Complete Monster Proposal Thread (2024)

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Old Complete Monster cleanup thread

Welcome to the Complete Monster proposal thread! This is the thread where new Complete Monster examples are vetted, approved, and written up. If you're looking for the general cleanup thread (for cuts, rewrites, expansions, and the like), please go here

Important: Before suggesting any new examples, please read the Frequently Asked Questions and Common Requests List; if you have any questions, the odds are high they are answered there. Additionally, please check here for the earliest date a work can be discussed (usually two weeks from the U.S. release date) and whether the work has already been reserved by another user.

Here is how the process works:


  1. If you have a candidate to propose, you can simply come right in and propose them! If the character's run is brief, such as a single issue of a comic book, then a simple summary of their actions and any potential redeeming qualities will be enough; for longer-running candidates, an effortpost (EP) might be helpful for organizing the proposal. An EP is not outright required, but please be mindful that if a post becomes too clunky and unorganized, it can be very hard for other people to follow.
  2. After the proposal, there will be a 72-hour discussion and voting period, where people may ask questions and vote on the candidate. The number of upvotes must outnumber the downvotes by at least five for the character to be considered "approved".
  3. Three days after the proposal has been made, if the character has been approved, you may post the writeup (the text to be posted on the trope page itself) on the thread and send it to the drafts page. Your candidate will soon be added to the CM subpage. If the work has a page, you should add your candidate to the relevant YMMV page. Voila! It's that simple!

Outside of this process, we do have a few ground rules:

Ground Rules

  1. To keep the thread moving at a reasonable pace, there are some restrictions on when a proposal can be made. There should only be a maximum of four EPs posted both per page and per hour to ensure that nothing gets lost in the shuffle; additionally, each individual troper should only be proposing or writing up characters from a maximum of three works at a time (from initial proposals to end of their voting period). If your proposal would fall outside of either of these guidelines, we'd like to ask you to please wait until they would fit within; feel free to type them up on an outside document, and then when the time comes, you can just copy, paste, and post!
  2. No plagiarism of any kind. This is a very serious matter site-wide, as the website could get in actual legal trouble over this; as a result, this can very quickly lead to mod intervention. This can take many different forms:
    1. Direct plagiarism, i.e. wholesale copying. This is not only the easiest to find, but is also the most likely to warrant quick moderator intervention. To be clear, quoting in some places is perfectly acceptable, but it has to be very clear you're quoting from something else and it cannot be anything longer than a sentence or two - if you're quoting an entire work summary from Wikipedia, no one is going to believe you've actually consumed the work, so even if you cite your source, your candidate will be downvoted anyway.
    2. Self-plagiarism. Even if you can prove that you wrote the same text in both places, the site itself can't contain any of the duplicated text. If you already wrote something once before, it's not too hard to write it a second time.
    3. Using another site's work as a template for a proposal. Just because you don't copy and paste something directly doesn't mean it's any harder to detect if you're basing parts or all of your proposal on text someone else wrote. To be clear, this doesn't violate site rules and won't lead to mod intervention, but just like if you directly plagiarize, no one will believe you've consumed the work if you're clearly basing your proposal on something else. This thread largely operates on the honor system, and tweaking someone else's work to pass it off as your own is one of the fastest ways to lose trust.
  3. Votes must be for specific candidates, meaning no blanket voting (i.e. "yes to everyone I missed").
  4. If you are the first person to downvote a candidate, please provide an explanation of why when you do so. We're here for discussions above all, and a hit-and-run downvote doesn't facilitate anything.
  5. If a work is already reserved by another user, please don't comment on the work or any potential characters worth discussion before the discussion date. We know how exciting it is when a work has a keeper that you're waiting to talk about, but it's not fair to the person who reserved the work who is just as excited to lead the discussion to see the discussion getting spoiled before they get to do it. On the other hand, if the reservation only has one name attached, shoot them a PM - they may be down for a collaboration, which will get you in on the fun as well!
  6. Please keep the thread on-topic. While discussing the trope is fun and we encourage people to enjoy it, questions like "who's your favorite CM" are off-topic and can lead to thumps. That's the kind of question to take to people's PMs if they're willing. Similarly, while we encourage friendliness and familiarity with other users, posts should always have some kind of thread-relevant purpose; for instance, if you want to wish someone a happy birthday, feel free to, but if it's the only thing in the post, it's off-topic and needs something else alongside it. Again, though, while we strive for a friendly atmosphere, this is not Facebook; life updates are fun, but unless they have some kind of impact on your thread participation, please do not bring it here - we have Yack Fest for that.
  7. Please refrain from asking anything along the lines of "How Did We Miss This One?" In almost every case, the answer is simply "No one thought about it before". This Is a Wiki where everyone has different interests, and the fact that people missed a particular candidate, even one that seems like a textbook example of a trope or a character who is particularly iconic in pop culture, means absolutely nothing. The question is disruptive, has a simple and consistent answer, and provides nothing to any discussion.
  8. If you are suspended from parts of the website, it is still possible to participate!
    1. For users who are suspended from editing the wiki, you still have full access to this thread. You can propose candidates and write them up with no issues whatsoever; while you will have to ask someone else to post the entry to the relevant pages once it is done, all write-ups are considered thread-approved - as in, done by consensus - and thus doing so does not violate any rules regarding meatpuppeting.
    2. If you are suspended from the forums, your participation is limited but not impossible. It is still possible for a forum-suspended user to assist in creating the write-up for a character who has already been approved; as previously mentioned, write-ups are inherently considered a consensus-based edit and thus not tied to any one particular user. However, you can not assist in the proposal of a character; as a proposal is based around the forum rather than the wiki, doing so with a forum suspension qualifies as meatpuppeting.
  9. Please keep all discussions "in-house".
    1. What other wikis use for CM equivalents is irrelevant here.
    2. Please be wary of using other wikis, Fandom or otherwise, as sources of information. They are just as fallible as a site like Wikipedia in regards to accuracy because they can be edited by any user, just as this site can.
    3. Do not attempt to force a communication with an author in an attempt to gather evidence or settle a debate; besides the fact that this is a YMMV trope and thus author intent has variable weight depending on the circ*mstance, doing so may cross the line into drama exportation, which is prohibited site-wide.

