DOT Physical Blood Pressure: New Requirements & Tips for Passing (2024)

The blood pressure requirements for DOT physicals can seem daunting. Here's what you need to know if you have high blood pressure.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is an extremely common health problem in the US.Almost50% ofadults, that’s over 100 million people, have blood pressure exceeding 130 mm Hg for their systolic blood pressure or 80 mm Hg for their diastolic blood pressure, or are on medication for their hypertension.

Even more surprising is that 76% of this group are not aware or in control of their condition. Besides the need to get high blood pressure under control to maintain good health well into your twilight years, as a commercial truck driver, you need to keep your blood pressure under control to pass the DOT physical every 1–2 years.

To help you understand what is required of you in terms of blood pressure to pass the DOT physical, we’ve answered all the most common questions below and outlined some tips that can help you lower your blood pressure quickly before your upcoming exam. If you’re looking for an overview of DOT Physicals, you’ll find that here.

Can You Pass the DOT Physical with High Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is measured with two figures. The systolic blood pressure (higher figure) is the force at which your heart pumps blood around the body while the diastolic pressure (lower figure) is the pressure in your blood vessels between heartbeats. Both are measured inmillimetersof mercury – mm Hg.

You can pass your physical with above-normal blood pressure, but if your blood pressure is too high, you will not pass.

If your blood pressure is normal, you will pass with no conditions.

If your blood pressure is high, between 140-159 systolic and/or90-99 mm Hg diastolic, it is described as “Stage 1” high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is in this range, you will pass but you will be required to take the DOT physical annually.

If your blood pressure is between160-179 systolic and/or 100-109 diastolicit is considered “Stage 2” high blood pressure, and you will only be granted a 3-month certificate in which you will be asked to take action to reduce your blood pressure down to 140/90 or better.

If your blood pressure is higher than 180 systolic and 110 diastolic, you are considered “Stage 3” high blood pressure, are high risk, and you will not pass the DOT physical. At Stage 3, no certification will be granted. To continue driving a commercial motor vehicle, you must reduce your blood pressure to or below 140/90. Should they do so they will be approved to drive for six months before they have to get another physical. The biannual checks will continue provided the figures are maintained.

What is Considered Normal Blood Pressure for the DOT Physical?

Normal blood pressure is defined as anything below 120/80 mm Hg – you’ll often hear this as 120-over-80. Elevated blood pressure for the DOT physical is defined as 120-139 systolic and/or 80-89 diastolic, and blood pressure within this range will also not flag any problems during your exam.

What is Considered High Blood Pressure for the DOT Physical?

The blood pressure limits set anything above 140 systolic and/or 90 diastolic as high blood pressure. If you are below these numbers no action is taken. Anything above and some form of restriction will be imposed.

At Stage 1, you will be required to take the DOT physical annually rather than the normal biannual. At Stage 2 you will be allowed to drive but have to reduce your blood pressure to Stage 1 levels within three months. At Stage 3, you will have to stop driving a truck until your blood pressure is under control.

What is the Highest Blood Pressure for the DOT Physical?

The highest blood pressure you can have as a commercial truck driver and still pass, though not without restriction, is 179/109, though it’s likely your Medical Examiner will have some concerns.

If your blood pressure is over 140/90, it’s a good idea to start tackling your high blood pressure, both for your well-being and so you do not encounter future problems passing the DOT physical. Treatment usually includes both medication and lifestyle changes but results are often swift.

What is the Blood Pressure Range for the DOT Physical?

The blood pressure requirementsaresimple – anything below 140/90 and you pass. Anything above, and some action is necessary.

Blood pressure regulations for the DOT physical help to make sure that truck drivers remain safe. Hypertension is an overlooked risk factor for everyone and catching it early and controlling it is key for a healthy life.

The blood pressure guidelines from the American Heart Association, along with other health authorities, lowered the Stage 1 figures to 130/80 showing how seriously high blood pressure should be taken.

Can you Pass the DOT Physical on Blood Pressure Medication?

There is no problem if you routinely take prescribed medication for high blood pressure. Taking such medication is common and allows blood pressure to return to safe levels offering an improved long-term outlook.

What are the New 2023 DOT Physical Requirements for Blood Pressure?

The figures listed above are the current 2023 DOT physical requirements for blood pressure, though they may change to reflect the medical profession’s raised awareness of the problems hypertension can cause.

Can You Fail a DOT Physical for High Blood Pressure?

Once your blood pressure rises to more than 140/90 you will have to take action to continue to get certification on a long-term basis. Once it rises above 180/110 you will fail the physical examination, but if you can go away and reduce your blood pressure levels below 140/90 you can reapply.

