11 tips to write attractive headlines for the blog post (2024)

Are you struggling to get enough traffic to your blog post? Do you know, your headlines of the blog posts can impact click-through rate. An excellent, attractive, magnetic, clickable headline can make your blog post successful.

In this article, we have shared the11 tips to create attractive headlinesfor your blog post that will help to increase your blog traffic and your conversion.

Headlines are the most important for part of content writing. Your blog post headline should represent the entire content in the article. Headlines are the first line of text that your readers get access to because it appears on the search results page, social share, etc. Your blog post headline is the deciding factor for readers whether to read the entire post or not.

Even if you have an excellent, unique, informative content, you must need an attention-grabbing headline to increase your readership. Attractive headlines have the potential of getting more social shares as well.

According to copy blogger,8 out of 10 people will read only the headlines, but only 2 out of 10 people will actually read the entire blog post.

If you want your headlines to be more effective, then you must know about your audience very well. Make sure that every headline has akeyword with significant search volume. You have to write at least 25 - 30 headlines for every piece of content.

Tips for creating attractive headlines

  • Keep it short & simple
  • Use numbers. Make a list
  • Ask questions
  • Be useful
  • Use emotional adjectives
  • Use rationale words
  • Make a promise
  • Be ultra-specific
  • Use negative superlatives
  • Create a sense of urgency
  • Use active voice in your titles

Keep it Short and simple

Shorter headlines are easier to read than longer headlines, and shorter headlines are also good for SEO. According to Outbrain, eight-word titles received a21%higher click-through rate than average.

Keep your headlines under 70 characters (including space) because longer headlines will be truncated in search results. So your reader can’t read the headline completely. Shorter headlines are good for social media shares as well.

According to Hubspot,

  • 8 –12-wordheadlines got the most Twitter shares on average
  • Headlines with12 – 14wordgot the most Facebook likes

Make sure that your headlines are easy to understand. By reading the blog post's headline, a reader should be able to understand the insights of an article. Use simple but strong words in your headlines to grab your reader’s attention.

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Use numbers. Make a list

Including numbers in headlines is the most effective way to entice readers to click. Our brain normally attracted to numbers and lists.

Most of the articles in search engine results are having numbers in its headline. Using numbers in headlines actually, intensify the reader’s attention. Number and list headlines promise a quick read.

Odd number headlines tend to perform better than even number headlines. A study by Outbrain and HubSpot shows that headlines with odd numbers got20%more clicks than the even number headlines.

Lower numbers work better than higher ones because they assure a short article. Number 7 works particularly well in headlines.

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Ask questions

Headlines with questions instantly get people’s attention. To increase CTR use5 Ws and 1 Hin your headlines (who, what, when, where, why, and how). Why do the headlines with questions work well? because the question headlines provide a solution to a specific problem of your visitor, and the question headlines create curiosity.

Headlines with questions, encourage your readers to know more about the content. These type of headlines help your readers to understand the topic clearly, and it also helps to attract more readers.

Question headlines will get more engagements on social media posts as well. If you frame your headline as a question, then make the question that provokes your reader’s thoughts.

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Be useful

If you want to attract and entice your readers to click your headline link, then make your headlines useful. Make your headlines that your readers feel like it is just for them.

Your readers want to know what they can benefit out of reading your blog post or article. So your headline must convey the benefit and give a reason to your readers to click. Your headline needs to tell a story, and you must provide value for your readers.

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Use emotional adjectives

Headlines with strong adjectives will make your headlines great, and headlines with emotional adjectives get more attention than others. Also, the headlines which generate emotions get more shares as well.

Without power words, your headline would be boring, and those headlines would fail to entice your readers.

Power words in your headlines make your visitors read your blog post rather than just scanning over it. So engage your readers with strong adjectives.

Here are some examples

  • Excellent
  • Effective
  • Ultimate
  • Incredible
  • Free
  • Instantly
  • Simple
  • Absolute
  • Effortless
  • New and so on

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Use rationale words

Rationale words in your headlines induce your readers to click. If you want your reader to click your headline, then you should provide a reason for that. Rationale words in your headlines increase your click-through rate.

Here are some examples that you can use your headlines

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Make a promise

Your headline should promise something valuable. A good headline should also convey to the reader that the time spent in this post is worth tothem.