If you would like to use an EP for your candidate, here's the general format. This format does not have to be followed exactly, but these are the main topics that need to be covered:

Effortpost Template

What is the work?

This is a brief summary of the work you're going to discuss. We don't need a full plot summary here, just however much we need to understand going into the discussion — it can even be as simple as quoting the summary on the work's page.

Who is the candidate and what have they done?

This is essentially the character's biography — who they are, their story, the crimes they commit, and, preferably (though not required), what happens to the candidate at the end. It does not have to include every single thing they ever do — for some villains, we'd be here all day if that was the case — but it should include the highlights of their journey.

Any redeeming qualities? Freudian Excuse?

This is where any potential redeeming characteristics or tragic backstory should be discussed. Do they have a tragic past? Do they show that Even Evil Has Standards or Even Evil Has Loved Ones? Maybe a Pet the Dog moment or two? This is where these should be discussed in full. Not every potential redeeming moment is a clear-cut disqualifier, but we should hear of any potential issues to ensure the character is discussed in full.

Are they bad enough?

A Complete Monster has to be particularly vile by the standard of the work they appear in. Therefore, you should look at what the character does compared to similar characters in the same work. This takes into account things like:

  • Their resource level (a human Serial Killer can't stand up to an alien Omnicidal Maniac, but they can be bad by the standard of other human serial killers)
  • The amount of time they have to work with (such as a one-shot character versus long-running antagonists)
  • The quantity vs. quality of their crimes compared to others (someone with a lower victim count but far more visceral and personal crimes could be considered as equally bad overall as someone with a higher body count but less horror involved)

Essentially, this section is an analysis of the kinds of villainy shown in the work and an explanation of why this particular character's villainy stands out within it.

Final verdict?