Howto Lower Your Blood Pressure to Pass theDOTPhysical

If your blood pressure is high, the best thing to do is start taking action to lower your blood pressure for your well-being so you can continue doing your job as a commercial truck driver.

There areseveralways to lower your blood pressure to allow you to pass the DOT physical,though many are not quick fixes.

  1. Lose unnecessary pounds.Being overweight can cause all sorts of health issues and nearly always leads to increased blood pressure– even losing a little will help reduce your blood pressure as your heart won’t have to work so hard to pump blood around your body.
  2. Exercise regularly.Even as little as 20minutesof purposefulwalking every day can make a real difference, lowering your blood pressure by up to 8 mm Hg.Commercialdrivers often don’t get time to get to the gym so walking can be important.Try parking at the back of the lot so you naturally walk a little further when stopping to eat or shop.
  3. Reduce sodium.Too much sodium will push up your blood pressure. Cut down on salt and where possible use low sodium salt.
  4. Eat healthily.That doesn’t mean just vegetables, lean protein is great too. It is so easy to get fast food but they tend to be loaded with sugar and salt. And cut out sugary drinks and go to the low-calalternatives.
  5. Limit your alcohol.A little can be good for lowering your blood pressure but too much will raise it. By a little we are talking a small glass of beer or wine, so stay aware.
  6. Stopsmoking.Apart from other health problems it can cause, smoking does increase your blood pressure for a period after you smoke. At the very least, don’t smoke before you take the DOT physical.
  7. Reduce stress. Learn to relax. Practice breathing exercises and avoid stress triggers.
  8. Buy a blood pressure monitor.They only cost a few dollars and allow you to monitor regularly what your blood pressure is and if it changes.
  9. Talk to your doctor about medication.This is a good idea even if you plan to make lifestyle changes, especially if your blood pressure is dangerously high. Your heart health is not a matter to be taken lightly, so take care of yourself!

Hypertension is a potential killer. We should all be more aware of high blood pressure and the DOT physical is a good place to start. If the examination shows inflated figures, use it as an opportunity to start making positive changes for a better, healthier future.

Quicker & Easier DOT Physical Exam Scheduling

Now that you know the DOT physicalblood pressure requirements for2023, it's time toschedule your DOT physical.

Scheduling DOT physicals for drivers is easier than ever for owner-operators and fleet managers. Foley's automated DOT physicals software automatically sends reminders whenever drivers need an exam and auto-orders them for you. Plus, the drivers' new medical certificates are uploaded to their digital files once they pass their DOT physical exams.

Get a FREE demo of the Foley DOT physical software today.

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DOT Physicals: Can You Pass with a High BMI or While Overweight?

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DOT Physicals: Can I Pass With Sleep Apnea?

DOT Physicals: What if I have a Medical Condition?

DOT Physicals: Do They Include a Drug Test?

How to Prepare for Your DOT Physical?

DOT Physicals: What Happens When You Fail?

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DOT Physicals: Understanding Medical Variances

DOT Physical Blood Pressure: New Requirements & Tips for Passing (2024)


DOT Physical Blood Pressure: New Requirements & Tips for Passing? ›

What is the Blood Pressure Range for the DOT Physical? The blood pressure requirements are simple – anything below 140/90 and you pass. Anything above, and some action is necessary. Blood pressure regulations for the DOT physical help to make sure that truck drivers remain safe.

What are the new DOT blood pressure guidelines for 2024? ›

Stage 1 – Blood pressure of 140/90 to 159/99 – Certification for one year. Stage 2 – Blood pressure of 160/100 to 179/109 – Certification for three months; if testing at three months shows a blood pressure of 140/90, may be certified for one year at that time.

How to pass dot physical with high blood pressure? ›

DOT Physical Tips: 5 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
  1. Drink a lot of water. Drinking water helps flush sodium – which is a known cause of high blood pressure – from the body, and helps to calm the nervous system. ...
  2. Eat more potassium. ...
  3. Drink beet juice. ...
  4. Cut the crap. ...
  5. Breathe.

