Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

ing to work out a program lot Williams of the 11- lead, zinc and several other Min. mince Committee, were reported era's to relieve the burdensome opposed to the financing terms. surpluses which have been cre- The Interior Committee also ated in the past year asaresult was scheduled to take up a of foreign imports. flock of additions to the Action Promised erals plan Wednesday. Among proposals offered A report' on the revised bill w.

rincemihasA a a unnecihin" were: A report on the revised b1111 was described as "possible" Thursday by committee spokes. men. Action has been promised before July 4 by Interior am.1 rnittee Chairman James E. -1lur. rayi An assistant to Sen.

Gordon Allott JR-Colo.) said the Than provision would be tough to sell. "It is undoubtedly objectionable( but we're afraid the bill would be useless without it.1 Obviously it will make it a great deal harder to get the bill approved" he said. Some Senate, sources described the scheme as at "pipeline to-the Treasury" and "an obvious eVasion of the normal appropriatiOns procedure' A question was raised as to whether, -under Senate rules, such a bill could even be considered. Parliamentary precedents in farm-surplus and housing loans weri cited as 4'much less loose" than those in the minerals bill. "I don't see how a man can vote for that," a spokesman for an eastern Republican said Tuesday.

Sem Harry Flood Byrd chairman of the Finance Committee, A. Willis Robert. on (D.Va.), of the Appropria. tions Committee, and A stockpile program for alumintim, providing purchase -of sorttons of primary pig at 27 cents per pound, offered by Sens. Richard Neuberger (D-Ore), and.

Henry M. Jackson A 'Brannan Plan for Iron" with no details as yet spelled out, offered by Sen.litat Namara A stopgap stockpile plan for lead and zinc, under which 100,000 tons of lead would be bought at 14.75 cents per. pound and 200,000 tons of zinc at 12.75 cefits per pound, offered by Sens. Frank Churck, (I)-Idaho), and Henry C. towor shalt (R-Idaho).

Pr oductiozi bonuses for' chromite, beryl and columbium-tantalum. Further assistance for -met cury, antimony, and cobalt to be offered by Sen. James- E. Murray committee chairman. A stockpile for tungsten.

The new committee version of the bill carried other considerable alterations from that proposed by Sec. Seaton' last Thursday. Chief was a 1 cent per pound increase in thtsupTort level proposed or lead and zinc. New prices would be 15.71 cents per- pound for lead and 13.75 cents per pound for zinc. Secy.

Seaton was not available to discuss the changes because of the conflicting pressure of the Alaskan statehood debate in the Senate, in which he was taking an active DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM, Salt take City, WrInesclay June 25, 1958 I BEER Contithied from Page B-1 ments, beer could no longer be sold in drug stores for premise consumption, but can be sold in restaurants if the sales person Ls over 21 years of age. However, to get a beer license, an iating place must prove that 60 per cent or more of its business is from iafe of food for on-premise eating. Oiief Skousen said he felt the amendments were good and Would help. clear -up the situation. He added he would recmmnend adoption by the city commission and would: submit the proposals to Mayor Alel F.

Stewart. Mr. Manitm said the groups he -represented believe the amendments are 'a sound, practical step In promotion of respect for our, laws." possibility was raised Tuesday of a Supreme Court test case to determine authmity of city police officers to enforce city ordinances al the State Fairgrotinds. The test was indicated when Walter L. Budge, deputy attorney general, cited an earlier opinion from the attorney general, saying city police have such authority and duties.

This was in direct contradiction to an opinion by City-Attorney E. Ray Christensen that city police officers have no jurisdiction on the fairgrounds. Police Chief W. Cleon Skousen discussed the problem with Mr. Budge and Don Wyatt, State Fair manager, at a conference in the office of Gov.

Ceorge D. Clyde Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Budge opined that a city police officer has just as much of a duty to enforce city ordinances regarding sale of beer on the fair grounds as he would to enforce -an ordinance against shooting air rifles within the city. -Wagon Train Reaches a oak Allb 411 OM Mystery, Rail Stories Oti Tonight' By HOWARD PEARSON tator on the first Omnibus pro-Deseret News TV Editor gram of next season, although Three hour television the distinguished 90 minute programs old Interest for tee- show hasn't yet landed a netviewert onight Henry Calvin, the Sgt.

One is Garcia Of Zprro, will sing more viewert onight work. Henry Calvin, the Sgt. One la 'Wagon ilt Garcia of Zprro, will sing rilOre Trai (C.114,-- '4 r. 4 often in episodes of next season, 9:30 p.m.) which 1, in answeptotequests of viewers. reaches its dad.

t' 1 Ed Sullivan opens July'l in 1 .1.1. I nation In Sacra. 4. -Law Vegas'. Tic Tac Dough's Mento -and i vt Thursday version moves from tures such ursday to Monday beginning 'guest stars of this sea- tA: 1-, 6.