This is where you post your final conclusion on the character in question. You can continue elaborating on your reasons or even just say a simple "yes" or "no"; at this point, we've heard everything we need to hear.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This thread tackles very serious and dark matters on a daily basis. We will be discussing things like murder, rape, torture, human trafficking, crimes against children, and in particularly dark cases, several of these issues at the same time. We keep a lighthearted air, but all candidates carry the general assumption that these are awful individuals committing disgusting crimes. We ask that if you participate, you do so with the requisite seriousness such dark topics require; exclamations of how gross something is, whether serious or sarcastic, are disrespectful to the topics at hand, and if you cannot handle such topics, please do not participate.

And that's everything you need to know. Welcome to the thread!

  • Complete Monster Drafts and Bookkeeping
    • Pending List (Proposal Voting Periods and Approved Candidate Writeups)
    • Drafts
    • Discussion Dates

Edited by Twiddler on Jan 17th 2024 at 5:42:49 AM

Ravok Caesar Since: Jun, 2015 Relationship Status: Complex: I'm real, they are imaginary


#44926: May 23rd 2024 at 12:43:12 PM

Now then, just watched this show and film for the first time, awesome cartoon and flick and while the current keeps absolutely land I think there's still a duo who warrant listing.

What's the work?

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie is the sequel movie to the titular show, another animated adaptation of the 4 turtles that kicks total ass! In this film, the turtles are approached by a figure from the future, come to warn the heroes of a coming alien threat that risks decimating all mankind.

The Big Bad of the film, Krang One, is rightfully listed, but I think his Co-Dragons deserve an entry:

Who are Krang Two and Krang Three? What have they done?

  • The sister and brother, respectively, of Krang One, Two and Three travel the cosmos with One and subsume entire planets into Krang mutated hellscapes, wiping out civilization after civilization. The 3 of them arrived on Earth in the distant past alongside One and nearly succeeded in subjecting the planet to the same fate as countless others, until four master ninja used a magical key to open a portal to the prison realm of Dimension X, locking the Krang away.
  • As the film kicks off, the Foot Clan find and steal the magical key to open the doorway to Dimension X. The trio of Krang siblings pass through, Three using his mutative abilities to merge with the doorway and begin tearing it open further to summon forth the mighty Technodrome Krang warship, while Two gleefully notes she "hasn't killed anything in ages" and viciously attacks the Turtles, Splinter, their human friend April and the warrior from the future Casey Jones, cackling as she tries to butcher them.
  • Though the Turtles steal the key away, preventing Three from fully opening the doorway for the Technodrome, the Krang capture turtle Raphael. Two eagerly wants to torture and kill him, nearly ripping out his tongue for funsies, but One talks her down for the pragmatic reason of reading Raphael's mind instead, to learn where the Turtles' base is. Upon learning the info, Three painfully mutates the entire Foot Clan into monstrous beasts for Two to lead in hunting down the heroes and reclaiming the key. Meanwhile, Three mutates an entire building into a new Krang base, trapping the hundreds of civilians inside and turning them into Krang zombies.
  • Two leads the mutant Foot Clan in assaulting the Turtle base and attacking April and Splinter, trying to murder them and reclaim the key to use for opening the doorway. Two loses an eye to April in the process, infuriating her before she ultimately chases the heroes to the Krang's new base, enabling One to steal the key back. With the key in hand, Three is able to complete the doorway ritual and tear a hole in the sky, summoning the devastating Technodrome from Dimension X that Three personally pilots to wreak havoc on New York. Entire armies are wiped out as the parasitic Krang infection spreads amidst the population, Two deriding all of humanity as "insects" who she can't wait to see crushed by the Krang.
  • As the Turtles begin a quest to infiltrate the Technodrome and stop the invasion, Donnie and Mikey clash with Three who is piloting the Technodrome, dueling him until they are able to tear him out of the controls. They pilot the Technodrome back into the portal to Dimension X, while Leo holds Krang One inside it and Casey steals the key back, closing the portal and trapping Krang One and Three back inside Dimension X, alongside Leo himself.
  • Two, meanwhile, personally hunts down April, Splinter and Casey, trying to kill them all for costing her an eye. She's beaten by the trio, but has a nasty bit when the portal closes and Leo is seemingly trapped forever; Two cruelly mocks April's tears over Leo's apparent loss, but Leo is saved by his brothers while Two is locked away on Earth by the Earth Protection Force.

