Cancelled holidays - are you covered? (2024)


Cancelled holidays - are you covered? (1)

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    Need to cancel your holiday? Here's what to expect

    Life’s what happens when you’re making plans - or so the saying goes. And it’s never more apt than with your holiday plans. You might’ve been counting down the days until your romantic getaway or your beach holiday with your bestie, and then you break up, fall out or fall ill.

    Whatever the reason for you cancelling a holiday, you'll need to know what rights you have when it comes to claiming back any available refunds.

    Cancelled holidays - are you covered? (2)

    Can I cancel my holiday?

    Your rights when it comes to cancelling a holiday depend on why you’re choosing to do so.

    If you've booked a package holiday, you'll be ATOL protected. This means if your travel operator changes the terms and conditions of your holiday, you have the right to cancel and get a full refund. You’ll have the right to cancel if they make any changes to your:

    • Accommodation - including if you’ve been moved to a different hotel or a different room type
    • Travel dates
    • Flights

    You’ll also have the right to cancel and get a full refund if the price of your holiday changes once you’ve booked and you’re asked to pay more.

    What does ATOL protected mean?

    We've just mentioned it above, and no doubt you'll have seen 'ATOL protected' used when shopping around for your holiday. ATOL stands for Air Travel Organiser's Licence and is a financial scheme put in place to protect you when you book a holiday with any UK travel company. If your company goes under or something goes wrong with any part of your package, the scheme will protect you financially.

    If you don't book an ATOL protected holiday and decide to book your flights and hotel separately, whether you can cancel will be up to each company's discretion. You’ll find that sites like will advertise if you can cancel your reservation, and what notice you have to give.

    Will I have to pay a cancellation fee?

    Each operator will have different rules, but you can expect that the longer you wait to cancel, the higher any fees will be.

    This means you may not receive 100% of the cost of your holiday back, but instead you might receive a proportion of this. If you cancel last minute, or if you have chosen a budget class of travel with less flexibility, you may not receive any money back.

    Cancelled holidays for sale

    Selling on your holiday or transferring it into someone else’s name could get you some of your money back. Contact your holiday provider to see if you can do this. Most companies will only let you transfer your holiday if you give plenty of notice; usually around a month before your departure date, and charge you a fee if they do let you.

    Cancelling a holiday due to illness

    If illness forces you to make a holiday cancellation, there’s no legal obligation for the package holiday operator, airline or hotel to refund you.

    You should check the terms and conditions of your booking to understand what options are available to you. You might be able to get a partial refund if you pay a cancellation fee.

    If your insurance specifically includes cancellation cover, you should be okay to claim, but there might be some obstacles. If you cancelled your holiday because of an unforeseen accident or illness, you’ll likely be covered, but if you cancelled because of complications associated with a pre-existing condition, you might not be able to claim anything back. You’ll also not be able to claim for illness or injury caused by drug use or self-inflicted injuries.

    Cancelling a holiday due to bereavement

    Facing the death of a loved one is difficult enough, without having to worry about changing travel plans. Many people assume that tour operators will be lenient in compassionate circ*mstances. But unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

    The first thing you should do is to talk to the company you booked your holiday with. They can tell you what conditions you agreed to when you paid for your trip. They may treat a cancellation due to bereavement just the same as cancelling for any other reason, which might mean you won’t get all your money back.

    Tour operators charge cancellation fees as you're technically 'in breach' of your contract with them and they're entitled to compensation - just the same as if they'd cancelled your holiday. These charges may seem unfair, but travel firms have recently been warned to treat customers more fairly by the competition watchdog.

    Tour operators might be more lenient or waive the fees if they have a chance of reselling your holiday to someone else. So try to give as much notice of cancellation as you’re able to.

    Bereavement and travel insurance

    If you have to cancel your holiday due to the death of a loved one, your travel insurance could help to cover you. This depends on the type of policy and when you took it out. The sooner you buy cover, the sooner you're protected.

    Many policies will cover emergencies such as illness, the death of a close family member or redundancy. But insurers may have different opinions on who qualifies as ‘close’. The death of a parent, sibling or child would likely be covered, but an uncle or aunt might not be.

    Insurers may be less likely to accept your claim if you knew your family member was very ill or could pass away. Most policies exclude cover for anything that you knew might happen when you booked your holiday. If you have a family member who is terminally ill, make sure that your policy covers this type of cancellation.

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  • Cancelled holidays - are you covered? (2024)


    What happens if your holiday is Cancelled? ›

    Package holidays

    If your flight is cancelled and you've booked a package holiday, you have the same rights as any other passenger to rerouting, refunds and potentially compensation from the airline but you also have additional rights regarding the rest of your holiday.