Your headlines should convey to your readers what that blog post is going to offer them. You need to picture your reader's problem in your headlines. Make sure your headlines make a promise a benefit. Promise – driven headlines catch your reader’s eyes.

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Be ultra-specific

Ultra-Specific headlines are specifically created to target the audience. Your headlines should be ultra-specific, and it should convey to readers exactly and easily what your blog post or content all about.

Specificity is a key element for effective headlines, and it makes your headline trustworthy. This type of headline helps to build a relationship with your readers that is necessary for business growth.

Provide enough information in headlines that should compel your readers to click.Ultra-specific headlinesincrease your readership and it also gets more social media shares.

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Use negative superlatives

Negative headlines get more attention than positive headlines. A study by Outbrain found that a headline with negative superlatives such as never, worst, bad, stop, avoid performed30%better than average. On the other hand, a headline with positive superlatives such as best always performed29%worse than average.

The average Click through rate of headlines with negative superlatives is63%higher than the positive superlatives. So, the negativity grabs the attention of your reader, and also, it increases the curiosity. Negative superlatives are more emotional than positive superlatives, so the use of negative superlatives in headlines bring more clicks as well.

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Create a sense of urgency

Create a sense of urgency is an effective way to engage your readers. A sense of urgency compels your audience to click and to read now rather than later.

The urgency in your headline will help to show that the blog post or content is very relevant to your target audience. So finally, it increases your click-through rate.

This type headlines will always grab your reader’s attention. Include the words like “right now”, “immediately”, “today only”, “offer expires tomorrow”, “last chance”, “don’t miss out”, “limited time” and “hurry” in your headlines help to increase the curiosity.

E-commerce website like Amazon uses the power of urgency very effectively. They use FOMO strategy (fear of missing out), and it works well. They announced that you have only a few numbers of items left in stock, and it will create a scarcity. Now the readers can't ignore it, because they don’t want to miss out. Follow this strategy in your headlines too.

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Use active voice in your titles

Active voice works well in headlines because it personalizes your headline. Active voice strengthens your headlines and it easy to understand as well.

Passive voice:why passive voice should be avoided in your headline

Active voice:why you should avoid passive voice in your headline.

Now it’s the time to analyze your headlines.

You can use theHeadline analyzer toolfrom co.schedule.com to analyze your headlines. This is a free tool that will help you to write headlines that drive traffic, social shares.


I hope these 11 tips will help you to increase your readership. Try all of the above techniques to write attractive headlines in your articles and blog posts.

11 tips to write attractive headlines for the blog post (2024)


How to write a good headline for a blog post? ›

How to write a good blog post title: 12 tips
  1. Browse other blogs for inspiration.
  2. Research your competitors.
  3. Learn the basic blog title formulas.
  4. Use a name generator for ideas.
  5. Know your audience.
  6. Cater to emotions.
  7. Experiment with alliteration and other techniques.
  8. Avoid clickbait.

How to make a headline attractive? ›

A good headline is clear, concise, and informative, and it summarizes the main idea of the article. It goes without saying that you should also make it interesting and engaging, and encourage the reader to want to learn more. Remember: You don't have to get it right the first time.

What are three tips to writing a good headline? ›

Here are nine ways to write engaging, accurate headlines for any platform.
  • Be specific, not vague. Draw readers in because your headline is compelling. ...
  • Start simple. ...
  • Explore the 5 W's and 1 H. ...
  • Go beyond puns. ...
  • Take the mental picture. ...
  • Change your perspective. ...
  • Get emotional. ...
  • Use strong words.
Jun 6, 2017

What is a catchy headline? ›

A catchy title is the headline of a content article that contains elements to persuade readers to read it. Writing an effective headline can be an essential element of your content. A catchy title can bring a customer to your article by explaining what's in it or what value the reader can get from clicking on it.

What are examples of headlines? ›

Here are some Google ad headline examples for inspiration.
  • Find Your X.
  • X in [Your Target Location]
  • Visit Our Store Now.
  • Get Your Quote Today.
  • [Your Brand] vs [Your Competitor]
  • Voted Best X of 2022.
  • Trusted by X Experts.
  • 24-Hour Emergency Service.
Feb 26, 2024

What is a best headline? ›

The job of the headline is to indicate the benefit and to make a promise to the visitor that it's worth it. And to do it in less than a second. The more specific the benefit, the more likely the visitor is to click. Great headlines make specific promises.