Mitigating features?

None for either, they're One's siblings and subservient to him but ultimately never show actual loyalty. Two flat-out laughs with glee when the Dimension X portal traps her brothers on the other side, just because she's more enthused that Leo was also trapped and his family hurt by the fact.

Three's only hurdle is that he's The Quiet One and barely talks, but not only does he have the same sad*stic facial expressions and laughter of his siblings, but he also has a line: when One gives the go-ahead to begin the mass mutations of humans, Three speaks through the mutated humans to respond with a cheerful "Yes, brother!" So I think there's enough personality for him.


One is the Big Bad, has the most lines and is leading the charge, but I do think Two and Three do enough qualify. They're integral to the plan and intended devastation of Earth. Two is a blood-curdling sad*st whose every other line is about how much she wants to go on a torture and killing spree, and she's The Brute of the group who leads the mutants in assaulting the Turtles and retaking the key; while Three is the Evil Genius in charge of mutating people, opening the portal, and piloting the Technodrome. Both even have their own mini-boss fights before One is the Final Boss, so I think they've each got enough weight and villainy to 'em to pass.

Final Verdict?

I'd say keep, and if so will just give them a shared entry below One's.


EmperorGeode Not the Eye from A Galaxy far, far away Since: Oct, 2022 Relationship Status: On the prowl

Not the Eye

#44927: May 23rd 2024 at 12:46:22 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (6) Krangs Two and Three

Bullman "Cool. Coolcoolcool." Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: Longing for my OTP

"Cool. Coolcoolcool."

#44928: May 23rd 2024 at 12:50:28 PM

Yes to Krang Two and Krang Three.

Fan-Preferred Couple cleanup thread

jlvs200s Jogo from The Netherlands (Troper in training) Relationship Status: At the center of everything that happens to me


#44929: May 23rd 2024 at 12:55:37 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (9) Papa Borden, Krang Two and Krang Three

"Stand proud, Sukuna, you are strong." | He/Him

IkeaHan Franchouchou Sponsor from Kamurocho, Tokyo Since: May, 2021 Relationship Status: [TOP SECRET]

Franchouchou Sponsor

#44931: May 23rd 2024 at 1:05:53 PM

In that case, has anyone here ever proposed Ramon Salazar from Resident Evil 4 (Remake)?

Character Specific Page cleanup

TurlesTheVegan from The Darkest Pit of the Underworld Since: Dec, 2023 Relationship Status: Chocolate!

#44932: May 23rd 2024 at 1:06:29 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (13) for the Krang duo.

ACW Unofficial Wiki Curator for Complete Monster from Arlington, VA (near Washington, D.C.) Since: Jul, 2009

Unofficial Wiki Curator for Complete Monster

#44933: May 23rd 2024 at 1:11:08 PM

Yes to the Krangs. (What's to say they won't be back? If Leo can be saved, the Krangs could return to Earth.)

CM Dates; CM Pending; CM Drafts

miraculous Goku Black (Apprentice)

Goku Black

#44934: May 23rd 2024 at 1:14:00 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (16)Krang siblings.

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (17)well sadly this part of the franchise is over.

Edited by miraculous on May 23rd 2024 at 1:14:24 AM

"That's right mortal. By channeling my divine rage into power, I have forged a new instrument in which to destroy you."

Ravok Caesar Since: Jun, 2015 Relationship Status: Complex: I'm real, they are imaginary


#44935: May 23rd 2024 at 1:16:18 PM

Also just to note is that it took the 3 unimprisoned turtles combining their magic in a nearly deadly process to tear open one last door to Dimension X, so the chances of another door being opened in-universe are slim Complete Monster Proposal Thread (19)


moctezuma2000 Since: Sep, 2018

#44936: May 23rd 2024 at 1:18:11 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (21) x5 Salazar is earnestly loyal to Saddler

WetFlannels Classy, Refined, Unstable from Nearby, on a cosmological scale. Since: Oct, 2021 Relationship Status: Who needs love when you have waffles?