Dorothy Collins and son's episodes as Jane Morgan may join Johnny lt argare tt 714, 4 st Desmtifid on the new lilt Parade An ClIQ ht. f.11 It Garcia of Zero, will sing more often in episodes of next season, i in answer-totequests of viewers. Ed SilUvan opens July'l in Vegas'. Tic Tac Dough's ntghttime version moves from Thursday to Monday beginning Oct. 6.

Dorothy Collins abd '1 Jane Morgan may join Johnny on the new Hit -Parade 6 17,. I on CBS this toll. OHrien, Linda Darn. 11. Mar- Howard WEDNESDAY EVENING pee Main and zsepossibilitit* la bisek tflioh rearsoo Dan i 5:00 ag.

mi. A-Another Is swam a CINANNIL (Ch. 4, 7.p.M.), which presents a mystery story written by a eweartihera and 21-yearold page by at National 3:30 -maul 1 Broadcasting Company in Newl Klekei Massa Club. 11-0. Henry Playhouse.

.4. 14-0. Henry Playhouse. York. 1-4Soldierii of Fortune.

I The third Is Armstrong Circle Theater (Ch. 5, 8 p.rn.i with rItiliveeyollktei. "Twelve Caseit 'osf Murder," a IILeave It Tontlteiver tells hov; Beaver drama based on an actual case ---41behlmoori v1.71;nis e'relled imm ot history from the files ofteacher to tk tfie from his terce sar hli New York Central Railroad and Innitcrsraf tt supposedl sent ai of his elder brother reolg. from their featuring one of the men per- sn sonally involved in the real ud '3 RO 3P plot 4tather Knows Best 6Johnson's Playhouse 111 Since we may be bidding fare- Prentiss." starring Ch9earnire'vBrck. well to Wagon Train, it's inter- twoill glue aiteutlitborn business tycoon esting to look back on its career.

over his thlughTerl; tea pbuittettomrtaa -Polot Most of the filming has been -700 carried on within. it few miles of SWednesday fights pits Borg Calhoun New will fol. Los Angeles, but the producers ilKraft TV Theater (la 'alert win have managed to new pr.taent s7ta Precinct." The Mori have managea to new present "57lb Precinct." The stars, and for the most part authentic backgrounds as the Wagon rolled intruder at her The desk ter, from St. to its Call. akeketeiuk fornii destination.

tiered With the setae eteel mans times. Within an beer. she is WagonTrain has been the ob fee" "ear how.) 5The Millionaire. ject of some jibes, like critics 7:30 Classical Mask. with Aare Cep-land.

10:00 1---Newe'at. 10 and Weather. 10:20 Digest( 10:30 1-Two on the Aisle Will show "Swamis Water." with Waiter Brennan. Waiter Hutto- Dona Andrews and 44tnn: and snorts. 10:50 Sanctum 1100 Tonight at 9 "CLAUDIA AND DAVID'i I starring Doothy McGuire Robert Young 01115511 Si 14 1 --ari 'and Radio Channel 2 Channel 3 KStelltCBS Channel 4 K'rVTNBC Channel 7 attince are turnisbed by Asthma.

hismoursto eon otall Wednesday, June Id 1 Th be) "Thanks for inviting us Int your home tHANNEL CHUCIUS DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM. Salt take City, dnesday Imo 25, 1958 4 11 1 HANNEL CHUCKLIS can Provision. Looms or an --o BEER i Television Highlights lights ze neranustry Contithied from Page B-1 sidJ Milld 0- alifornia ments, beer could no longer be -Wagon I ort eating en li isOld in drug stores -for on. 4, mg to work out a program fotWilliams (11-DeL), of Ft- premise but can Stories-On Tonig teA i ae lead, zific and several other Min- mince Cormnittee, were reported be Id in restaurants if the Mystery, 41h---A' i era's to relieve the burdensome opposed to the financing terms. a ww- OA pro isetsiear with Aaron C.

surpluses which have been cre- The Interior Committee also sales person Is over 21 years of By HOWARD PEARSON tator on the first 'Omnibus td in take up a age. However, to get a beer Deseret New Tv Editor gram of next season, although 10:00 -J i the past year asaresult was scheduled i ore gn imports. flock of additions to the mn- license, an iang pace must distin guished 90 minute television the r- 1News at Is and Weather. Three hour Iong prove that 60 per cent or more programs old interest for tele- Action Promised erals plan Wednesday, show hasn't yet landed a net 4 Among os a I offered 10:20 A report' on the revised bill Henry Calvin, the Sgt. 6--Teltsports 4 li of its business is from ide of viewer onight was described as "possible" were i ti 1, food or on eang.

yearstockpile program aton Garcia of Zprro, will sing more 10:30 often in episodes of next season, ltTwo on Thursday by committee spokes- One is ra i (Ch.4,-.- i the Aisle twill show "Smolt) os 0, for aluminum providing pur. Chief Skousen said he felt the in answesT4otequests of viewers. men. Action has been Promised i 9:30 p.m.) which tveritta Lai Irlier tnednren a n.w a Vis nalti chase -of-150 000 -tons of amendments we Ed tullivan opens July-1 in I before Julyt by Interior arm re good and readies its desti- t' Las Vegas'. Tic Tac Dough's AZ: aillre.waSres and 4 primary pig at 27 cents per would help, clear -up the situ- nation in( Sacra- 4', mittee Chairman James 22- ntghttime version moves ray (D-Mont).