    How do you deal with a Cancelled holiday? ›

    Here are four strategies to help you deal with the cancellation of your holiday plans.
    1. Communication Is Key. This is especially true for those moments where you're the one who has to do the canceling. ...
    2. Practice Radical Acceptance. ...
    3. Feel Your Feels. ...
    4. Tweak Your Traditions.

    What is holiday cancellation cover? ›

    There might be circ*mstances that arise on holiday that mean you have to cut the trip short unexpectedly and come home. This means losing out on your accommodation costs, booked return flights and any prepaid excursions. This cover protects you against financial losses should you need to dash home.

    What is a covered reason for trip cancellation? ›

    Here are some examples: The unexpected death, sickness or injury of you, a travelling companion, or a family member. You need to attend the birth of a family member's child. Travel carrier cannot get you to your destination due to a natural disaster or severe weather.

    What are cancellation holidays? ›

    One of the best ways to save money when booking a holiday is to book a cancellation holiday. A cancellation holiday is when a guest cannot make the holiday.

    How much will I get back if I cancel my holiday? ›

    Any closer to the holiday and it can range from 30% of the total booking price up to 100% (the latter is usually for cancellations within 14 days of the trip). It's also worth getting in touch with your travel insurance provider, as you may be able to recoup some of the costs through them.

    What is cancellation coverage? ›

    Trip Cancellation Insurance will reimburse you for the amount of pre-paid, non-refundable travel expenses (e.g. airline, cruise, train, hotel, etc.) that you have insured, should you cancel your trip before departure for an unforeseen covered reason.

    What should you do if you get cancelled? ›

    Ask for Support

    Although being canceled may make you feel like you have lost everyone, you will likely still have family, friends, and other loved ones who would be happy to support and assist you if needed. Do not hesitate to request the emotional or material support you need.

    What is a good reason to cancel a holiday? ›

    Sickness and injury are the top reasons for cancelling a trip. No one enjoys traveling while feeling under the weather. Also, injury may make it impossible to travel, especially on a plane or boat.

    What does up to 100% reimbursem*nt for a covered trip cancellation or interruption mean? ›

    The details vary from provider to provider and with each plan. If you do need to cancel, you will be reimbursed 100% of the prepaid, non-refundable trip cost for which you are insured and can provide documentation. All of this coverage, is only if the trip is cancelled due to a specific, unforeseen covered reason.

    Can I cancel a holiday due to family illness? ›

    Cancelling a holiday due to illness

    You might be able to get a partial refund if you pay a cancellation fee. If your insurance specifically includes cancellation cover, you should be okay to claim, but there might be some obstacles.

    What are the types of cancellation reasons? ›

    Cancellation Reason Types
    • Decline by screening.
    • Withdrawal.
    • Insured death.
    • Closed by Claim.
    • Cancelled by client.
    • Cancelled.

    What happens if my trip gets Cancelled? ›

    If your flight gets canceled, contact the airline immediately to understand your options. They may offer rebooking on another flight, provide accommodation if needed, or offer a refund. Check their policies and consider alternative transportation if necessary. Contact your airline.

    What cancellations are covered by travel insurance? ›

    As a general rule, travel insurance covers losses from unforeseen circ*mstances. With flights and trip cancellations, covered reasons include emergencies, such as unexpected natural disasters, the death of a family member or a serious illness or injury.

    What is travel cancellation cover? ›

    Cancellation generally covers you for the cost of cancelled flights, hotels, visas, tours/excursions, paid-for activities or sports, and prepaid meals, less applicable excess.

    Will I get my money back if I cancel my holiday love holidays? ›

    All flights are non-refundable from the point of booking – this means that you will not receive a refund for the flight portion of your booking. Some hotels are refundable, while others may charge a cancellation fee. If you booked a non-refundable room, you won't receive a refund when cancelling.

    What am I entitled to if my flight is Cancelled? ›

    If an airline cancels your flight less than 14 days before departure and you choose to cancel your trip entirely, you're entitled to a refund of both your plane ticket and any pre-paid baggage fees (in most cases). This typically applies even if you have non-refundable tickets.

    What happens if I cancel my holiday and don't pay? ›

    The travel company is likely to reserve the right to cancel your booking without giving you prior notice and to apply its cancellation charges, which will usually mean you forfeit your deposit. Be aware that companies are not responsible for sending out reminders when it's time to pay your balance.

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    Author: Rubie Ullrich

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    Views: 5917

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    Author information

    Name: Rubie Ullrich

    Birthday: 1998-02-02

    Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

    Phone: +2202978377583

    Job: Administration Engineer

    Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

    Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.