Classy, Refined, Unstable

#44937: May 23rd 2024 at 1:18:18 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (23) Krangs

The issue with remake Salazar that despite him being a vicious little sh*t before the plagas, IIRC he's still legitimately loyal to Saddler?

Oh, Mr. Kennedy, you entertain me. To show my appreciation, I will help you awaken from your world of clichés.

EmperorGeode Not the Eye from A Galaxy far, far away Since: Oct, 2022 Relationship Status: On the prowl

Not the Eye

#44938: May 23rd 2024 at 1:19:00 PM

Now, allow me to present new collab between me and miraculous

What is the work?

Omega Men is obscure DC superhero team composed from aliens from Vega star system who fight against tyranny of the Citadel. They debuted in pages of Green Lantern and guest stared in New Teen Titans before getting their own series, which started in pre crisis before transitioning to and finishing in post crisis continuity.

Original Omega Men comic was dark, pretty much DC equivalent of Strikeforce: Morituri. It started with Omega Men waging war against Citadel, only to shift into other plots. It also introduced Lobo, though as member of completely different race with different backstory and somehow less over the top attitude than he will become known for.

And most reccuring villain in the series.

Who is Harry Hokum? What has he done?

Intelligent and ambitious earthling, Harry somehow found his way to Vega system and offered his service to the Citadel, which is in proces of trying to break force-field protecting Euphorix, home of of Omega Men leader Primus and his wife (and Euphorix’s Queen) Kalista as well as only Vegan planet not conquered by them. Using Greeshagurt, Alien creature which absorbs energy and thougts of it’s victims and reduces them to formless bloobs, Harry captures Euphorixian who was not on planet when field was set up, using information he got to create false images of Cidatel attacking planet’s cities. Luring Kalista into trap, Harry has her thrown to Grees so Citadel could learn how to get throught field and reduce Euphorix to lifeless rock.

After plan fails, Harry and Supreme Commander of the Citadel came back to Citadel homeworld to find super computer which actually ran empire destroyed as pretty much entire systerm rebels. Using dimwitted Supreme Commander as his Puppet King, Harry leads the Citadel to take back control of Vega. He makes alliances with planetary rulers, normally resulting in many executions of dessidents, threatens destruction of worlds to force them to fall in line and if they don’t, unleashes nuclear weapons on them, even Euphorix is attacked since field was shut down.

He kidnaps group of Omega Men to use them as hostages in negotiations. However, after Supreme Commander is killed on Citadel’s prison planet in confortation with Omega Men and Lobo, Harry uses bluff of having nukes ready to destroy cities in case of his deaths to negotiate peace treaty, planning rebuild his power base and strike again. Peace summit was held on prison planet, renamed New Alliance, as one of terms was that worlds can chose which side to join. Harry however is able to persuade good number of worlds to his side.

After that Harry gets lot less focus, mostly watching what Omega Men are doing, eventually trying to get Alonzo Dulak, scientist who created force-field, to his side after Kalista accidentally banishes him from Euphorix. When that fails Harry tries to use him as scapegoat in plot to assasinate Kalista. When Spider Guild, great empire of arachnid aliens who use inhabitants of worlds they conquer as food, invade Vega system, Harry calls all his troops to protect New Alliance where he has ran off, leaving all his allies and other worlds under his rule to their fate.

Calling Omega Men to offer them aliance against Spider Guild, when he learns most of them have dissapeared, he imprisons ones who came and plans to send them to spiders. He blackmails their member Zirral into sleeping with him in echange for others freedom, before having them all sent to spiders, as well as his minion who didn’t restrain them fast enough. Harry is last seen on New Alliance, still ruling what is left of the New Citadel as he learns his prisoners have escaped in big wave in which Omega Men call people across system to join them in hidden colony far from oppression and war, using teleport system in broadcast they sent.