offered by Sens Richard 131, from s---taaar 5e, ti Pan tion. He added he would rec- inento and lea- Neuberger (D-Ore), Thursday to Monday beginning 11.00 "Thanks for Inviting us Into An assistant to Sen. Gordon and ommend adoPtion- by the city I ct 6. Allott JR-Colo.) said the Than Henry M. Jackson (D-Was tures such stars of this sea- I Dorothy Collins abd your home provision would be tough to sell.

A ''Brannan Plan for -Iron'' commission and would. submit 4 Jane Mergan may join Johnny son's episodes as Desmond on the new Hit parade able( but we're afraid --0111'''''', A with no details as et spelled Mayor "It is undoubtedly objection- 3' pel ed the proposals to Mar Mel F. out, offered by Sen. 'MC- Stewart Istargareti'144 4 'N on CBS this fall the bill O'Brien, tinda ti 4,,,,, i would be useless without it Namara Mr. Mantifin said the groups Darnell, Mar- Howard WEDNESDAY' EVENING 7 ST SECUR III I A 11ar sto a stock Ile he -re resented believe the Obviously it will make it a great Pg jorie Main and Meek tree deal harder to get the bill aP- plan for lead and zinc, under amendments are 'a sound, prac- Dan IR proved," he said.

which 100,000 tons of lead would tical step in promotion of re- "-Another istiraft TV CINANNIL rearm'. us. P.seibilitlee THEAIE could even be con- be bought at 14.75 cents per spect for Our, laws." IWu'id Bill Mickbk. nl Some Senate, sources de- (Ch. 4, 7 which presents gle and News.

scribed the. scheme as at "pipe- pound and 200,000 tons of zinc possibility as a mystery story written by a 6Weather and liewL 1275 refits ased Tuesday of a Supreme 21-year-old page by at National 330 line to-the Treasury and "an a Se Pe und of ri ere Sens Frank Church, Court rt test case to determine au- Badcastin Company in New sn obvious eVasion of the normal rog appropriations procedure Dep IPERsehah s. 1 A (D-Idaho and Henry C. Dwor thority of city police officers to question was raised as to enforce ci ordinances at the York. rart111alseto.

i shalt (R-Idahol. ty circle 9 Tonight at whether, -under Senate rules, I bonuses for State Fairgrotinds. Tne ulird Is Armstrong 600 fk IAnnie Oaklei. l' -2- MIL fi 8 P.M. wia, 4Mickey Boone's ed when es neater chromite, beryl and columbium- The test was indicat AND-DAVID it uch bill ll Twelve.

Casl a ntalum Walter L. Budge, deputy attor- "gec-sidered drama based on an actual case school when be receives A tote Parliamentary precedents in ass mony and cobalt to opinion from farm-surplus and housing loans curyan were' cited as "much less loose" than those in the minerals bill. "I don't see how a man can vote for 'that," a spokesman istance for -met ney general, dted an earlier ti the attorney en g- i I li be offered by Sen. ames E. era saying city po ce ave authority and duties Murray committee This was in- direct contradic- chairman.

A stockpile for tungsten tit on to Ea history from the files of tie mitd, thid a New York Central Railroad and one men per featuring th from his teacher to take fle in drafting a reply. supposedly, sent from their mother. Wed al sonally invo in the re Yth S' The new committee version orney ay risen at in elder hmther i IJudge RO3P in 4T ow Best opinion Cit -At- Plc't '1 he In I 1., ce we may be bidding fare- ,0 6Johnson! Playhouse presents 'Inoc- i illi, i 4. I Prentiss. starring Charles Birk.

tarring 11 Doothy McGuire Robert Young Channel g' for an' eastern Republican said ford as a stubborn business tycoon of the bill carried other coo. city police officers have no well to Wagon Train, it's inter- who falls victim to a blackmail plot siderable alterations from that Jurisdictiohon the fairgrounds. esting to look back on its career. over his daughter's reputation. 4, Serfi Harry Flood Byrd (D- alho I chairman of the Finance proposed by Sec.

Seaton' last Police Chief W. Cleon Skou- Most of the filming has been 7 00 Ro Cun am. 51 Committee, IL Willis Robert- Thursday. Chief was a 1 cent sen discussed the problem with carried on within i few miles of 2Wednesday fights pits against Bobby Boyd. Nesra will MI- evision ana Radio son of the Appropria- per- pound increase in Mr.

Budge and Don Wyatt, State Los Angeles, but the producers lta ectierl will tions Committee, and JohnI. Port level proposed or lead Fair manager, at a conference have managed to new Preltaat Precinct." The sten' Channei 2 RUTV---ABO Channel 3 KStelltCBS and zinc. New prices would be In the office of Gov. George D. and for the most part authentic tilt tlisisvallitdontallivot Channel 4 RTVT-NBC Channel 7 KUED-Edue.

