've identified what’s worked and what hasn’t, you can end the internal review, benchmarking the processes and workflows you’d like to standardize.

Read: How to capture lessons learned in project management

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Competitive benchmarking

This is the flip-side of an internal review, where you look outwards to the results from other companies in your industry. Competitive benchmarking is trickier, because it’s harder to find reliable data. You need to rely on your competitors to share information, or get data from a third party which you may not be able to verify.

But it’s worth figuring out. Once you get past the collection hurdles, competitive research is one of the best ways to gain a competitive edge. It helps you spot patterns or themes common to your industry, which you can use for benchmarking and overall process improvement.

For example, let’s say you discover that a direct competitor gets more social media engagement than your accounts. Using this information, you can set a benchmark for your own company’s social media engagement. In short, you’re deciding what social media performance metrics your company should hit to stay competitive in your industry.

Strategic benchmarking

Sometimes you know something isn’t working, but you can’t seem to figure out why. Maybe you’re just in a problem-solving rut, or maybe you’re expanding into new markets and developing an entirely new way of working. Strategic benchmarking is a creative way to stretch beyond industry knowledge. For strategic benchmarking, you’re looking for best-in-class performance. Often, this means looking to other companies, industries, or even cultures to see if you can create a new strategic benchmark for your work.

Strategic benchmarking has been used throughout history to foster innovation. For example, when an escalator company moved to shopping malls, it had to solve the problem of helping people to rise quickly and steeply, against gravity. It was unprecedented in their industry, so they looked outwards. In the end, they used techniques from the mining industry to design mall escalators. When done successfully like this, strategic benchmarking can catapult you well beyond the competition.

The 8 steps in the benchmarking process

By following these eight simple steps, you can use benchmarking to make continuous improvements to your workflows and processes.

  1. Decide what you’re benchmarking. Determine what you’d like to benchmark. If you’re new to benchmarks, start by creating benchmarks for projects, processes, or desired results that have the highest impact on your work.

  2. Decide your benchmarking type. In other words, determine if your data will come from competitive, internal, or strategic benchmarking.

  3. Review and record. Look at what you’re creating the benchmark for. Record all related processes and document related workflows so you have a good idea of where you are now, before you start.

  4. Collect data. Depending on the type of benchmarking, data could come from competitor research or internal data. When using competitive research, be careful with secondary information on competitors (i.e. from websites or news articles) which can be hard to fact check.

  5. Analyze data. Measure data against your own performance or work to identify gaps, patterns, and opportunities for improvement.

  6. Make a plan. Data won’t do much on its own. Once you have a full analysis, use project planning to decide how you’re going to set and use these benchmarks.

  7. Implement changes. Now, you can move into the project management stage to fully implement your benchmarks and create a new standard for your work, team, and company.

  8. Rinse and repeat. Benchmarking is an ongoing process, but it’s specific to each new idea or workflow. Restart the process from the beginning for every new project.

Benchmarking sets the gold standard

Benchmarking processes, workflows, and results gives you a baseline for measuring your success. Benchmarks clarify expectations and let your team know how they can produce the best results.

Benchmarking helps you to find the work standards that push your business, but it won’t help you get that work done. With Asana, you can track, automate, and build out workflows that let you do better work, faster.

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How Do You Know When You’ve Done Enough? [2024] (11)

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How Do You Know When You’ve Done Enough? [2024] (2024)


How do you know when you have done enough? ›

Set your yearly goal. Break the steps into quarters, then months, then weeks, then days. At the end of the day, as long as you're on track for your long term goals, you've done enough :) For me, it's when I can identify at least 5 productive things I did, and I feel genuinely tired from my labors of the day.

How to feel like you have done enough? ›

Spot the success

Instead of a “to-do” list, try out a “done” list. Write down 10 things that you've done today that have helped your life, someone else, or the world. There is no item too small. Taking a vitamin or texting a friend can feel like nothing, but each action is beneficial and each action matters.

What does done enough mean? ›

The phrase "you've done enough" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. You can use this phrase to assure someone that they do not need to do anything else. For example, you could say: "You've done enough for today; you should take a break and rest.". exact ( 44 ) You've done enough already.

Why do I never feel like I've done enough? ›

Cause #1: You link your self-worth to your achievements

Perhaps the greatest underlying cause of productivity shame is linking your self-worth to your achievements. In other words, the more you get done, the better you feel about yourself. Your self-esteem and your productivity rise and fall together.

Why don't I think I'm good enough? ›

Feelings of insecurity and low self-worth can have a variety of causes, such as adverse childhood experiences or a toxic relationship or work environment. Learning to challenge these thoughts and focus on your good qualities can be one way to move forward into a healthier mindset.

What giving up feels like? ›

You no longer feel that spark for things that used to inspire you. You used to enjoy volunteering, but now you're apathetic about giving back. You used to love music, or art, or dancing, but now you don't have the energy. You feel overwhelmed by life, instead of excited about it.

How do you know if you had enough? ›

17 Signs Enough is Enough: Expert Advice on When to Walk Away
  • 1 You're constantly emotionally drained.
  • 2 You don't recognize yourself anymore.
  • 3 You're more sad or angry together than happy.
  • 4 Your goals don't match up.
  • 5 You and your partner don't communicate well.
  • 6 Your partner is possessive.

How do you know if you love someone enough? ›

If you love someone, you may start to wake up and go to sleep while thinking about them. You may also crave them physically, start planning a future with them, and want to show affection. Being in love also means that you're willing to put in the work to see the relationship thrive.

Am I enough for you meaning in relationship? ›

“ I'm not enough for you “ means whatever you do, however hard you try to do what this person wants , there is just either this or that flaw lurking that isn't quite right or there has to be something that is insufficient.

What does it mean when someone says you have done enough? ›

Yes it's a gesture of appreciation unless it's said in jest or with sarcasm. It implies that the person does not expect anymore from you and that what you have already done is above and beyond what one would expect. 1.

What is a word for not done enough? ›

deficient faulty incompetent incomplete lacking meager poor sad scarce sketchy skimpy unequal weak. Weak matches.

What does it mean to do enough? ›

sufficient, enough, adequate, competent mean being what is necessary or desirable. sufficient suggests a close meeting of a need.

How do you start feeling like you're enough? ›

In a four-step process, it can do the same for you.
  1. Step 1: Face your fears. When you start asking yourself the right questions about why you're not feeling good enough, you'll find it's related to fear and anxiety. ...
  2. Step 2: Become accountable. ...
  3. Step 3: Re-focus on your goals. ...
  4. Step 4: Create a personalized plan.

How to feel like you have enough time? ›

Oftentimes, the simplest solution to feeling time-poor is just to get present and show up fully in the time that we have. For example, if you value caring for your body, you don't have to go to the gym at 5pm to act on that value.

How do you stop feeling like you're never enough? ›

6 Ways to Stop Thinking You're Not “Good Enough”
  1. Stop Comparing and Competing With Others.
  2. Recall Past Achievements.
  3. Focus on the Process Rather Than Results.
  4. Speak to a Close Friend.
  5. Complete an Act of Kindness.
  6. Seek Therapy.
Nov 10, 2020

How do you make yourself feel complete? ›

Create a self-care plan
  1. Make time for physical activity.
  2. Add mood-boosting foods to your diet.
  3. Give meditation a try.
  4. Write or draw in a mood journal.
  5. Read a book.
  6. Aim to spend 2 hours in nature each week.
Dec 18, 2020

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.