What's a good eye-catching headline? ›

To write a headline that grabs attention:
  • Be concise and clear.
  • Use strong and impactful words.
  • Address the audience's needs or interests.
  • Evoke curiosity or pose a question.
  • Highlight unique or compelling aspects.
  • Create a sense of urgency or exclusivity.
Jul 6, 2023

How do you write a heading attractively? ›

  1. Keep It Short, Simple, and to the Point. ...
  2. Be Clear About Your Main Benefit. ...
  3. Announce Exciting News (News Your Audience Cares About) ...
  4. Questions in the Headline. ...
  5. Appeal to You Reader's Hunger for Knowledge. ...
  6. Tell Your Audience What to Do! ...
  7. Create the most valuable information resource. ...
  8. [BONUS] Add Numbers and Symbols.
Jan 6, 2023

How to make headlines more unique? ›

21 Tips for Writing Great Ad Headlines
  1. Include keywords. ...
  2. Ask questions. ...
  3. Solve prospects' problems. ...
  4. Add a little humor. ...
  5. Include numbers or statistics. ...
  6. Think carefully about user intent. ...
  7. Use empathy. ...
  8. Use simple language.
Dec 1, 2023

What's the golden rule of writing headlines? ›

What Is the Golden Rule for Writing Headlines? Consider following the ABCs of journalism: accuracy, brevity, clarity. Headlines should be accurate and honest; they should be short when possible, and they should summarize the topic clearly.

What are the essentials of a good headline? ›

What is a Headline?
  • Eye-Catching – Sounds obvious. ...
  • Believable – Don't get so wrapped up in trying to make things eye-popping that you are untruthful. ...
  • Easy to Read – Gimmicks are just that – gimmicks. ...
  • Active Voice – If you use verbs in your title, keep them active. ...
  • Brief – Long titles make people yawn.

What to avoid in writing headlines? ›

Avoid these common headline mistakes
  • Avoid vague heads. These are actual headlines that appeared in actual publications: ...
  • Tighten loose heads. ...
  • Reverbify label headlines. ...
  • Stop ing-ing. ...
  • Skip the buzzwords. ...
  • Skip 'headline words. ...
  • Don't drop key elements. ...
  • Don't make the reader groan.

How do you write a beautiful headline? ›

8 tips on writing marketing headlines that convert
  1. Use active voice instead of passive. Sometimes, it's not what you say but how you say it. ...
  2. Be concise. The best headlines are short, sweet, and to the point. ...
  3. Make sense. ...
  4. Spark curiosity. ...
  5. Use numbers. ...
  6. Include a reason to read. ...
  7. Write for your reader. ...
  8. Include power words.
Aug 24, 2023

What is an attention grabbing headline? ›

A great headline is like a first impression—it sets the tone for what's to come and can make all the difference in capturing your audience's attention. Keep it short, simple, clear and concise, and use active verbs and powerful language. And don't forget to inject personality and humor! -

Which is the best title for your blog post? ›

Without further ado, here are 101 title ideas you can use on your blog:
  • How to ____. ...
  • How to ____ in X Steps. ...
  • X Secrets You Didn't Know About ____. ...
  • What ____ Doesn't Want You to Know. ...
  • X Lies You've Been Told About ____. ...
  • X Myths About ____ You Probably Still Believe. ...
  • X Things We Learned From _____.
Jan 15, 2021

What is the ideal blog post title? ›

Make your title 50-60 characters

The ideal length of a blog title is 50-60 characters. This is long enough to use all the space available in Google's search results but short enough that your results aren't cut off like the example below.

How do you write a blog header? ›

Below, we showcase 50 awesome blogs with headers that make great first impressions and feature great content.
  1. Feature illustrations. ...
  2. Turn your title into a mark. ...
  3. Use a type-centric approach. ...
  4. Give animation a shot. ...
  5. Use expressive typefaces. ...
  6. Black text on white, always a win. ...
  7. Give your logo center stage.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.