15.71 cents per- pound for lead Tuesday afternoon. backgrounds as the wagon rolled Intruder at her hem. The desk tee. ttettnes are furnished by Asthma. hisesurate eall station diesel and cents per poinid for Mr.

Budge opined that a city from St to its Cali. she belciask4 zinc i police officer has just as much fornii destination. "'wed leitit the setae et." -1 Wednesday June 25 many times. Within as boor. oho Secy.

Seaton was not available of a duty to enforce city ordi- 'WagonTrain has been the ob- felled murdered. (Boar show.) discuss 5The Millionaire. to dscuss the changes because nances regarding sale of beer on ject of some jibes, like critics of the conflicting pressure of the fair grounds as he would to the Alaskan statehood debate enforce -an' ordinance against in the Senate, in which he was shooting air rifles within the taking an active city. 1 I I 0 7 ue. Deseret News Wee Masks Bureau WASHINGTONThe Senate interior and insular Affairs CoMmittee discussed a revised version of the proposed min- -t era's subsidy plan Wednesday, but reportedly took no definite -tio n.

t' ac The committee is apparRnIly ready to accept a controversial provision which seriously, jeopardize chances of passage of the bill. The provision calls for loan authorizations of $350 million lot the secretary of interior to finance the five-year stabiliza- ton program, The measure, as proposed to the cOMmittee in a confidential print version Tuesday, harmade Jo provision for repayment of the loans. Sen. Arthur V. Watkins GI- Utah) said after the executive session Wednesday that the 'loan" would have to be repaid out of annual interior Depart- Inent Appropriations.

He said most of the cdrimit. tee liked the loan provision, but can -get, it, th ough -t lar proposals apparently iled to clear the administra- tion las week. Their inclusion could raise the threat of a White ilouse veto, although that pos: ski sibillty was discounted here. Back In lkets Lap? Observ- ers interpreted the new bill in 'part as an attempt to throw the mining problem back to President Eisenhower to be solved by invoking tariff or quotas if Congress would not approve the loan provision. I Sen.

Watkins said the loan provision was considered a safeguard against blockades- of annual appropriations to run the five-year subsidy-stockpile program. The administration is attempt WASHINGTON Deseret News Waehingtoa Berea -The Senate Interior and Insular Affairs co*knmittee discussed a revised version of the propose51 mirk era's subsidy plan Wednesday, but reportedly took no definite st action. The committee is apparently ready to accept a controversial provision which- could jeopardize chances of passage of the bill. The provision calls for loan authorizations of $350 million for the secretary of interior to finance the five year stabiliza- The measure, as proposed to tion program the committee in a confidential print version Tuesday, has-made no provision for of S. repayment the loans.

tee liked Sen Arthur V. Watkins (R, Utah) said after the executive session Wednesday that the floan" would have to be repaid Depart- out of annual interior ment appropriations. He said most of the' cdrimit, the loan provision but a 1 --4 1 -w -I can It th otigh Congress." tar proposals apparently iled to clear the administra- tion las week. Their inclusion could raise the threat of a White House veto, although that pos: fstki sibility was discounted here. Back In Ikets Lap? 0 bservers interpreted the new bill in 'part as an attempt to throw the mining problem back to President Eisenhower to be solved -by Invoicing tariff or quotas if Congress would not approve the Joan provision.

Sen. Watkins said the loan provision was considered a safe- guard against blockades- of an- vial appropriations to run the five-year subsidy-stockpile pro- gram. The administration is aftemnt- Wallet, $30 Last A wallet containing $30 and personal Pipers was reported lost by Mrs. Viola Spender, Trout Creek, Utah, on Second Sottth between State and Main -Tuesday. WaIlet, $30 Lost 13.75 A wallet containing $30 and personal pipers was reported lost by Mrs.

Viola Spender, Trout Creek, Utah, on Second Smith between State and Main a. -Tuesday. wondering if it would ever get oot A Secret Nis feature Olivia to the coast, but it nevertheless le 2.1y11.1.atitlete et "The Prised wonaenng II ix wow(' ever get Dv' Got A Secret wilt testers (MIAs to the coast, but it nevertheless lissillant, 'fie of "The Proud has won many well-deserved 1--tivril." "el" 'thin concert wilt present Barb honori. excerpts and Gersbwin's "Ship. sody in Blue." (45 minutes.) Notwithstanding comments Its a DIsneilosa relates bey Donald Durk vblegoilnron: 4.71:Tratrines155111 has with his Job end sets ener pastures.