What are the DOT requirements for hypertension? ›

Are There Specific Requirements on the DOT Physical for Blood Pressure?
  • Two-year DOT medical certification: A blood pressure reading under 140/90.
  • One-year DOT medical certification: A top number of 140-159 and a bottom number of 90-99.
Feb 3, 2019

How to lower blood pressure quickly before a test? ›

There are a few tips you can try to lower your blood pressure immediately without medication:
  1. A 60-second trick to lower blood pressure immediately is to take a deep breath and try to relax. ...
  2. Drink some water. ...
  3. Try some mild physical activity. ...
  4. Eat some dark chocolate. ...
  5. Take a cold shower. ...
  6. Get some sun.
Apr 1, 2024

How high can your blood pressure be and still pass DOT physical? ›

What is the Blood Pressure Range for the DOT Physical? The blood pressure requirements are simple – anything below 140/90 and you pass. Anything above, and some action is necessary. Blood pressure regulations for the DOT physical help to make sure that truck drivers remain safe.

What is the new BP criteria? ›

Blood pressure categories in the new guidelines are: Normal: 120/80 mm Hg or lower. Elevated: This used to be called “prehypertension.” The top number (systolic) is between 120 and 129 and the bottom number (diastolic) is 80 or lower. Elevated blood pressure can turn into high blood pressure if no action is taken.

How do you temporarily lower your blood pressure? ›

Tricks to Lower Blood Pressure Instantly
  1. Meditate or focus on deep breathing. Meditation and breathing exercises can help you relax, which slows your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure.
  2. Reduce your stress levels. ...
  3. Take a warm bath or shower.

How long does it take for a glass of beet juice to lower blood pressure? ›

However, a 2008 study stated that beet juice lowers blood pressure in about 3 hours. Research suggests that drinking beet juice daily for at least 60 days provides the most benefits, helping significantly improve hypertension.

How to lower your blood pressure before going to the doctor? ›

Take a brisk 15-20 min walk

While some light exercise may seem counterintuitive, a short walk is enough to help you start rhythmic breathing which actually decreases blood pressure by calming the body's stress response similar to the breathing technique above (but with the added fun of walking).

How can I bring my blood pressure down right now? ›

Some ways to lower blood pressure without medication include mindful meditation, time and stress management techniques, eating less salt, regular exercise, the DASH diet, losing excess weight, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption.

What should I do if my blood pressure is 160 over 100? ›

Combination drug therapy — If a person has very high blood pressure (eg, 160/100 mmHg or higher), then combination therapy with two drugs at the same time rather than monotherapy (treatment with a single medication) may be the initial step in blood pressure treatment.

Can you lose your CDL for high blood pressure? ›

Breakdown of High Blood Pressure & FMCSA Requirements

When the driver's blood pressure is below 140/90, they may be certified at six-month intervals. Individuals with a blood pressure reading greater than 180/110 are disqualified. However, you may apply again once you've lowered your blood pressure.

How to lower BP for dot physical? ›

Short-term Methods to Lower Your Blood Pressure Before Your DOT Physical
  1. Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration is an essential part of overall health. ...
  2. Avoid coffee, cigarettes and booze. ...
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables and drink beet juice. ...
  4. Eat potassium rich foods. ...
  5. Try meditating. ...
  6. Get some sleep.
Feb 13, 2022

Can drinking water lower blood pressure? ›

Drinking water can help normalize blood pressure. If you are dehydrated, it can also help lower blood pressure. Drinking water is not a treatment for high blood pressure but it can help you sustain healthier blood pressure, whether you have hypertension or not.

How do you calm down for a blood pressure test? ›

Find a technique that helps you calm down when you're anxious or stressed. For example, breathe deeply and exhale slowly. Try a few of these breaths before your blood pressure reading. Reciting a poem or verse in your mind may help you relax, too.

What is the maximum blood pressure for a CDL? ›

The driver can receive a one-year certification if blood pressure is below 140/90 in three months. When the driver's blood pressure is below 140/90, they may be certified at six-month intervals. Individuals with a blood pressure reading greater than 180/110 are disqualified.

What is stage 1 hypertension for a dot exam? ›

Stage 1: BP range of 140-159/90-99. The driver is certified for one year. The driver with a BP in this range is usually without symptoms and at low risk for hypertension-related acute incapacitation.

Will aspirin lower blood pressure before physical? ›

Aspirin on its own does not lower blood pressure. Aspirin is not recommended to treat high blood pressure. Taking aspirin carries risks, especially for bleeding. You should only take aspirin after talking to a healthcare provider.

What are the blood pressure stages for Fmcsa? ›

Stage 1 - BP 140-159/90-99 Certification Period 1 year. Stage 2 - BP 160-179/100-109 Certification Period 3 months as one time certification. Within the 3 months, if the blood pressure is below 140/90, the driver may receive 1 year certification. Stage 3 - BP Reading >180/110 Disqualified.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.