While this version of Harry dosen’t appears outside of series, his Citadel principates in Dominator plot to conquer Earth during Invasion event. Citadel takes job of running space prison (read: concentration camp) in which Dominators put humans they capture. Citadel fleet also attack Thanagar in two Green Lantern Corps issues, attempting to bombard the planet.

Reddeming qualities?


Heinous standard?

Okay as I already said this comic is dark. We have original incarnation of the Citadel, which waged bloody war of conquest across Vega and whose commanders were fond of eating their enemies, made pact with Gordian slavers to help them use newborn Changralyns as slaves in their radioctive mines, answering to Omegas standing against it by destroying Changralyn city and have terorised and tyranised system for centuries, all presided by their creator (Mir’s candidate). We have Psions, race of mad scientists who extreminated Lobo’s race, have kind X’Hal consistently raped by violent Branx until she gave birth and use catastrophes in Vega to capture new test subjects to dissect.

X’Hal herself and her son Auron are godlike beings who went insane and tried to destroy whole system. Spider Guild from last third plunders universe and turn inhabitants of worlds they conquer into their food. Primus himself, normally noble hero, spends one issue throwing asteroids at Euphorix’s force-field and potentially endagering people on planet because he didn’t take him and Kalista being separated after she decided to lift field up for good well. It’s nasty.

Harry however, I think stacks up well. He debuts with nasty scheme to deliver Euphorix to the Cidatel so they could completely destroy it and after the Citadel is thrown into dissaray, leads it’s forces on nasty campaing to estabilish it’s dominion over Vega and estabilishes new empire which would join Alien Alliance and attack Thanagar, single handedly being responsible for keeping evil of the Citadel alive. Plus nasty bits like leaving all but his base planet to be eaten by Spider Guild, rapes Zirral by coercion only to have have her and her friends thrown to spiders as food. All while not being god like X’Hal and her son and ruling much smaler and weaker empire than Spider Guild.

Not bad for guy who even in universe literaly came out of nowhere.


Keep him.

Edited by EmperorGeode on May 23rd 2024 at 1:35:59 AM

IkeaHan Franchouchou Sponsor from Kamurocho, Tokyo Since: May, 2021 Relationship Status: [TOP SECRET]

Franchouchou Sponsor

#44939: May 23rd 2024 at 1:20:18 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (26)Complete Monster Proposal Thread (27)I'm not too sure about that, honestly. Because there are lines in the game, like before his boss fight, that make it sound like his loyalty is conditional on Saddler feeding Ramon's egomania; he expects thanks for his contributions to the cult and doesn't seem to express anything that suggests he cares for the cult's greater goals.

Edited by IkeaHan on May 23rd 2024 at 1:20:51 AM

Character Specific Page cleanup

TheCosmicCollector A Child from the Stars from Somewhere Beyond the Boiling Isles. Since: Feb, 2023 Relationship Status: Hugging my pillow

A Child from the Stars

#44940: May 23rd 2024 at 1:23:27 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (29) for Krang Two and Three.

Annnnd another write-up(s):

  • What If General Grievous Became The Emperor (linkComplete Monster Proposal Thread (30)):
    • Palpatine is the mastermind behind the Separatists and the Clone Wars, using them as pawns in his plan to turn the Republic into a Galactic Empire and wipe out the Jedi. Throughout the war, Palpatine would set the Separatists up to fail, planning to discard them once they were no longer needed to him. Growing paranoid due to General Grievous having survived, started another war with the Separatists that would last for four years, subjugating many worlds in the process.
    • General Grievous, surviving his confrontation with Obi-Wan on Utapau, becomes worse after the Clone Wars ends. Having executed the Separatist Council for their incompetence and threatened the Geonosians into rebuilding his droid army, Grievous wages war against the Galactic Empire, conquering many worlds and taking control over the Outer Rim. During the siege of Coruscant, Grievous would lay waste across the city, killing over a billion civilians. As the new Emperor, Grievous would go on to destroy wealthy cities in the Core worlds, allowing survivors to be enslaved. For centuries to come, Grievous would turn the galaxy into a complete dystopia as nobody was left to challenge his rule.