(Boor ow .) ow.) en Un luaus twes sesuy Mil show wondering if it would ever get a 11--Evo Got A Seetot wilt fest re Olivia to the coast, but it nevertheless Di Rovilionit. otth. of "Tim Proud has W011, many well-deserved win 'reseal Bach ho co excerpts and Gershsts'a "Rao. rs. 3 in Slue (45 Intsulea) mviulluilliutug.

iDisneylaul relates hew Donald Duck its "al 611' it on es a 6:30 Mickey Mouse Club 4 Henry Playhouse 2 "Soldiers of -7ortune" 0:00 Annie Oakley 4 Mickey Rooney 2 Leave It to' Beaver 4:311 2 Judge Roy Bean 4 Father Knows- Best! The Playhotise 7:00 2 Boxing Rory Cal- Mow- Ink-Bobby Boyd 4 TV Theater II The Millionaire 7:70 I've Got a Secret 7 Prelude a News and Aports MOO 2 Disneyland 4 This Is Your Life Circle Theatre 8:111 7 Uncle Wonder's I Workshop 03. 2 Mickey Mouse club 4 O. Henry Playhouse "Soldl eril go or- tune" 2 Annie OakleY I Mirkov Rannor 1:311 2 Judge Roy Bean 4 at er Knows est. 5 The Playhotise 7:00 2 Boxing Rory Cal- nnun- B11nP Boyd 4 TV Theater 6 Th. millionaire 7:31 rve Got a Secret 7 prelude ims maa I News and Sports 2 Disneyland 4 This Is Your Life ircl Theatr 5 8:15 7 Uncle Wonder's Workshop ow a seetieeals vflil 1 1 etioaoi I vivid 1 1 1 4 sectional.

ow a wild 5 News at 10 7 Sign Off 10:11 5 Weather 10:10 5 Telesports Digest 2 "Swamp Water" 4 4 Star News 1041I 4 Weather Station 111:50 4 Sports Final 5 Inner Sanctum MOO 4Itmgle Thursday, Joao- 4 Today 1:411 5 Cartoon Capers MOO 4 Dough RI Mot 5 Romper Ream SAO 4 Treasure Hunt Dotto MOO 4 The Price Is Right 5 Love of Life 4 Truth Cons. 5 Search for' Tomorrow 941 5 The Guiding Light 111:011 4 Tie Tae Dough 5 A Star and a Story 4 It Could Be You 5 As the World Turns 4 Mall of Fame 5 Beat the Clock 14:00 5 News at 10 7 Sign 10:15 Weather 10:10 5 TelespOrts Digest 2 "Swamp Water" a a star Volvo 4 Weather Station 1.:50 4 8 rts rin PO al 5 Inner Sanctum 4Tunigle undllatt7r 26 4 Today 1.45 5 Cartoon Capers 4 Dough me I 4 Treasure Hunt 5 Dotto 4 The prreris RI 5 Love of Life 'Id 4 Troth'Vr coos 5 Search for Tomorrow 5 Guiding Light 10:45 The 4 Tie TaelgItg: 5 A Star and ga Story Al the Wo Turns rld 4 ma 11:01 5 Beall atthenCtrilk 4 It Could Be you Rouse Parti 1111 2 Daffy Duck The Big Payoff 12:31 4 Farm News 11:31 4 iatty Foyle II The Verdict-h Yours 13:41 "Another Dawn 4 NBC Mat. Theater 2 The Brighter Day 1:11 I-rho-Secret-Storm 1:31 The Edge of Night 4 Queen for Day I GArry Moore 2:31 Do You Trust Your Wife? 1 Bow Do-You Rater 2:11 4 Modern Romances a American Bandstand 4 Comedy Time Arthur Godfrey 2:31 4 Club 4 Playhouse I Encore 4: 4 I Popeye Kartoons 2 Gene Autry 411 a Bugs Bunny Club 11:11 a Woody Woodpecker, 4 Jungle Western World Tonight 1:11 4 NBC News 2 Doug Edwards II Rouse Parti 11011 2 Batty Duck 5 The Big Payoff i 12:35 4 Parrs News 4 Kitty Foyle I The Vortitrt-ta YM1PS rott ts Tours awe heater I. Day I Night at Tout i Rater aanees andstand Ter house Loons Club dpeeket 'rid Tordi 2 "Another Dawn" a NDc mat Theater 5 The Brighter Day 1 1:15 i Th. digle3gof Night- ree 4 Queen for Day 5 Garry Moonre 2 Do You Trust Tout Wife? I Row Do-You 'Rater-- 8:15 4 Modem Romances MN American Bandstand ACcmirtheugiGoTimdfriey 7 8:31 cue 4 Playhouse 5 Encore 4:00 4 2 Popeye Kartoons 5 Gene Autry 1 Bugs Bonny Cob.

4181 4 Jungle II Western night 5:18 45 World To- 2 WM5I GILlIER'S CELEBRATE 22, 1(14. with GENERAL ELECTRIC -TrL411- cift; 1 itIll little more than two weeks 4This is Your idte. i longer than an actual wagon 11C "l'eweleetv Ta Cases of eater wi all I le: train would have taken. on as actual basoenins s'ind pleub- the story of lailread Police. It also has given added stature tclenn.trisaCtillilivrtsel I to, Ward Bond, a grizzled per.

train.;pmisellar frilebballfillitts I former of countless westerns, destination a schedule. The car 1 and has brought into the lime. oseredlecil light Robert Horton, a youn re. aill) invellitiati.11.

(Hour actor whose parents native 11:13 Pacifier 7 American Report 9:0 2 "Claudia David" 4 Whirlybirds Traekdown 7 French Through TV :110 4 Wagon Train Zane Grey Theater 7 The Subject Is Jazz 1 for year old sofa and their sive sego and their or Several style soloctions and choice. GILliEllS CELEBRATE-22 ms with GENERAL ELECTRIC EcTRTIN I liCirele Theater will a ail LittnIgDer1111101faen omelet, jitstal yisgweeokns 4This Is Tour Life. i "Tweive Cases of Murder." based sommoon RI 0 cT 70 train would have taken. actual hsppening and pub- -difilliteNh. It also has given added stature 11 i the story of lailread A etiosignutent of guns ishilria.cikleeed.

from a New Toth Central Italittad 1 to Ward Bond, a grizzled per. freight train. This ease baffling because the shipment result's Its destination en schedule. The coif 1 I former of countless westerns Ihk 1 and has brought into the lime, seal is intact. the waybills are in order.

but the guns are milting. light Robert Horton, a youn Then begins the investigation. in our ammo.) Illi fl 1 nethr whose parents native 8:13 1-, i to 41712 0 0 i 1 I 0 ti DC) PZ0V.JS 1209 10) I .4, uni am 4 iftr.s...... 1 91V-1 4' 'II "on ifier acReprt ENJOY "COOLING WORT" 7 American oo I a 4 4 a David" I 4' I 4 4 iheat: WITH THE NEW reld 1. Trackdown 4 s'K 5 4 7 French Through TV .4 e' 1131 ssra eeT- a ti 5, 4 zWagonGTrain 74 TahneeBubrjelct Is layers I 4s4ff r1 El.

a a Dill E2'.) il snin end choir or fer veer old sofa end choir 0 soo' i to) attend style solutions sod choice. 11117 II a a i 4 41 ti a 1 III ssa eou I 0 or 4 All, 4. roan, 110, ftniP IL 1.. ,..,,.,4 1 --4. .1.

A 1 1 tut. is are MAW J.1.14,.... Utahris and whose grandparents 11-11nele Wonder's Workshop deals 1 with lightning and were pioneers. Bondand Hor- 8:30 1 ton co-starred in the series. I 4Union Pacific.

2. will happen to Wagon 711freopuolitiraronix trcneir I ea will tell about I Train next season hasn't been moo' determined, but beginning-next 2-1irst: Security Theater will show week, the trek across the plains nugcliaanadndDoDrazidi' will be relived in reruns of the minutes.) I previous episodes. 4-, yritrha ci rlit ydbotwr dng I Wril relate I st ry of bow Ranger Gilman catches with Interesting Visitors: IC four outlawanothers in a Quiet litTobey of Whirlybirds (Ch. 4, tie turoed Into trAcettui gr.Undai iS 1French Wednesdays) should try to get Through 3eIeVlsion. 0 on color television.

He has the Tral" i va I reddest red hair on video. A 11.rwasmr:--w- Ilitery The tr! "Tii inr ells clts; really rugged looking character, 1lariensiltisnidia.IDswrniterl. t00. Main an. I Dan Duryea joinhir the regular east for farewells.

Before He and his sidekick, CrWit the train is completely disbanded. i I were in town Tuesday littelaZi.oraril creerossof the to visit hospitals and stations rsuernstrloalur of their sponsor. Rith are like- nertoa sets itt help the 111611. able persons and won a host of Theater will repeat "A friends in the area with their Gun lc For Killing," starring Id- 1 mon O'Brien, story of a rancher down-to-earth charm. who has sworn never to use a TObe3r'S a veteran of the 'hew bira but whwohothalernhaleolf stalked business, ha appeared In many fo---saburi: lass present "Joss' sad 1 Broadway plays, including "Skin of Our Teeth." His partner is younger, but is building up quite olgi a career for hhmsell.

Vidbita: Gene Kelly will ty pear as a dancer and commen A F'ul ao are Utahns and whose grandparents with lightning and were pioneers. Bond and Hor 11-1Inele Wonder's Workshop deals 8:30 ton co-starred in the series 4Union Pacific. 7Report From America will tell about tr What will happen to Wagon train next season hasn't been 9-00 drought and flood. determined, but beginning-next 2Tird. Security Theater will show the trek across the Rbert lains with th McGuire.

(PO week will be relived in reruns of the minutes previous episodes. the 4-yrvrhactritydbotwrdnyt. relate ry bow Ranger Gilman catches up with Interesting Visitors: IC four outlawanothers tp lasoutylit- Tobey of Whirlybirds (Ch. 4, Wednesdays) should try to get 111411.1:Oen:ad larrtell r.UTI itt on color television. He has the 1irrench Through TeIeVistorts 4waree Ymie will nt The Ise- reddest red hair on video.