Edited by TheCosmicCollector on May 23rd 2024 at 4:26:09 AM

"If we're gonna play Owl House, we're gonna NEED an Owl House!"

ACW Unofficial Wiki Curator for Complete Monster from Arlington, VA (near Washington, D.C.) Since: Jul, 2009

Unofficial Wiki Curator for Complete Monster

#44941: May 23rd 2024 at 1:35:09 PM

Sure to Harry. Seems like he does a lot for his tier.

Any of those other characters you mentioned keepers (besides Mir's candidate)?

And this is a different Harry Hokum than the one we have?

CM Dates; CM Pending; CM Drafts

Azyat Inept Blood Mage from Medium-Sized Polish City (Newbie) Relationship Status: Brony

Inept Blood Mage

#44942: May 23rd 2024 at 1:35:18 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (33) to the two Krangs and Pre-Crisis Harry Hokum.

Edited by Azyat on May 23rd 2024 at 10:41:52 AM

And I think to myself, What a Wonderful World!

miraculous Goku Black (Apprentice)

Goku Black

#44943: May 23rd 2024 at 1:38:13 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (35)harry hokum

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (36)Complete Monster Proposal Thread (37)That's his DC Rebirth incarnation. He only appeared in supergirl their.

Edited by miraculous on May 23rd 2024 at 1:40:02 AM

"That's right mortal. By channeling my divine rage into power, I have forged a new instrument in which to destroy you."

Azyat Inept Blood Mage from Medium-Sized Polish City (Newbie) Relationship Status: Brony

Inept Blood Mage

#44944: May 23rd 2024 at 1:40:24 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (39) Which continuity would this version of Harry be then?

And I think to myself, What a Wonderful World!

ACW Unofficial Wiki Curator for Complete Monster from Arlington, VA (near Washington, D.C.) Since: Jul, 2009

Unofficial Wiki Curator for Complete Monster

#44945: May 23rd 2024 at 1:40:31 PM

Ah, gotcha.

CM Dates; CM Pending; CM Drafts

miraculous Goku Black (Apprentice)

Goku Black

#44946: May 23rd 2024 at 1:41:10 PM

This is Pre crisis.

"That's right mortal. By channeling my divine rage into power, I have forged a new instrument in which to destroy you."

therealjackieboy Ultimate Moral Compass from Austin, TX Since: Feb, 2014 Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

Ultimate Moral Compass

#44947: May 23rd 2024 at 1:46:21 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (43) Harry and the Two Krangs

"No running in the halls!"

EmperorGeode Not the Eye from A Galaxy far, far away Since: Oct, 2022 Relationship Status: On the prowl

Not the Eye

#44948: May 23rd 2024 at 1:47:05 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (45)Complete Monster Proposal Thread (46) It’s actually kinda weird. Comic did start as pre crisis, but then in last third of so shifts to post crisis continuity, even having group of heroes have their own small adventure with going on connected to crisis before continuing as if nothing happened, despite last issue doing nod to post crisis Green Lantern temporary status quo change.

@ ACW, I woudn’t say so. X’Hal has hella tragic backstory, loves her sons and actually considers her plot to destroy Vega system to be mercy, same with Auron. Spider Guild lack single leader, atleas from what this comic shows, while Psion leader is to much of Orcus on His Throne.

Edited by EmperorGeode on May 23rd 2024 at 1:47:57 AM

ACW Unofficial Wiki Curator for Complete Monster from Arlington, VA (near Washington, D.C.) Since: Jul, 2009

Unofficial Wiki Curator for Complete Monster

#44949: May 23rd 2024 at 1:48:47 PM

Got it.

And guys, can I please get into the Drafts? People keep locking me out and I'm trying to clear most of them Complete Monster Proposal Thread (48)

CM Dates; CM Pending; CM Drafts

Evanpotter09 Since: Sep, 2023 Relationship Status: It was only a kiss

#44950: May 23rd 2024 at 2:17:41 PM

Complete Monster Proposal Thread (50) to Krang One and Krang Two.

What, like it's hard?


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Complete Monster Proposal Thread (2024)
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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.