A lament Story." The train reaches really rugged looldng character, irariottet He and his sidekick, CrWit the train is completely disbanded. bpi). to visit and Tuesday Horton Weyer' one of the rir7 "R6er. WalPal. irsbacn.

wits dtraveled across the of their sponsor. Beth are like- neerten.tret: to heir the InSn I ble persons and won a host of will repeat "A a friends in the area with their Gun For Killing, starring Id. 1 down-to-earth charm. 711g ha sDrieno. nt to the show bor.a but nwhwohothigernholeolf Tobers a veteran of business, has appeared In many fllialt is sacs memo "Joss sad 1 -so oBtrooaduwr ay plays, including "Skin Rs partner is 01,14 younger, but is building up quite a career for himself.


pily at their wedding recep tion Tuesday night In Holly. wood. This was Webb's third marriage and-the second for Miss Loughery. 'iu11n I BAILEY- AND 63 EAST 2ND SOUTH PHONE 4-5624 KALL MN-MBS Wednooday June 25 Limning 5:30 News, Benson 6:00 News, Benson 6:30 Sports, Bill Stern 100 Don Shafer Show 1:30 News, Van 7:35 Don Shafer 6:30 News With French 9:00 Warmup 9:10 Bees Baseball 11:25 Scoreboard 11:35 Moondial, News 1:00 Sign Oft Thursday, June SI Morning 5:30 KALIL Klock 6:00 News; Hurleigh 6:25 News, Wineriter 6:30 Sports, Bill Stern 1:00 News, Barkley 7:30 News, Wineriter 8:00 Hemingway News I- 9:00 News, Gaeth 9:05 KALI, Toppers 9:30 News, Vanliciorhis 10:30 News, Heatter 11:30 News, Gaeth I Afternoon 112:00 KALI. Top 50 12:30 11- 1:00 News.

Richards I 1:30 News. News, Wineriter 3:00 KALL Nifty 50 4:15 HeMingWity 4:55 News, Wineriter Benson 4' 41,0... (22F1.3 Wednesday. June 55 Svening 6:31 Relaxtn Listenin 6:45 World News 700 NBC News Hourly 7135 People Are Funny 7:30 Bandstand 6:31 Just For You Life ind World. 9:05 Dixieland 9:30 Dance Time 1005 Dance Time 11:05 Milt Hale Thursday, June; t21 Morning 6:00 Musts 700 NBC News 7:05.

TNT Wayman 1:30 World News 8:30 News Review 9.05 Tom Wayman 9.30 TNT Hour .9:31 Helper 10:05 My Story 10:30 Real Stories 11:05 True Confessions 11:30 Man's Family 11:45 Dr. Gentry 12:05 Five Star Matinee 12:30 Woman in House 12:45 Pepper Young 1:00 Cards vs. Pirates 3:30 Sports Scorebrd. 3.35 Roadshow till 6 5:05 News and Sports --INDEPENDENTS- HM17117-1230 KNAH-1280 6 cm. to filldnight 24 Hours Daily Music.

News WI KW110-860 KWIC-1570 Sunrise to Sunset-'----1 Sunrise to Sunset tt- concert Music. News Familiar Music 1160 KSL CBS Wednesday, Jose IS Evening COO Eddy Howard 6:05 Fred Waring 6:35 Guy Lombards 7:00 Sports, 7:15 Lowell Thomas' 7:30 Phil Rizzuto Split, 7:35 Amos 'n' Andy 805 Robert Q. Lewil 8:30 Patti Page 8:35 World Tonight 8:55 Eric Sevareld 9:00 Rusty Draper 9:30 Late Rolfe 10:00 News and Millie Thursday, June IS 6:00 News is Barlow 7:00 Rex Campbell 7:15 Rolfe Peterson 7:45 John Barlow 8.00 Sansom 8:30 News of Amerlca 8:45 Margaret Master. 9:05 Whispering Str. 1 9:35 Call'g Hollywood 9:45 Howard Miller -N Peter Lind Hayes 10:30 Helen Trent 10:45 Our Gal Sunday 11:00 Nora Drake 11:15 Ma Perkins 11:30 Young Dr.

Malone 11:45 Road of Life 12:00 News Farming 12:30 Arthur Godfrey 1:30 House Party 2:00 Rt. to Happiness 2:15 See. Mrs. BUTTOM 2:30 Couple Next Dom, 2:45 Pat Butram Show Rolf1 Again. a 4:05 Tennessee Ernie 4:20 Intermission 4:30 Prot.

League 4:45 Summer -195r Final DaYtiMs Wester" Music, News 1 7CLUE4trh. Music. News 24 flours Daily r---- 1.6thiy2; ,1 4 lid II, 4,,,, S' Ri plzrivim Fits almost within the limits of our inside and outside walls, y. 1( i ts. 910 KAU, 1220 KDYIL NBC 1160 KSIL CBS it il 1 a An r.

Wednesday, June II WdnonallY, June 65 YOU CAN LIVE, wox, Wedneeday, June 25 Evening 1 1 66 00 0 Ended" Waring na Howard It l'' 2 I' ---N 61S1 Re'. 4,,, I a63V11-43i-------11r34 5:30 6:35 Guy Lombards 1 1 IN 0-E COM- c--, 6.45 World News 7:00 Sports, Dean- 6:00 News, Benson 7:00 NBC News Hourly 71,5 Lowell Thorny' 40 a o-7 (I. CUSTOM-. 4, im 6:30 Sports, Bill Stern 705 People Are Funny 7:30 Phil Rizzuto 1 7:00 Don Shafer Show 7:30 Bandstand 7:35 Amos 'n' Andy A FORT-CONDITIONED EDICA I toewn 8:05 Robert Q. lAtwill n- l'i 4 r.

4.01.'',,,,,,oes 8:31 Just For You 3ws grid World. 8:35 World Tonight 8:30 Patti Page n- im 1: 0 3:0 Ne With 8:45 Life a 0 4 French 9 00 Warmup 9:05 Dixieland 8:55 Eric Sevareid ---------Alite- --'TH 1 IM p. I Ail I 4.31VIM Danes Time AKt I 910 i3ees Baseball' 11:25 Scoreboard Rutsetylforiateper ALL-US FOR FRIDAY WEDS: Jack Webb 1005 Dance Time N' A FREE SURVEY OF Ns 9 of 'TV's and his bride Jackie Loughery, a for- -r, -1, 11:35 Moonclial, News 11:05 Milt Hale 1:00 Sign Of Thursday, June '21 ,07 News and Miele Thursday, Juno le 67:0000 NReewx mer Miss U.S.A.,. smile hap. 4.4",-' Tursday, June Iii Morning 7:15 Rolfe Peterson YOUR HOME OR i 0 0 9 5 pily at their wedding recep Morning Hwultni ee ri gt the 745 John Barlow 'r gl-, COO Granite Musie Ir.

ell Holly. 4 1 5:30 KALL, Klock 4 8:00 Sansom tion Tuesday night in Ho 830 News of America 0 wood. This was Webb's third l'ar': 'I-- NNeeww5113, 8:45 Margaret Master. 2 marriage and the second for News OFFICE TODAY1 Miss Loughery. :00 Sports, Bill Stern Waymart WhIsPerinit Mr.

Ha 7ws, Barkley 7:30 World News 7:30 News. wineriter ClialloWarg 8:30 News Review Peter Lind Hayes 4 Close-Out Prices on All '57 Models 8:00 HemingWay News 47 9:00 News, Gaeth 9:05 Tom Wayman 10:30 Helen Trent 9:05 KALL oppers, 11:00 Nora Drake 7, Av Nagy powslow cosi yEARgsfo PAY 0 MA (Mt' i Cris RD- Mill 9:30 News, Vanlitiorhis 9 1.1c1,ur 4 10:30 News, Heatter 10:05 My l'rue Story 11:30 Young Dr. Malone 11:30 News. Gaeth pfe Stories 11:45 Road of Life 0 12:00 News Farming RP I Afternoon 11:05 True Confessions I ill 12.30 Arthur Godfrey kA ..1) 112:00 KALL Top 50 11:30 Man's Family 1:30 Meuse Party I FREE CIISTIIElt PARKING -IN REAR 'OF STORE 1 OA i tip 0 0 eiN: MUM MOM IP P) 12:30 News, Wineriter 11:45 Dr. Gentry 2:00 Rt.

to Happiness Sec. Mrs. Button :30 Couple Next Doos 04 "41 1:00 News. Ricbards 1205 Five -Star Matinee 1:30 News. Wintriter 12:30 Woman in House 9E, 4,..:2005 Tnetermn.on 3:00 KALL Nifty 50 1:00 Cards vs.

Pirates 4:15 Hemingway 3:30 Sports Scorebrd. I 0 4 4:55 News, Wineriter 335 Roadshow till 6 4:45 Summer I Benson 5:05 News and Sports 5:00 Sports Final ,4 WE DELIVER 1 4 I 1 24:4: 530 Pproat 11' News, Wineriter 12:45 Pepper Young Rolta Again. --INDEPENDENTS Seedsmen Since 186 KNAA-1280 KSOP-1370 KMUR 1230 6 cm. to Midnight 24 Hours Daily Daytime Music, News Weitern Music, News 1 104.A 11 EN, AND SONS 217 SO. STATE 'YOU MAY' ORDER PHONE 747.

--i--) 5s1. utg.11.161 CLUB-871. 4 i I Sunrise to Sunset -'-----4 Sunrise to Sunset Music, News 4 63 EAST 2ND SOUTH -k PHONE 1M 4-5624, Concert Music. News Familiar Music 24 flours Dail i----- FOR A BETTER DEAL GET A GILNER i I I olL. 'arming idtrey ty Ropiness Burton Dooe Snow Ernie on I 95r rro News' IN.

4 .1.1111 ally.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.